Vol XVIII, No 2 (1911)


Little-described forms of acutely developed dementia after trauma

Lapinskiy M.N.


Daily clinical experience shows that gross tremors of the body and, in particular, bruises of the head, can be accompanied by a variety of mental disorders, ranging from very elementary changes in memory, mood, etc., and ending with the most complex mental illnesses with a complete change in intelligence, will, mood , character and personality in general in all its phases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):225-311
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The modern epidemic of school suicides in Russia

Popov N.M.


Suicide is a profoundly abnormal phenomenon. That is why every case of him involuntarily attracts general attention even in our time, when a person's life has fallen so low in value. But if what has just been said is true in relation to suicide in general, all the more it matters when it comes to children.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):312-355
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About hallucinations and pseudo-hallucinations

Rudnev V.I.


Hallucinations and pseudo-hallucinations represent the most interesting disorders in the mentally ill; they are counted among the elementary deceptions of the senses. In my opinion, such a reckoning of them as deceptions of feelings is completely wrong, they must be attributed to deceptions of the mind, which I hope to prove further, pointing out that feelings are not deceived in them, and also that he is not at all elementary, but represent the result complex mental processes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):356-404
pages 356-404 views

Coordination-motor function of the cerebellum

Grecker R.A.


When choosing dogs, one has to pay attention mainly to the age of the dog. Young and old dogs are not suitable for experiments on the cerebellum. Young ones are not suitable because their bones are not sufficiently compacted; they are porous, riddled with bony sinuses overflowing with blood, and are therefore bleeding.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):405-453
pages 405-453 views

Military psychiatric affairs in the Austro-Hungarian, German and French armies

Sobolevsky A.V.


With regard to alcoholism in the German army, on this issue, one can point to the rather detailed work of Dr. Stier. Having prefaced the essay on the influence of alcohol on a person, the author proceeds to the question of the meaning of this influence for the army in peacetime and wartime.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):454-499
pages 454-499 views

O. Maas. On the question of Recklingausen'a disease. Beitrag zur Kentniss der Recklinghausenschen Krankheit. Monatschr. für Psychiatrie u. Neurol., Bd. XXVIII (1910 г.)

Leshchinsky V.N.


The author gives a medical history and the results of a detailed microscopic examination of a case in which he was diagnosed with multiple tumors of the nervous system during his lifetime. Based on post mortem research, which revealed the existence of numerous tumors of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain, peripheral nerves and roots, the author views this case as a rare form of Recklingausen’s disease, in which there are no skin tumors that occur in almost all cases of this disease.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):500-500
pages 500-500 views

M. Allen Starr. Deafness caused by brain damage. Deafuesse due to lesion in the brain. Journ. of Nerv. and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 7.

Likhnitsky V.N.


Cases of deafness caused by damage to the brain are not common; the reason for this may be either cortical foci - more or less extensive destruction of the temporal lobes, or the defeat of pontis Varolii. The case described by the author belongs to the second group.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):500-501
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W. G. Spiller. Fridreich's disease. Fridreich’s ataxia. — Journ. of Nervous and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 7

Likhnitsky V.N.


The author describes 2 cases of Fridreich’s disease (one of them with autopsy); both of them represent the peculiarity that, along with the typical symptoms of this disease, they had rather pronounced atrophy of the muscles of the arms and legs, and atrophic phenomena prevailed in the peripheral parts of the upper and lower extremities

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):501-502
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G. Markelov. To the pathogenesis and therapy of myasthenia. - Therapeutic Review, December 1910.

Likhnitsky V.N.


The author points out that a great service to the clinic in the study of the pathogenesis of myasthenia gravis was rendered by the acquaintance with the glandular system, with internal secretion, which has significantly advanced in recent years.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):502-502
pages 502-502 views

G. Clérambault. Materials on the issue of the abuse of ether. Notes sur l’éthérisme.—Archives de Neurologie, 1910, p. 268, 315 и 397.

Likhnitsky V.N.


In this paper, Clérambault cites 14 personal observations of acute and chronic ether poisoning. 4 of his patients are men, the rest are women; almost all of them are relatively young. In almost all cases, various signs of mental degeneration could be ascertained.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):502-503
pages 502-503 views

T. Prout and A. Taylor. Severing the posterior roots in the case of persistent gastralgia in a tabetic. Introspinal neurectomy for intractable tabetic gastralgia. — Journ. of Nervous and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 7

Likhnitsky V.N.


