Vol IX, No 2 (1901)

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The development and current state of the science on pathological and anatomical changes in dorsal tabes

N. Stern N.


In 1882, Strumpell published his famous work: "Die pathologische Anatomie der tabes dorsalis". In the introduction to this work, he says: already the clinical course of a typical dorsal tabes, with a more thorough examination, suggests that pathological changes in this disease, in contrast to many other diseases of the central nervous system, always occupy strictly defined areas of the central nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):1-81
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Epilepsiae partialis continuae case

Maevskiy M.M.


In 1894 prof. Kozhevnikov published the 4th case of a new type of epilepsy, characterized by the fact that the period between seizures is not free, but filled with constant twitching in one half of the body, as if an ordinary epileptic seizure continues constantly, but without loss of consciousness. In two of his cases, before seizures appeared, long before them convulsive twitching was found in the limbs of one side, and these convulsions began from the upper extremities, in which contractures and muscle atrophy were found. These convulsive twitchings reached the degree of an epileptic seizure with complete loss of consciousness. The same cases were described by Dr. Orlovsky in 1895 and Herman in 1896 ("Medical Review").

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):82-86
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Syringomyelia case

Heisin I.


Syringomyelia is a disease that is poorly studied not only from the pathological, but also from the clinical side, and therefore each case has its own interest and clarifies more and more this disease, which not so long ago was ranked as "eider et curiosa". Our patient has his own characteristics.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):87-94
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About hemiatetosis

Rudnev V.I.


In the clinics of nervous diseases of the University of St. Volodymyr, we had to meet only 3 cases of hemiathetosis during 3 years; of them, two outpatient, one stationary could be studied graphically, and the curves obtained in this way represent some features that characterize the way of muscle contraction in this case of involuntary movements.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):95-106
pages 95-106 views

About localization of cortical centers n. facialis

Aspisovykh I.N.


Aiming mainly to follow the central path of the upper branch n. facialis, which innervates the muscles: corrugator supercilii, orbicularis oculi and frontalis, we simultaneously engaged in the exact localization of the corresponding psychomotor centers on the cerebral cortex in dogs.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):107-113
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About the central conductors in the upper branch n. facialis

Aspisovykh I.N.


Studying the central path of the upper branch n. facialis in dogs, we adhered to the anatomical and physiological method, which combines the intravital observation of changes in the function of a known organ with postmortem examination of anatomical changes that entailed this defect in the function.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):114-120
pages 114-120 views

To the structure of the central surago substance of the brain

Mukhin N.


This study is a continuation of my other work on the structure of the fundus of the IV ventricle, published in 1892. Then I described a column of cells in the middle of the bottom substances, which did not pay enough attention to itself until then, although it was indicated in part by the first observers of the microscopic structure of this area.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):121-150
pages 121-150 views

Muscle atrophy in case of joint and bone suffering

Popov N.M.


The question of muscle atrophies is one of the most interesting questions of the nervous clinic, and although we already had to dwell on it several times during our course, I take pleasure in taking advantage of the opportunity presented to me today to touch on it again. I wish that I am glad that the analysis of the patient that you see here will allow me to significantly replenish your information.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):151-168
pages 151-168 views

On the identification of various systems of the spinal cord by the method of development

Bekhterev V.M.


Apparently, not everyone is still recognizing that the development method makes it possible to isolate not only the main, well-differentiated systems, but also all other bundles of the spinal cord. In view of this, it is interesting to find out whether all the well-known and well-differentiated systems, such as the bundles of Goll and Burdach in the posterior columns of the spinal cord and pyramidal and cerebellar bundles in the lateral columns, can be squeezed out in the spinal cord. and other systems of the spinal cord, relatively recently described by the method of regeneration.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):169-191
pages 169-191 views

Vl. Serbian. Forensic psychopathology. Lectures read at the Moscow University. Issue II. Clinical psychiatry. - Moscow, 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


