Vol XVIII, No 3 (1911)

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To the question of the "Apraksii"

Obraztsov V.N.


In the question of cerebral localizations, the attention of a neuropathologist is especially attracted by those centers whose activity causes complexes of muscle movements aimed at performing expedient actions. Articulate speech can serve as such an ideal type of purposeful movement.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):535-564
pages 535-564 views

To the doctrine of the localization and pathogenesis of athetosis movements (a case of hemiatetosis with epilepsy)

Starokoplitsky N.I.


The question of the origin and topical diagnosis of violent movements, which are extremely close to each other symptoms of chorea and athetosis in focal cerebral adhesions, despite the long-term study of it and the extensive literature devoted to it, has not yet found a positive solution.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):565-591
pages 565-591 views

The modern epidemic of school suicides in Russia

Popov N.M.


Late Greek by birth; the family consists of a mother and five brothers, lives in abundance; brothers are intelligent people, mother is illiterate. These facts exhaust information about the family; we do not know whether there are indications of pathological heredity, or not, what was the attitude of the mother and brothers towards Z. The headmaster of the gymnasium did not even report the characteristics of the deceased, he does not say a word about his abilities, mental development, life interests.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):592-646
pages 592-646 views

The use of osteoplastic craniotomy in two cases of partial epilepsy

Arkhangelskaya E.N.


Taking advantage of the kind offer of the director of the clinic, prof. L.O.Darkshevich, I want to introduce two patients to the Society. They deserve attention mainly from the point of view of surgical intervention in the field of neuropathology. This is a fairly typical manifestation of partial epilepsy, where the removal of a section of the cortex was applied in order to eliminate the influence of the alleged source of its irritation.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):647-664
pages 647-664 views

About hallucinations and pseudo-hallucinations

Rudnev V.I.


From these examples it can be seen that subjectivity can be combined with objectivity, and how this phenomenon should be considered, for example, in Maupassant, as a hallucination or as a pseudo-hallucination from the point of view of Kandinsky. Of course, one has to consider it a hallucination, as Maupassant himself admits, since with visual pseudo-hallucinations, patients, as they themselves express themselves, see not usually with their eyes, but with mental eyes, therefore, it will be necessary to consider phenomena that are close to the images of fantasy as pseudo-hallucinations, when patients do not experience those usual peripheral sensations, as in hallucinations, in which the subject, although he may consider the given phenomenon to be subjective, but experiences the same sensation, as in peripheral stimuli.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):665-714
pages 665-714 views

Brain preservation according to the modified Kaiserling's method

Baklushinskiy I.D.


The preservation liquids proposed for the preservation of anatomical preparations have the disadvantage that the organs in them either completely decolorize, or they take on a different color that differs from the original one. Most often, alcohol is used to preserve drugs. Its advantage over other liquids is that the preparations stored in it are, for the most part, suitable for microscopic examination. But alcohol, extracting the coloring of the blood from the preparations, decolours them, making it impossible to demonstrate on the preparation pathological processes in which color changes occur. This disadvantage is eliminated by keeping the preparations in a saline solution of formalin, followed by their processing in alcohol and a solution of glycerin and alcohol in water.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):715-718
pages 715-718 views

To the study of myopathy

Pervushin V.P.


Recently, the doctrine of primary muscular tabes has been enriched with several new facts that make it possible to expand our information regarding the symptomatology of this form, and at the same time with respect to its pathogenesis. Here I mean, firstly, the spread to almost the entire muscles of the myopathic of a particular state of her, usually observed only in a very limited number of muscles, namely, pseudo-contractions or muscle data; further, secondly, this includes a kind of disorder in the nutrition of the skeleton and changes in the rest of the body with myopathy.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):719-748
pages 719-748 views

K. Weiler. Study of the colonic reflex in humans. Untersuchungen an Knieschnereflexes bei Menschen. Zeitschr. für die gesam. Neurol. und Psychiatrie. Bd. I, (1910).

Likhnitsky V.N.


The methods that have so far been proposed for the study of the patellar reflex represent, according to Weiler, a number of major shortcomings; in order to avoid them as much as possible, he built his own apparatus, with the help of which, by means of a graphical method, it is possible to register with sufficient accuracy either the movement of the leg, or the contraction of musc itself. quadriceps femoris.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):749-750
pages 749-750 views

J. Pfahl. Graphic depiction of motor processes, especially with knee reflexes. Ueber dié graphische Darstellung von Bewegungsvorgängen, ins besonderen des Patellarreflexes. Zeitschr. für d. ges. Neurol. und Psychiatrie. Bd. I, s. 502 (1910).

