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Vol 15, No 6 (2022)

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The Development of Criminal Legislation in the Era of Peter I (Views of P.S. Romashkin)

Sushkova Y.N.


The article examines the general trends in the development of criminal legislation of the era of Peter I (1682-1725), which was distinguished by numerous transformations in public administration, economics and military affairs. The author emphasizes that Peter I was an outstanding reformer not only in the field of general transformations, but also in the creation of new legislation, skillfully using it in the interests of his constructive activity. On issues of criminal and military criminal law, Peter I issued a huge number of decrees, orders, instructions, regulations and, in addition, two special codes - the Military Charter of 1716 and the Naval Charter of 1720. The author reviews the state-legal views of corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Professor P.S. Romashkin on the problems of the development of criminal legislation during the period under review.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):15-21
pages 15-21 views

The Role of Factory Inspection in the Regulation of Labor Relations in Russia at the Turn of the XIX-XX Centuries

Lukyanov S.A., Tarasova I.A.


The purpose of the article is to study the features of the formation and development of labor legislation in post-reform Russia, the role and significance of the factory inspection as a state body that supervised labor relations. The object of the study is public relations associated with the activities of the factory inspection to oversee the compliance of entrepreneurs with the labor legislation established by the Russian state in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. At the same time, the subject of research is the regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of factory inspectors, materials from periodicals, archival documents. Within the framework of the research methodology, using historical-legal, comparative-legal and comparative-historical methods, an analysis was made of the activities of factory inspectors in monitoring compliance with labor laws by entrepreneurs. Based on a number of sources, the authors study the process of formation and development of labor legislation in post-reform Russia, determine the role and importance of the factory inspection as a supervisory authority in the field of labor relations. At the same time, the role of the Ministry of the Interior in the creation of a factory inspection is highlighted. The article also reveals the nature of the disagreements between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire in the "working issue" and the departmental affiliation of the factory inspection. It is concluded that the factory inspection in the period under review, as a whole, performed the functions assigned to it. However, the effectiveness of factory inspectors was largely negatively affected by the inconsistency and inconsistency of state policy on the labor issue, the imperfection of the regulatory framework for regulating relations between entrepreneurs and employees, the ambiguity of the legislatively fixed status and competence of factory inspectors.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):22-28
pages 22-28 views

Mass Repressions in Mordovia Soviet Republic in 1937-1938: Executive Order of the NKVD of the USSR (The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) No. 00447

Tyazin E.N.


Study objective. The article analyzes the mechanism of mass repressions that took place on the territory of the Mordovia Soviet Republic in 1937-1938, revealing the role of the local NKVD division (The People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) in implementing the repressive policy of the Communist Party of Soviet Union (Bolsheviks) in the second half of the 1930s, as well as the activities of the non-judicial body "troika" under the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Mordovia Soviet for the elimination of anti-Soviet residents. Based on the documents and materials of the central and regional state archives, archives of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Moldova and the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Moldova, the author attempts to define the concept of "mass repressions" in relation to the specified period, the political and social orientation of mass repressions, the number of repressed citizens and irreparable losses among the population of the republic in the years of the Great Terror. Conclusion. The bodies of the NKVD of the Mordovia Soviet Republic, being an important element of the system of state administration and officially ensuring state and public security, protecting the rights and freedoms of Soviet citizens from criminal activity, in the period 1937-1938 performed functions unusual for these bodies, carrying out mass illegal arrests and extrajudicial repressions. The activities of the troika under the NKVD of the Mordovia Soviet Republic had tragic consequences for many residents of the republic and were unconstitutional and illegal.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):29-36
pages 29-36 views

Legal Features of the Status of Traditional Religions in Russia

Pavlyuk I.V.


