Vol XXIII, No 3-4 (1916)

Original article

Changes in the respiratory rhythm in traumatic neurosis

Sreznevsky V.V.


Among a number of functional changes observed in traumatic neuroses, the disorder in the respiratory rhythm and the shortness of breath associated with this, which is very painful for patients, attract attention.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):175-191
pages 175-191 views

To the question of traumatic neurosis of wartime

Anfimov V.A.


Traumatic neurosis and psycho-neurosis, in the words of Professor L. O. Darkshevich, are of interest and value of the moment, since never before have we encountered such a huge amount of material regarding damage to various organs as in this war. The nervous system is, of course, no exception here. Not only that, it is also damaged in the main.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):192-206
pages 192-206 views

On the frequency of the pulse and respirations in contusion psychoneurosis

Vyrubov N.A.


Changes in the frequency of the pulse and respiration in traumatic neuroses are, as observations show, a constant phenomenon. This could also be seen from the exceptionally extensive material provided by the present war.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):207-341
pages 207-341 views

Lumpiness of the spine

Rudnev V.I.


Description in 1892 by Bekhterev of a special clinical form of spinal disease and its considerations regarding the mechanism, etiology and pathogenesis of stiffness contributed to the fact that neuropathologists paid special attention to this form, and many observations of it appeared, more clinical than pathoanatomical in nature.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):239-256
pages 239-256 views

On the question of the relationship between lues and alopecia areata

Sukhov A.A.


The alopecia group is of great interest from the point of view of pathogenesis. As you know, by this time the clinic, heads. arr., dermatological distinguishes several types of hair atrophy: alopecia cengenita and acquired alopecia, which in turn is divided into several subspecies: alopecia furfuracea, alopecia senilis, alopecia praematura, alopecia sympthomatica (Joseph 1). Dermatology in the division and treatment of the question of alopecia approaches him, chapters. arr., from the point of view of morphological features, partly the course of the process in connection with etiology.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):257-268
pages 257-268 views

Mental illness among the Jews in connection with the pathology of the Jews in general

Vermel S.S.


The question of the incidence of Jews, the so-called pathology of the Jews, has recently attracted the attention of both demographers and doctors. In Berlin, even a special journal "Zeitsshrift für Demographie und Statistik der luden" has been published for a long time, in which a lot of space is devoted specifically to the pathology of the Jews.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):269-303
pages 269-303 views

Meeting on the organization of charity for mentally ill soldiers

Vyrubov N.A.


On November 24-27, 1916, a meeting of representatives of public organizations, departments and psychiatrists was held in Petrograd, convened in accordance with the decisions of the Main Committees of the Zemsky and City Unions. The meeting discussed the issues of organizing charity for mentally ill soldiers, dismissed from service and other persons involved in the war.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):314-320
pages 314-320 views

On the question of determining the number of mentally "sick warriors in need of charity"

Vyrubov N.A.


If the matter of accounting for mental illness in connection with wartime had been set up correctly from the very beginning of the war, if the registration of this group of patients had been concentrated in one unifying institution, if, finally, the statistical material had been processed in a timely and appropriate manner, then the solution of the question posed and while with sufficient accuracy it would not present great difficulties.

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):304-313
pages 304-313 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of November 9, 1916

Darkshevich V.P., Steinberg S.


Presided over by prof. Darkshevich, members of the Society were present: Pervushin, Favorsky, Skuridin, Idelson, Steinberg, Donskov.

  1. O. Darkshevich opened the meeting with a speech dedicated to the memory of Il. Il. Mechnikov. He pointed out that his death came in the midst of the struggle with the German coalition, the struggle of Russia, which Mechnikov dearly loved, despite living in a foreign country. In turn, the homeland honored him—his arrival in Russia during the plague epidemic was a complete triumph. Many societies have elected him an honorary member, the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists among them.
Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):332-336
pages 332-336 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix. Volume XXIII, № 3-4 (1916)

Baklushinsky I.D.


A rich library was delivered to the Psychiatric Clinic of Moscow University, bequeathed to the clinic by the late pr. Petrograd University S. A. Sukhanov (Psycho-Neurological Bulletin, No. 1).

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):321-323
pages 321-323 views

Annals of society

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of September 30, 1915

Darkshevich V.P., Steinberg S.


Presided over by prof. Darkshevich. Members of the O-va were present: Pervushin, Klyachkin, Steinberg and Skuridin.

Report Andreev read the report: "A case of surgically treated partial epilepsy." The speaker pointed out that the view of the old authors on a strict distinction between genuine epilepsy and organic epilepsy has long been criticized (systemic observations of Redlich, Pierre-Marie, Cramer).

Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):324-332
pages 324-332 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University of November 9, 1916

Darkshevich V.P., Steinberg S.


Presided over by prof. Darkshevich, members of the Society were present: Pervushin, Favorsky, Skuridin, Idelson, Steinberg, Donskov.

  1. O. Darkshevich opened the meeting with a speech dedicated to the memory of Il. Il. Mechnikov. He pointed out that his death came in the midst of the struggle with the German coalition, the struggle of Russia, which Mechnikov dearly loved, despite living in a foreign country. In turn, the homeland honored him—his arrival in Russia during the plague epidemic was a complete triumph. Many societies have elected him an honorary member, the Society of Neurologists and Psychiatrists among them.
Neurology Bulletin. 1916;XXIII(3-4):332-336
pages 332-336 views

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