Giving feedback on the first edition of the author's manual, which contains legislation on the mentally ill, I noted its dignity, which favorably distinguishes this work from other similar manuals. Then I especially emphasized the suitability of the first part of the author's manual for both doctors and lawyers. The second edition of forensic psychopathology, containing clinical psychiatry, does not differ in these features.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):192-193
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Prof. N.M. Popov. Six lectures on the progressive paralysis of the obsessed. — Kazan, 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


The author's work is a condensed monograph on progressive paralysis. In six lectures, the author outlined everything essential, presented all the new data that modern scholarship has about this form of disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):193-193
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Prof. P.I.Kovalevskiy. Recognition of epileptics in Europe and America. SPb. 1901

Vorotynskiy B.


All civilized countries of the world in the question of the spirit of epileptics stopped at the device of agricultural colonies. Such institutions for epileptics exist already in all countries of the educated world: in America, England, France, Germany and others; they are not only in Russia in Russia. The author vividly describes the difficult situation of epileptics in the family environment, points to their great danger to society and clarifies the urgent need to seriously address the issue of the charity of these unfortunate patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):193-194
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Priv.-Assoc. V.A.Muratov. Clinical lectures on nervous and mental illnesses. Issue III. Moscow, 1900

Vorotynskiy B.


This issue consists of 12 lectures and is all devoted to the study of the epilepsy. Thus, the third issue of the author's "lectures" is a short monograph on epilepsy. In the first five lectures, the author examines the symptomatology of local epilepsy, general epilepsy and epilepsy disease in childhood.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):194-195
pages 194-195 views

R. Näcke. Significance of inheritance in progressive paralysis. (Die Rolle der erblichen Belastung bei der Progressiven Paralyse der Irren). - Neurolog. Centralblatt. 1900. No. 16. 748 s

Malyev V.


The author of the article is already known as a defender of the theory of the important meaning of inheritance during progress. paralysis. In more early works, he touches on this theory in detail, but now he gives further proof of it. By inheritance, he actually understands 6 factors: mental and nervous diseases, extraordinary (auf-fallend) character, paralysis (apoplexy), suicide and drunkenness. Out of 100 cases prog. paralysis, inheritance was undoubted or preceded by a huge likelihood in 43 paralytics, that is, in 43%. There are interesting cases where it was possible to see signs of inheritance in several family members at the same time.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):195-196
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Gaston Bechet. Biological data on the relations of families of common progress. paralytics. (Conditions biologiques des families des paralytices generaux.) - Arch. de neurolog. 1900, no. 70, p. 121-132

Malyev V.


Dismantling 40 families of programs. paralytic, the author concerns: 1) longevity, 2) fertility, 3) vitality and 4) sickness of their members. Everywhere he compares his figures with the figures of Hall and Regis, the development plan of which he used.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):196-198
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N. Behr. Observations of progressive paralysis in the last 4 decades. (Beobachtungen über die progressive Paralyse wahrend der letzten vier jahrzehnte) - Allg. Ztschr. f. Psych. 1900, T. 57, H. 5, 707-741 s

Malyev V.


The author uses data on 575 men. paralytics for the period 1858-1899 and 108 women. during the period 1860-1899, died in hospital. They are located on 8 five-year groups, distinguishing 3 main forms of paralysis: manic (agitated), typical and dementia. The article is divided into 2 parts - paralysis of men and paralysis of women.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):198-200
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V. Chizh. Dostoevsky as a criminologist. —-Vѣstn. Rights, January, 1901

Obraztsov V.


The author analyzes in some detail the types of criminals in the products of Dostoevsky, giving a beautiful depiction of criminals by nature, random criminals, criminals by passion and mentally ill criminals several ten years earlier, when criminologists did it.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):200-202
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P.I.Kovalevskiy. Crime and jealousy.-Zhurn. Min. Yust. 1901

Obraztsov V.