Patient 50 years old, 7 years old suffers from tabes dorsalis. One of the early symptoms of this disease was severe pain in the stomach, against which the patient was forced to resort, for more than 5 years, to injections of morphine.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):503-504
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A. Taylor and Ch. Beling. Spastic paraplegia caused by brain damage. А case of spastic paraplegia following cerebral injury.—Journal of Nervous and Ment. Diseases, 1910, № 8

Likhnitsky V.N.


A 19-year-old subject was hit in the right eye by a bullet and entered the cranial cavity and remained there.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):504-504
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N. Willige. Observations on the action of Ehrlich-Hata on neurological and psychiatric material. Uber Erfahrung mit Ehrlich-Hata 606 an psychiatrisch-neurologischen Material.—Münch. med. Wochensch. 1910, № 46

Likhnitsky V.N.


Injections of the drug "606" were made in 35 patients; 5 had repeated injections; 21 of them suffered from progression paralysis, 3 — taboparalyse, 5 — lues cerebri, 3 — tabes dorsalis, 1 — lues spinalis, and, finally, in 2 cases the diagnosis could not be established with certainty.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):504-505
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Prof. Treupel. Further observations on injections of Ehrlich Hata, especially in syphilis of the central nervous system, in tabes dorsalis and paralysisѣ.Weitere Erfarungen mit Ehrlich-Hata Injectionen, insbesondere bei Lues des zentralen Nervensystem bei Tabes und Paralyse.—Münch. med. Woch. 1910, №46

Likhnitsky V.N.


The author produced injections of Ehrlich Hata for syphilis of the central nervous system, for tabes dorsalis and paralysis progressiva. The most favorable results were obtained by him in syphilis of the central nervous system.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):505-507
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Physiotherapy. L. Blum. Treatment of sciatic nerve inflammation with epidural injections. Uber die Behandlung der Ischias mit epiduralen Injectionen.—Münch. med. Wochensch. 1910

Likhnitsky V.N.


The epidural injection technique was proposed almost simultaneously by Sicard and Chatelin. The author used epidural injections in the treatment of chronic ischias using first 1% cocaine solution or 4% —stovain’a, and subsequently with physiological sodium chloride solution.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):507-508
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Report on the state of public health and the organization of medical care in Russia for 1908 — Managing Director. Ch. Doctor. Inspection MVD Institutions for the mentally ill.

Sholomovich A.S.


There were 37,000 patients in 145 hospitals. 20 provinces and regions do not have a single civil psychiatric hospital; some figures indirectly illustrate even more clearly the formulation of psychiatric care for the population in Russia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):508-509
pages 508-509 views

A. Shilov. Pris. turn. On the question of how to combat drunkenness

Sholomovich A.S.


The brochure presents the first part of the author's report to the Central Committee of the Union on October 17 on bills to combat drunkenness.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):509-511
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N.I. Tezyakov. The incidence of the population of the Saratov province in 1904. General outline and materials. Publication of the Saratov Provincial Zemstvo.

Sholomovich A.S.


The author examines the results of the card registration of patients, carried out by zemstvo doctors.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):511-512
pages 511-512 views

Dr. M. A. Zakharchenko. "Vascular diseases of the brain stem". Issue I. Blockage art. cerebelli post. infer. Moscow. 1911 g.

Favorsky A.E.


The just published monograph by Dr. Zakharchenko on occlusion art. cerebelli will undoubtedly be met with great interest in the literature.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):512-514
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Report on the activities of the Society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1910

Favorsky V.K.


The past year is the 19th year of the Society's life. By arranging scientific meetings and publishing a special journal "Neurological Bulletin", the Society contributed to the development of questions on anatomy, microscopic anatomy, nervous physiology, psychology, neuropathology and psychiatry with the pathological anatomy of the toxicity of nervous and mental and forensic disorders,

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):515-520
pages 515-520 views

Chronicles and mix

Donskov N.A.


The Council of Ministers at a meeting on May 2 approved and allowed to submit to the State Duma a bill of the Ministry of Railways on the transformation of the disabled for railway employees of the house of Emperor Alexander II.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):523-527
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Minutes of the annual meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on January 26, 1911.

Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. L.O. Darkshevich under the secretary of Dr. V. K. Voroshilov. Attended by: prof. Osipov, Chistovich, doctor Pervushin, favorsky, Mikhailov, Nikolaevsky, Protopopov, N. A. Donskov, V. A. Donskov, Bolberg, Lopatin, Tsypkin, Golovin, Chirkovsky, Emdin, Arkhangelskaya, Semileyskaya, Skuridin, Kushelevsk students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(2):527-534
pages 527-534 views

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