This article analyzes the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the exercise of the right to freedom of conscience and the activities of religious associations. The purpose of the study was to discover the peculiarities in the formation of the concept of traditional religion, to identify the norms characterizing the special legal status of traditional religious organizations as a separate legal institution in the legal system of the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, the following legal features were identified: the difference in the status of religions in the preamble of the Law on Freedom of Conscience; division of religious associations into religious groups and religious organizations; restriction of the rights of local religious organizations operating for less than ten years; exemption from mandatory reporting of religious organizations funded exclusively from national sources; establishment of legal regulation of missionary activities; introduction of mandatory certification of clergy who studied abroad; consolidation of the values of traditional religions in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):37-42
pages 37-42 views

Evolution of Concepts on the Nature of Relationship of a Legal Fact with Legal Consequences

Bakirova D.M.


Purpose of the study. The article examines the question of the nature of the relationship between legal facts and the legal consequences arising on their basis, the most important of which are the emergence, change and termination of legal relations. Identification of the nature of such a connection is an important factor in the correct understanding of the mechanism of action of law. Results. The interaction of a legal fact and the legal consequences caused by it cannot be attributed to a causal relationship. From the point of view of legal positivism, the position of those scientists who connect the original source of the emergence of legal relations with the will of the state represented by its law-making bodies is correct. This is a special nature of the connection, which can conditionally be called tetic.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):43-47
pages 43-47 views

On Proposals for Improving the Legal Support of Information Security of the Russian Federation in the Context of Sanctions and Threats from Unfriendly States

Kiselev A.S., Barkov A.V.


The importance of information security in modern political conditions is difficult to overestimate, the specifics of the current conflict between Russia and the countries of the "collective West" presupposes the conduct of information wars. The purpose of this work is to form proposals on the legal regulation of ensuring the sustainable development and security of the information and telecommunications infrastructure of our country, as well as to develop practical recommendations and proposals for improving the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. It is noted that any information transmitted over the network using VPN services is stored on a foreign server, respectively, access to this data can be made by foreign intelligence services at any time. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to continue using Meta products and post any information that attackers can use. Russian legislation currently does not prohibit or strictly regulate the use of VPN services, which can create a basis for influencing the objects of critical infrastructure in Russia. Some ideas have been developed to change the current Russian legislation, which, according to the authors, will be able to ensure the security of Russian databases and the data of citizens of our country from potential cyber-attacks. In particular, it is proposed to amend Article 17 of the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation", as well as to supplement with new provisions of Article 13.15 "Abuse of freedom of mass Information" of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):48-54
pages 48-54 views

The Referendum and Its Legal Significance in Constitutional Development of the Russian Federation

Ostankov D.B.


The purpose of the research. The article is devoted to the referendum and its legal significance in the constitutional development of the Russian Federation. Approaches to the definition of a referendum are presented. The problems in the definition of a referendum are determined, the author's concept of the category "referendum" is given. The problems and significance of the implementation of the referendum in the Russian Federation are highlighted. The types of referendums in the Russian Federation are analyzed. Federal, regional and municipal referendums are characterized. The significance of referendums with the question of joining the Russian Federation is considered. The purpose of the study is to study the concept of a referendum, the problems and the significance of the implementation of a referendum in the Russian Federation. The article uses dialectical, historical, formal-legal, logical, comparative-legal and other methods of cognition. Results. For today's constitutional development of Russia, the referendum is one of the most important opportunities where people can express their attitude on the most important issues of public life. The basis for holding a referendum in Russia is the realization of the constitutional right of citizens to participate in a referendum. In the modern constitutional development of Russia, a referendum should become one of the main forms of citizens' participation in the management of state affairs. The 1993 Constitution of Russia, as amended in 2020, defines a two-tier system of public power (state and municipal). The referendum has not yet found proper implementation at the levels of federal and regional state authorities, as well as at the level of municipal authorities.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):55-63
pages 55-63 views

Differences in Approaches to the Nature of Constitutional Identity: Analysis of Non-Positivism Interpretational Models

Belosludtsev O.S.