Likhnitskiy V.N.


Pfahl notes that when accurately studying the pattelar reflex using graphic curves, one should bear in mind the fact that when studying this reflex in a sitting position, it is necessary to take into account not only the effect of muscle contraction, the phenomenon of a reflex nature, but also to reckon with the influence of gravity, grounding the extensor movements of the leg. and accelerating flexion.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):750-751
pages 750-751 views

A. Kronfeld. To the question of the study of Wasserman's reaction and its discriminatory meaning in psychiatry. Beitrage zur Studium der Wassermanschen Reaction und ihrer diagnostischen Anwendung in der Psychiatrie. Zeitschr. für die ges. Neurol. und Psychiatrie. Bd. I, s. 376 (1910)

Likhnitskiy V.N.


The first part of the article is devoted to the description of the Wasserman reaction technique and the analysis of theories proposed to explain its mechanism, the second contains clinical data.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):751-752
pages 751-752 views

H. Schnitzer. To the current state of the issue of the treatment of epilepsy. Zum gegenwärtigen Stände der Epilepsiebehandlung. Zeitschr. für d. gesamt. Neurol. und Psych. Bd. II, s. 77 (1910)

Likhnitskiy V.N.


The author divides the measures proposed so far to combat epilepsy into 4 groups: 1) hygienic, medical and physical methods of treatment, 2) organ and serotherapy, 3) medicinal and 4) surgical treatment.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):752-753
pages 752-753 views

A. Sézary. Treatment of parasyphilitic nervous diseases. Traitement pathogénique des affections parasyphilitiques. Presse Médicale, 1910, № 3

Likhnitsky V.N.


The development of tabes'a and progressive paralysis begins, according to the author, with syphilitic mineingitis, appearing in the secondary period simultaneously with skin lesions; the only manifestation of this meningitis is lymphocytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):753-755
pages 753-755 views

G.I. Markelov. Organotherapy of nervous diseases. Therapeutic Review, 1911, No. 13

Likhnitsky V.N.


In the introduction, the author gives a brief overview of the current state of the issue of internal secretion; he cites theories proposed to explain the mechanism of interaction between individual glands and notes the enormous role played by internal secretion in normal metabolism and in the occurrence of a number of diseases.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):755-755
pages 755-755 views

Priv.-Assoc. A. N. Bernstein. Clinical approaches to the psychological study of the mentally ill. Experience of experimental clinical semiotics of intellectual disorders. Cb 26 fig. in the text and IX tables on separate sheets. Ed. student medits. ed. commission named after N.I. Pirogov. Moscow. 1911 C. I p. 25 r.

Osipov V.


The book by A.N.Bernstein consists of an introduction, a methodology and partial semiotics. In the introduction, the author points out the urgent need now to use the methods of experimental psychology in the study of mentally ill patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):755-756
pages 755-756 views

Chronicle and mix

Donskov N.A.


At the Psycho-Neurological Institute, the position of assistant and dissector at the Department of Normal Anatomy is vacant. Doctors wishing to take this position are asked to send applications with curriculum vitae to the office of the Psychoneurological Institute (St. Petersburg, Nevskiy 104).

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):757-764
pages 757-764 views

Minutes of the II meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on February 28, 1911

Osipov V.P., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. V.P. Osipov with the secretary Voroshilov Present: Levchatkin, Skuridin, Pervushin, Veselitskiy, Bolberg, Lapukhin, Simileiskaya, Sorokovikov, Nikolaevskiy, Dvorkovich, Favorskiy, Arkhangelskaya, Golovin, Tupitsin 15 students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):765-766
pages 765-766 views

Protocol of the IIIrd meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on April 6, 1911

Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary Voroshilov. Present: prof. Osipov, Simileiskaya, Favorsky, Pervushin, Opokin, Chalusov, Baklushinsky, Arkhangelskaya, Goryaev, Mokin, Bolberg, Protopopov, Dvorkovich, Osipov, Pipkin, Vishnevsky, Nadel-Pruzhanskaya, Klyachkin, Voskresenskiy N. Dolgov, Ivanov and a human 10 students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):766-772
pages 766-772 views

Protocol of the IV meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University on April 23, 1911

Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. L. O. Darkshevich with the secretary Voroshilov Present: prof. Osipov, Dr. Simileyskaya, Bogatyrev, Baklushinskiy, Nikolaevskiy, Dvorkovich, Arkhangelskaya, N. A. Donskov, Favorskiy, Lapukhin, Bolberg, Potopopov, outsiders, students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1911;XVIII(3):773-777
pages 773-777 views

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