Vol XX, No 1 (1913)


N. M. Popov (25 years of professorship)


Nikolay Mikhailovich Popov was born on June 30, 1854 in the city of Vyatka. After graduating from the Vyatka gymnasium with a gold medal, H.M. entered the medical-surgical academy and graduated from it in 1878 cum eximia laude.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):1a-2a
pages 1a-2a views

On the issue of apraxia and related disorders

Obraztsov V.N.


Far from new, but still full of the most lively interest, the issue of disorders of speech, reading and writing over the past years began to be covered from a somewhat different point of view, namely from the point of view of loss or weakening of the influence of painful habitual processes of As the necessary elements, they enter the complex process of internal speech, sound speech and materialized speech, i.e., writing.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):1-17
pages 1-17 views

On the question of the pathogenesis of athetosis

Dobrovolsky E.E.


The question of the pathogenesis of violent movements that developed on the basis of organic diseases of the brain is still poorly understood and is a dark place in neuropathology. Along with various types of violent movements, athetosis is a relatively rare disease and is due to its varied anatomical nature and the different clinical picture accompanying it, for the clinician-neuropathologist, each new case is of some interest.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):51-105
pages 51-105 views

About the sense organs of crayfish

Erickson E.V.


Despite the fact that crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis L, etc.) are very widespread and well-known animals, and in zoological laboratories they are favorite objects for studying the type of crustaceans, the psychophysiology of their sense organs is still in its infancy. Until now, they argue whether the crayfish have a hearing or not, whether they are capable of a sense of taste, whether they have a sense of smell, whether they distinguish colors, whether they can see words in our usual sense, etc. or these animals, only reflex acts are possible, automatic phototaxis, ototaxis, chemotaxis, rheotropism, negative or positive, etc., and the presence of the psyche is completely excluded. Difficult for the decision has to be considered the question of chemotaxis, as it eliminates the very separation of understanding of taste and smell. It is also difficult to differentiate the auditory response from such to the vibration of water, which is inevitably accompanied by sounds. One of the essential difficulties in resolving these, as well as other similar questions, is that the crayfish is water; have to be considered with somewhat different conditions for physical and chemical influences than on land.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):106-141
pages 106-141 views

A case of leptomeningitis infectiosa haemorrhagica et encephalomyelitis

Favorsky A.


The inflammatory process of the soft meninges is very rarely accompanied by small hemorrhages in them. On the contrary, a large diffuse hemorrhage prevailing in the pathological picture of inflammation of the meninges, as it was in our case, is a very rare phenomenon. From this side, as well as from the point of view of the bacteriological find, the described case seems unusual and deserves to be noted.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):142-158
pages 142-158 views

Meidel. On the issue of fatigue of nerve centers. University News. Kiev. October 1912

Averbukh R.


When studying reflexes in animals, one has to resort to an artificial increase in reflex excitability. In 1902, Zeduc showed that if an intermittent galvanic current is passed through a warm animal, then real sleep occurs with the preservation of reflexes, with a decrease in pain sensitivity, with a normal heartbeat and breathing. It turns out that at a certain stage of such an experiment, a frog exhibits a significant increase in reflexes.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):159-159
pages 159-159 views

A. A. Pavnitskiy. On the issue of testing of urinary incontinence sufferers. "Military Med. Zhur. ", Book. I, ―1913

Averbukh R.


In the course of many years, the author had to stand close to the issue of testing urine. When familiarizing himself with the setting of this rule in all large military hospitals in European Russia and in many military medical institutions in Western Europe, the author drew attention to the complete absence of urinating in foreign military medical hospitals in Russia, as opposed to the masses of urinating military in Western Europe. Further, the author points out that among us who urinate are often found incurable, in foreign armies they are easily cured. The author distinguishes seven types of urinary incontinence. The first three groups: - idiotes and feeble-minded, suffering from developed organic lesions of the spinal cord and face with incomplete development of the spinal cord — for servicesѣ are not suitable, and the question of the extent of their testing is ruled out by the study of the nervous system; The fourth group is diabetes insipidus, the fifth = diseases of the bladder and the sixth = muscle and nervous exhaustion during the hard and unusual work of military training.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):159-160
pages 159-160 views

Dr. A. D. Kotsovskiy. About the so-called "Baltic movement" in Bessarabia. — Proceedings of the Bessarabian Society of Naturalists. vol. III, 1912

Averbukh R.