The article deals with the issue of ambiguity in the understanding of constitutional identity, which is directly related to understanding the nature of constitutional identity. The author states significant differences in the interpretation of constitutional identity, both in judicial practice and in doctrine. The author also believes that the conceptualization of constitutional identity depends on the inclusion in it of various aspects closely related to national identity. The article analyzes other points of view based on a clear distinction between national and constitutional identity. The author believes that each of the approaches has its strengths and weaknesses. However, the heuristic merits of the non-positivist point of view on the nature of constitutional identity are much less likely to fall into the field of vision of domestic researchers. Understanding constitutional identity as a form of representation of national culture allows us to raise questions that were previously beyond the attention of researchers, expanding the possibilities of theoretical understanding of the uniqueness of a particular national legal order.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):64-68
pages 64-68 views

Characteristic of Some Forms of Parliamentary Control: Experience of Foreign Countries

Rakitskaya I.A., Kremyanskaya E.A.


The purpose of the research. Parliamentary control is a mechanism for ensuring the transparency of the activities of the state executive body, as well as other bodies, institutions, officials, promoting the development of democratic institutions in the state. This article describes such forms of parliamentary control as the control activities of permanent and special parliamentary committees and commissions, parliamentary control in the financial sphere, and parliamentary inquiries. A comparative legal analysis of the above mentioned forms of parliamentary control allows to identify the most effective control mechanisms of modern parliaments and to provide recommendations for improving legislation in the corresponding sphere. The relevance of the problem raised in this article is explained by the need of further evolution of the institution of parliamentary control as one of the most important elements of parliamentarism, improvement of the practice of parliamentary control over the activities, primarily of the executive branch, and increase its effectiveness. The results. Nowadays, the existence of a democratic system is not possible without legal mechanisms that ensure transparency and accountability of the government, other state bodies and officials. One of the significant mechanisms of this kind is in the hands of a representative legislative body - parliament. Parliamentary control is one of the most important functions of modern parliaments. The significance of this function, the effectiveness of its implementation depend on the form of government, the state regime, however, in one form or another, parliamentary control exists in almost all modern states. The most common control mechanisms of modern parliaments include: control activities of parliamentary committees and commissions, whose role in the realization of control powers has recently been increasing; financial parliamentary control, implemented through the consideration by the parliament of reports on the execution of the state budget, the approval of the main financial law, as well as the activities of quasi-parliamentary structures (audit departments, audit chambers, parliamentary auditors, etc.); deputy inquiries, in particular interpellations, which concern the most important issues and restrict the government and its members from taking decisions that are improper from the point of view of the members of the representative body.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):69-75
pages 69-75 views

Legal Status of the Prosecutor in Proceedings in Cases of Administrative Offenses: Gaps in Legislative Regulation

Kulakov N.A., Moskalenko S.A., Dudayev A.B.


Purpose of the study. In accordance with the current legislation, the prosecutor has a special administrative and legal status as a participant in proceedings on administrative offenses, as well as as a subject of administrative prosecution. Nevertheless, the current legislation governing the legal provisions of the prosecutor in the framework of proceedings on administrative offenses is characterized by the presence of gaps and calls. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of legal regulation of the participation of the prosecutor in the proceedings on administrative offenses, to develop ways to solve them. Conclusions. Legislation regulating the legal provisions of the prosecutor in the framework of proceedings on administrative offenses is characterized by a number of legal gaps. The law does not disclose the subject and list of grounds for the mandatory participation of the prosecutor in the consideration of the case. In addition, it is legally necessary to determine the concept and content of the conclusion that the prosecutor has the right to give in the case of an administrative offense, and to determine the mandatory requirements for its form.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):76-80
pages 76-80 views

Problems of Comprehensive Regimes in Administrative Law

Butchenko V.N., Kravets I.P.