The crimes committed under the influence of jealousy are not a rare phenomenon, and the very feeling of jealousy is older than humanity, for it is also manifested in the animal kingdom. However, the number of works devoted to a thorough study of this feeling known to everyone does not correspond to a life's demand.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):202-203
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Weiss. Influence des variations de temperature sur les periodes latentes du muscle, du nerf et de la moelle. Compt. rend, hebdom. des seances de la Societe de Biologie T. III No. 3 p. 51 1900. About the influence of temperature on the latent period of irritation of muscle, nerve and spinal cord

Polumordvinov D.


The intensity of the chemical processes occurring in living tissues undergoes significant changes, the temperature of these tissues changes; on muscle tissue, this law can be demonstrated with greater clarity; It is known that when the temperature rises or falls, the muscle curve shrinks sharply, and the latent period of irritation lengthens for low temperatures and shortens for high temperatures. The duration of the latent period is thus associated with the rapidity of the appearance of chemical changes in the muscles and can serve, to a certain extent, as yardstick.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):204-205
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Carvallo. Influence de la temperature sur la fatigue des nerfs moteurs de la grenouille. Journ. de Physiol. et. de pat-hol. generale. T II p. 549 1900. Influence of temperature on fatigue of motor nerves of a frog

Polumordvinov D.


At the present time, there is a clearly expressed tendency to examine the activity of the nerves subject to other laws than those that govern the activity of the rest of the body tissues. Since the time of the study of Bernstein, Vvedensky and Bovdich, most of the physiologists speak out for the fatigue of the nerves.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):205-207
pages 205-207 views

Chronicle and mix

Nikolaev V.V.


We have received two books of the new "Journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatry named after S. S. Korsakov". The edition is very neat, the content is interesting, the section of abstracts is very complete and detailed. The editorial board of the new journal, in addition to professors, included almost all privat- docents of nervous and mental illnesses of Moscow University. The journal is the organ of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists, which is attached to the Moscow University. All this taken together serves as a guarantee of the success of the new magazine, which will undoubtedly occupy one of the prominent places among the periodicals of our special literature.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):208-214
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Chronicle of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at Imperial Kazan University

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by years. honorary members: E. V. Adamyuk and I. M. Dogel and Mr. acting members: B. I. Vorotynskiy, V. S. Gruzdev. G. A. Klyachkin, N. A. Mislavsky, V. N. Obraztsov, A. S. Seiel, L. A. Serguev, G. V. Sorokovikov, D. A. Timoeev, A. E. Yanishevsky, guests: M. Ya. Kapustin, L. A. Tretyakov, Borman, Birilev, Loginov, Luriya, Ms. Nadel, Romanov and a man about 60 outsiders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):214-218
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Minutes of the annual appointment of the Island on January 28, 1901

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by years. honorary members: E. V. Adamyuk and I. M Dogel, and Messrs. acting members: V. S. Boldyrev, B. I. Vorotynskiy, A. F. Geberg, V. S. Gruzdev, V. P. Mal'ev, N. A. Mislavskiy, I. I. Naumov, V. N. Obraztsov , D. V. Polumordvinov, I. A. Praksin, V. I. Razumovskiy, A. S. Segel, L. A. Sergeee, G. V. Sorokovikov, D. A. Timofeev, A. E. Yanishevskiy; guests: Ms. Nadel, Rymovich, Luriya, Loginov, Garkavi, prof. Kapustin and a man about 300 outsiders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):218-219
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Protocol of appointment on February 25, 1901

Popov N.M.


It was chaired by prof. N.M. Popov, under the secretary of V.V. Nikolaev. Attended by Mr. Honorary Member of the Islands I. M. Dogel and Mr. active members: V. I. Vorotynskiy, A. F. Geberg, G. A. Klyachkin, V. P. Mal'ev, N. A. Mislavskiy, I. I. Naumov, V. N. Obraztsov, A. S. Segel, L. A. Serg П.ev, P. S. Skuridin, A.I.Smirnov, G.V. Sorokovikov, D.A.Timoeev, A.E. Yanishevsky and guests of Dr. Luria, Shirokikh, Loshilov, Romanov and Zuev and a man about 30 people.

Neurology Bulletin. 1901;IX(2):219-224
pages 219-224 views

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