Start t. Kaz. Balt psychosis dates back to 1909. In connection with the mass pilgrimage of the peasants of the Bessarabian and Kherson provinces. In the Baltsky Monastery, among the pilgrims, separate neuropsychic diseases appeared, which soon took on a mass character. All sick people are Moldovans. In each individual case, a connection with the Bessarabian monasteries is unconditionally established. The disease is of the nature of hysterical psychosis (hysteria); it is accompanied by shouts, hiccups, vomiting, convulsions with loss of consciousness, and sometimes hallucinations. All these symptoms have a close connection with the teachings that were then preached in the Baltsky and surrounding monasteries. According to this scholarship, for the sins of people, the devil enters them; it settles in the abdomen and produces all the symptoms described above. You can get rid of it by fasting, prayer, refusal of wine and tobacco, reprimanding, walking in monasteries and donations to monasteries, as well as perfecting a special banner of the cross.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):160-161
pages 160-161 views

N. A. Yurman. Body weight with progressive paralysis imprint. - "Russian doctor", No. 26, 1912

Averbukh R.


The material for the reviewed work was the curved weight of 36 paralytics from the department of mental illnesses at the St. Petersburg Nikolaev military hospital.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):161-162
pages 161-162 views

Prof. I. A. Sikorskiy. Psychological struggle against suicide in his youth. Kiev 1913

Averbukh R.


The author points to a new trend in psychological analysis and treatment (Freud Iung.). Freud's doctrine about lost and forgotten, but active affects, he complements the proposition that not only feelings and affects, but all mental acts in general, such as thought, volitional tension, motor charge, mental directive, can sink into the soul, and break through with force and cause this or that disorder of mental activity. The author examines the influence of such lost psychic acts as one of the reasons for suicide.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):162-162
pages 162-162 views

L. Waldstein. Subconscious "I". Psychotherapeutic library. Vii

Dobrovolskiy E.E.


When reading the book of Dr. Waldstein'a, first of all, the diversity of the issues raised is striking; analyzing them, albeit very superficially, the author tries to connect into one whole series of very large phenomena of a social and religious nature with art, ethics and psychology of the soul, in order to clarify to the reader the role of subconscious impressions and the meaning of the subconscious self.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):163-165
pages 163-165 views

Report on the activities of the Society of Neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University for 1912

Voroshilov V.K.


In the past 21st year of the Society's life, in order to contribute to the progress of neurology and psychiatry and related branches of knowledge, the Society arranged scientific meetings and published a special journal "Neurological Vestnik".

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):165-168
pages 165-168 views

Minutes of the Audit Commission. January 30, 1913

Pervushin V.P.


The auditing commission, having familiarized itself with the income and expense book, the receipt book, with the financial documents of the Society and with the supporting documents, having checked them, found the receipt of the income book correct for 1912, and the expenses are confirmed by the submitted supporting documents.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):168-173
pages 168-173 views

Chronicle and mix. Volume XX, issue 1 (1913)

Donskov N.A.


With pleasure, fulfilling the request of the esteemed Dr. L.B. Bertenson, we are pleased to inform you of the appeal developed by the commission of editors of medical publications in St. Petersburg:

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):174-180
pages 174-180 views

The history of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the second regular meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists on February 20, 1912

Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary of Voroshilov. Attended by: prof. Osipov, Pervushin, Veselitskiy, Protopopov. Nikolskiy, Arkhangelskaya, Emdin, Plaksin, Osipova, Bolberg, Nikolskiy, Bushmakin, Aleksandrov, outsiders, students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):181-184
pages 181-184 views

The history of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the V-th meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists on May 23, 1912

Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. Darkshevich under the secretary Voroshilov. Attended by: prof. Osipov, prof. Polumordvinov, Gavorskiy, Donskov, Udintsev, Bykov.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):184-186
pages 184-186 views

The history of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the next VІІ meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists on October 31, 1912

Darkshevich L.O.


Chaired by prof. L.O. Darkshevich under the secretary of Baklushinsky Attended by: Pref. V. P. Osipov, Dr. V. I. Levchatkin, P. S. Skuridin, A. V. Gavorskiy, N. P. Pervushin, N. A. Donskov, E. N. Arkhangelskaya, V. K. Voroshilov, Tsipkin, Protopopov, G. A. Klyachkin and others, human 30 stud. University.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):186-190
pages 186-190 views

The history of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrs at the Imperial Kazan University. Protocol of the VIII-th meeting of the Society of Neuropathologists and Peikhіators on November 2, 1912

Darkshevich L.O., Voroshilov V.K.


Chaired by prof. L.O.Darkshevich under the secretary of Voroshilov. Attended by: prof. Mislavskiy, prof. Osipov, Levchatkin, Pervushin, Skuridin, Sorokovikov, Klyachkin Pavlenko, Alekseev, Sholomovich, Emdin, Birilev, Arkhangel'skaia, Similsyskaya, Chirkovskіy, Bolberg, Chalusov Idelson, Zarnitsin, Tupitsin, Dolgov, Leman, et al., Extraneous audience and students.

Neurology Bulletin. 1913;XX(1):190-192
pages 190-192 views

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