The article examines the issues of complex administrative and legal regimes, which are understood as regulated by law and having a normative nature in relation to public administration structures, the procedure for carrying out activities common to a certain set or for all state bodies, which is subject to specification in the process of its application. The purpose of the present study is to consider the issues that arise in this area regarding complex administrative and legal regimes, which are a special kind of administrative and legal regimes, which are characterized by normativity in determining the components of the public administration system that implements the regime and the fundamental consolidation of the main components that make up the regime of activity itself. At the same time, complex administrative and legal regimes are characterized by an emphasis on the mode of activity itself, in accordance with which the management system is built. And if we take into account the normative nature of complex regimes in relation to specific structures of state administration, then it remains to be recognized that, from the point of view of their target orientation, these regimes are aimed at order and order as such. Based on the study, the authors come to the conclusion that a complex administrative-legal regime is a special procedure for carrying out activities common to a number or the entire set of state bodies. The very fact of the generality of this order and its expression in the form of an administrative-legal regime implies a detailed legal regulation of complex administrative-legal regimes. At the same time, a constant increase in the level of regulatory legal acts underlying the respective regimes should be considered as a single trend. The foregoing allows us to conclude that in recent years, complex administrative and legal regimes have increasingly become the object of legislative activity, and their foundations are enshrined in federal laws and laws of the subjects of the federation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):81-90
pages 81-90 views

Environmental Expertise Objects: Changes and Prospects

Zhochkina I.N.


In this article, the author has carried out a detailed analysis of the changes that have taken place in the legislation on environmental expertise regarding the types of objects of expertise at the federal and regional levels. The tendencies of law enforcement practice of the state ecological expertise are considered. Conclusions are drawn about the need to change the approach to determining the objects of state environmental expertise. The prospects for carrying out ecological expertise in relation to individual objects are outlined, taking into account various factors.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):91-97
pages 91-97 views

Financial Control in the Implementation of Procurement Activities

Konovalova Z.A.


The article considers the importance of financial control in the expenditure of budgetary funds, including in the implementation of procurement activities. The article also discusses legal problems related to terminology and concepts specified in the financial legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular, Article six of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the definition of the concepts of subjects - recipients of budget funds, is analyzed. Further, an analysis is carried out of how this article correlates with other norms of budget legislation, as well as with legislation regulating procurement activities and financial control. In addition, a systematic approach was applied to the analysis of financial control during the implementation of procurement activities. As a result of analytical actions, legal problems have been identified that adversely affect the implementation of procurement activities. The ways of solving the identified legal problems in the implementation of procurement activities are proposed. In particular, it should be supplemented with norms containing the procedure for conducting financial control. At the end of the article, the conclusions reached during the study are indicated.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):98-105
pages 98-105 views

Current Problems of Regulation of Labor Relations with the Participation of a Foreign Element in the Russian Federation in the Conditions of Sanctions and the Use of the UAE Experience for Their Solution

Abdullaev E.E.


Purpose of the study. The purpose of the article is to study the actual problems of regulating labor relations with the participation of a foreign element in the Russian Federation under sanctions and to analyze the possibilities of using the experience of the UAE to solve them. The author highlights the problems in the field of labor relations that have developed in Russia under the influence of sanctions, it is determined that the solution of these problems is possible by studying the experience of foreign countries in terms of the formation of an effective migration policy, in particular, studying the experience of the United Arab Emirates. The features of the legal mechanism created in the UAE and aimed at attracting highly qualified specialists to the country are analyzed, the elements of this mechanism are highlighted, including a clear setting of the entire migration system to achieve goals, improving the overall quality of foreign labor and a policy of stimulating the influx of highly qualified personnel due to the material factor, providing professionals with a high standard of living. Regulatory regulation is subordinated and in every possible way contributes to strengthening these foundations, creating conditions for the effective functioning of the entire migration system. Conclusion. As a result of the conducted research, it was determined that the positive experience of the UAE in solving the problem of regulating labor law with the participation of a foreign element can be successfully applied in the Russian Federation even under the conditions of sanctions. , stimulating the inflow of qualified labor by ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of migrants, as well as by creating a liberal visa regime that provides the specialist with the necessary level of mobility.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):106-113
pages 106-113 views

Current Prospects for the Development of the Institute of Public-Private Partnership in the Russian Federation in the New Reality

Melnikova D.A.


One of the new positive phenomena in modern society is the formation of partnership relations between public authorities and subjects of civil society and, more broadly, between society and the state. This type of relationship began to form in the context of changes caused by various factors of a rapidly changing world and, first of all, the digital transformation of all spheres of life. The phenomenon of partnership between the state and society is closely related to such modern phenomena as the gradual blurring of boundaries between the spheres of public and private regulation. In this regard, it seems necessary to determine further prospects for the development of public-private partnership relations at the national level, taking into account new challenges and threats.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):114-119
pages 114-119 views

To the Question of the Use of Blockchain Depositary in the Formation of the Evidence Base in the Internet Courts of China

Rusakova E.P., Chernysheva T.A.


The article is devoted to the phenomenon of a blockchain depository, which contributes to an effective solution to the problem of ensuring the authenticity and legality of electronic evidence, as well as increasing the availability of a judicial form of protection of rights. The authors define the concept of a blockchain depository, reveal the models and features of the application, as well as the requirements and criteria for verifying evidence. The paper studies the legislation, doctrinal sources, opinions of judges in the PRC, devoted to this issue.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):120-125
pages 120-125 views

Civil Procedure Reform in Costa Rica: From Written and Oral Litigation to Digital Technology

Gronic I.A.


The purpose of the research. The study is devoted to the study and analysis of civil procedural reforms carried out in different years in Costa Rica. The reform contributed to the introduction of a model of modern e-government, through the use of information and communication technologies in the judicial process. Results. As a result of a long civil procedural reform aimed at improving civil justice, new legal institutions and forms of civil proceedings have emerged. Conclusions are drawn about significant changes that led to a change in the usual and established paradigm.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):126-130
pages 126-130 views

The Rights and Legitimate Interests Protection of a Group of Persons: Genesis, Problems, Perspectives (Comparative Analysis)

Ginzburg I.V.


The article concerns the genesis of the collective protection forms in the EU countries and analyzes the latest changes within the class proceeding regulation at the supranational level. There is an assessment of the class proceeding implementation in the national legislation. The assessment is made by means of comparative and technical legal methods.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):131-138
pages 131-138 views

Contract of Assignment of the Right of Claim: Features of Contesting in the Framework of the Bank's Insolvency Case

Funtov D.A.


The article analyzes the legal grounds for invalidating the contract of assignment of the right of claim and the application of the consequences of the invalidity of the transaction in the case of recognition of an insolvent credit institution. The legal proceedings in these cases within the framework of a separate dispute, as a rule, consist in the individuality of each situation and a broad interpretation in terms of the qualification of the claimed claim. This article highlights certain postulates that are used by courts in law enforcement practice and considers separate isolated disputes on the invalidation of the assignment of rights of claims. As a result of the analysis of judicial practice, problems in law enforcement practice are formulated, conclusions are drawn about the need to make additions to regulatory documents, on the basis of which specific proposals are formulated.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):139-145
pages 139-145 views

On the Concept and Some Requirements to the Company Name

Kochkurova K.S.


In the article the author considers the concept and features of the brand name. In connection with the consolidation of the possibility of using model charters by limited liability companies, the author proposed changes to Article 1473 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the prohibition of including foreign borrowings in Russian transcription in the company name, which are terms and abbreviations that reflect the organizational and legal form of a legal entity, judicial practice on this issue is analyzed. The article deals with the issue of the use of symbols in the corporate name, the simultaneous use of letters of different alphabets in the name of the organization.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):146-154
pages 146-154 views

Legal Responsibility in Cases of Compensation for Violation of the Right to Proceedings Within a Reasonable Time

Zakirov R.F.


The research goal is to study compensation through the prism of civil liability. The article deals with the issues of differentiation between the terms of compensation and reparation, and also defines the function of compensation as a measure of civil liability for violation of the right to legal proceedings within a reasonable time. Conclusion. the author tried to formulate an individual approach, within the framework of which it is proposed to consider compensation as one of the elements of civil law remedies used in relations between public and private entities. The article notes the positive impact of the spread of civil liability on the actions of the judicial system, which creates favorable conditions for improving the efficiency of civil and arbitration proceedings. The author comes to the conclusion that the responsibility of the judiciary consists of the basic principles of legal (legal) responsibility, an important variety of which is the civil-law type of liability of a compensatory nature.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):155-159
pages 155-159 views

Objects of Nature in the System of Intellectual Property Rights

Letova E.A.


The purpose of the study. In this article, the author examines the features of objects of nature that are protected results of intellectual activity, as well as the features of biomedical cellular products, which, being objects of nature, are not embedded in the system of objects of intellectual property rights. The signs of various objects of nature are analyzed: breeding achievements, strains of microorganisms, biomedical cell products, comparative characteristics of various modes of protection of such objects are carried out. The author comes to the conclusion that it is expedient to develop a unified approach to the legal regulation of all objects of nature, formulate uniform criteria for the protectability of biological objects and form a common legal regime for objects potentially corresponding to the characteristics of a biological object. It is proposed to interpret breeding activity broadly as creative activity aimed at creating new and improving existing plant varieties, animal breeds, strains of microorganisms and biomedical cell products.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):160-167
pages 160-167 views

Prospects for the Humanization of Criminal Policy in the Field of Entrepreneurship (Critical Analysis of the New Draft Law of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

Asnis A.Y.


The reason for writing this article was the Draft federal law prepared by the Ministry of Justice of Russia in pursuance of point 9 of the List of Orders of the President of Russia following the results of the XXV St. Petersburg International Economic Forum of July 20, 2022, aimed at liberalizing and humanizing criminal legislation on liability for economic crimes, including crimes in the field of entrepreneurship and crimes related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities. The main purpose of the corresponding order of the President of the country to the Government and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation was to ensure the introduction of such changes into the federal legislation that would allow fully or partially (taking into account the level of real inflation in the country's economy) to decriminalize those crimes in the field of entrepreneurial activity (including acts related to the implementation of entrepreneurial activities without registration, license or accreditation), for the commission of which punishment in the form of imprisonment is not provided or applied. At the same time, the task of ensuring the priority of electing entrepreneurs suspected and accused of committing crimes of an economic nature (including members of the management bodies of commercial organizations) of such preventive measures that would allow them to continue to carry out entrepreneurial activities until their cancellation or sentencing had to be solved. The article presents the results of a critical analysis of the relevant bill, which allowed the author to conclude that this bill does not adequately meet the "letter" and "spirit" of the instructions of the President of Russia and does not allow achieving the above goals. The author proposes specific measures to eliminate the key shortcomings of the bill, including a significant expansion of the list of crimes of an economic nature, to which the provisions of Part 2 of Art. 761 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the conditions for exemption from criminal liability in connection with compensation for damage. The author also justifies the need to abandon some of the novelties of the Criminal Code proposed by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, which may reduce the level of criminal law protection of rights to immovable property.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):168-175
pages 168-175 views

On Some Aspects of the Criminal Law Policy in the Field of Security of the Russian Federation

Borovikov V.B., Borovikova V.V.


The purpose of the publication is to show the features of the criminal law policy in the field of security of the Russian Federation on the basis of amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, introduced into the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2022. No. 260-FZ. Conclusions obtained during the study. Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 14, 2022 No. 260-FZ, in general, are socially determined and are designed to strengthen the system of legal norms that create conditions for the security of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the new norms have certain shortcomings associated with the presence of evaluative signs of crimes, which makes it expedient to improve their dispositions. The scientific significance of the publication lies in the fact that the provisions contained in the article make it possible to carry out appropriate work to improve a number of criminal law norms that provide for liability for various encroachments on the security of the Russian Federation. The practical value of the publication. The article may be useful in the process of law enforcement of the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provide for liability for various encroachments on the security of the Russian Federation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):176-181
pages 176-181 views

Problems of Formation of Judicial Legal Positions in Criminal Proceedings

Berova J.M., Gelyakhova L.A.


Judicial legal positions in criminal proceedings have repeatedly been the subject of scientific research in the doctrine, theoretical and practical aspects and forms of their implementation in the process of law enforcement have been analyzed. In the theory of criminal law, judicial legal positions are traditionally considered as the conclusions of the court regarding the problem under consideration, based on an objective comprehensive study of the materials of the criminal case, expressed in the final decision of the court of general jurisdiction. This article notes that the formation of judicial legal positions in criminal proceedings is significantly influenced by the legal positions of the highest judicial authorities, including international courts, as well as the rule of prejudice and the internal discretion of the judge. The article provides arguments justifying the need to consolidate the right of the court when forming a legal position on a specific criminal case not to take into account prejudicial facts, but to conduct an additional verification of circumstances that raise doubts about their reliability, established by a judicial act that has entered into legal force, along with other facts to be proved. The article formulates the conclusion that the formation of a judicial legal position in a particular criminal case is carried out on the basis of the law, the inner conviction of the judge, taking into account the actual circumstances of the case, using the legal positions formulated by the highest judicial instances.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):182-186
pages 182-186 views

Judicial Detention Decisions: Problems Encountered When They Are Made

Kalinkina L.D.


Purpose of the study. The article gives the concept of judicial decisions on detention. The problems discussed in the literature when making these judgments are analyzed. Conclusions. Based on the study of the practice of issuing the considered decisions by the courts, their shortcomings are characterized through the prism of the requirements of the law and criminal procedural means for their prevention and elimination are shown.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):187-190
pages 187-190 views

On the Issue of the Interaction of the Advocacy with the State in the Context of Maintaining Its Independence and Influence on Strengthening the Rule of Law

Sukhova O.A.


The purpose of the study. The purpose of this article is the author's desire, through an excursion into the history of the Russian advocacy and an analysis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, to determine the ways of its interaction with the state in the context of maintaining the independence of the professional community of advocates and the impact of this interaction on strengthening the rule of law. Conclusions. In accordance with this goal, the author of the article concludes that the state has determined the special status of the Russian advocacy as one of the most significant institutions of civil society, recognizing the state significance of the functions performed by this institution - the function of professional control over the state on behalf of civil society and the function of professional protection of individual rights and freedoms, that the goals and objectives of the advocacy they are conditioned by the interests of civil society as a whole, as well as by the private interests of citizens and legal entities (principals). According to the author, the legal profession has never left indifferent representatives of the state authorities at various historical stages, who throughout the period before the Judicial Reform of 1864 and in the first years after the Great October Socialist Revolution sought to completely eradicate the lawyer corporation as unnecessary. The Soviet advocacy, which was subsequently created, was heavily dependent on party and state structures and had to fulfill the task of helping to strengthen the rule of law and the administration of justice. The article emphasizes that the advocacy has achieved the greatest independence in its entire history in the last 20 years, that assistance in strengthening the rule of law cannot be an immediate task of the modern Russian advocacy, since a lawyer, first of all, protects the private interest of his principal, for which he is obliged to defend his rights and legitimate interests, using all not prohibited by law means that the state itself is interested in the quality of legal assistance provided to citizens and organizations, that active, constructive interaction of the Institute of advocacy with the state has a positive effect on strengthening the rule of law, ensuring sustainable law and order in the Russian Federation. According to the author of the article, state control in the field of advocacy, despite the fact that it does not correlate with the principle of independence of this professional community, at the present stage is a necessary condition for its functioning as an institution of civil society, guaranteed by the state itself, that excessive freedom of advocacy may affect the quality of legal assistance provided by lawyers to clients, entail bureaucratization within the lawyer corporation itself and lead to violation of the rights of the lawyers themselves. At the same time, the regulation of the control and supervisory powers of the judicial authorities excludes their interference in the activities of the advocacy and diminishing its independence.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):191-199
pages 191-199 views

Legal Problems of Digitalization of Prosecutorial Supervision over the Observance of Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms

Migunova T.L., Korolev A.A.


The article is devoted to the problem of digitalization of prosecutorial supervision over the observance of human rights and freedoms. The purpose of the study is to identify the legal problems of digital transformation of the implementation by the prosecutor's office of supervision over the observance of human rights and freedoms. The article examines the history of the introduction of digital technologies in the prosecutor's office, reveals the content and functionality of the existing information systems of the prosecutor's office. The evaluation of non-departmental doctoral programs in this area is carried out, as well as international experience is studied. The current and legal regulation in this area is analyzed on the basis of which legal problems are identified and ways of their resolution are proposed. It is concluded that it is necessary to introduce additional digital tools into the work of prosecutors to protect human rights and freedoms, as well as directions for improving the regulatory regulation of this area. The proposed improvement of the digital infrastructure of the prosecutor's office is based on proven solutions in other branches of Russian legislation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):200-205
pages 200-205 views

Reasoning About the Relationship Between Criminal Persecution and Prosecution

Lantukh N.V., Shestakova S.D., Shepeleva O.R.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the correlation of criminal prosecution and prosecution as a function of the activity of the body of inquiry, inquirer, investigator; to determine the content of these types of activities and their significance in the construction of an adversarial model of criminal proceedings. The authors identify the forms of criminal prosecution depending on the establishment of the possibility of criminal prosecution, the specific person who committed the crime, the specifics of the proceedings in a separate category of criminal cases. The result of the study is the definition of prosecution as one of the forms of criminal prosecution, which allows the parties to fully carry out the main functions of criminal proceedings.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):206-210
pages 206-210 views

Objective Signs of the Composition of the Robbery: Questions of Interpretation and Law Enforcement

Pomnina S.N.


Purpose of the study. The article conducts a study of objective signs of the composition of robbery. Particular issues of the analysis of liability for robbery are relevant to the theory and practice of criminal law. This reason is conditioned by the need of their in-depth study so as to improve Russian criminal legislation and to extend the practical application of the criminal law norm specified in the Article 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as well as to implement its preventive potential. Research methodology. An in-depth study of the main categories and concepts used to accurately and correctly determine the constructive signs of the investigated criminal encroachment is done by dialectical, comparative, technical and logical methods. Results. As a result of the analysis of scientific provisions and judicial practice on the determination of objective signs of robbery, the author identified the theoretical and applied problems of legislative design of the norm on robbery and the practice of its application, proposals are made to improve the criminal law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):211-219
pages 211-219 views

The Prosecutor's Demand to Eliminate Violations of Federal Legislation Committed During the Conduct of an Inquiry or Preliminary Investigation as a Guarantee of Strengthening the Rule of Law: Problems of Legal Regulation

Shigurova E.I.


Purpose of the study. The article deals with the problems of legal regulation of such an act of prosecutorial response as a requirement to eliminate violations of federal law committed when receiving, registering and resolving reports. The problems of the act of the prosecutor's response under consideration are due to the lack of a legislative mechanism for considering the prosecutor's demand in terms of determining the circle of subjects entitled to make demands, the circle of subjects in respect of which demands should be made, as well as the timing of consideration of the prosecutor's demand by the head of the body of inquiry, the head of the inquiry unit. Сonclusions. The author proposes to eliminate the shortcomings of legal regulation by fixing the concept, content, procedure, terms of consideration of the requirements of the prosecutor in a special article of the Federal Law «On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation» and in the norms of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):220-224
pages 220-224 views

Research of the Problems of Admissibility of Electronic Media Seen During Operational Search Measures and Their Applications to the Materials of Verification of a Crime Report

Mamedov R.Y.


The article examines the issues of the legality of obtaining information containing in the memory of electronic media seized in the course of operational-search activities, their attachment to the materials of verification of a crime report. The problems of seizing electronic devices and examining their contents, the constitutionality of carrying out related operational-search activities and similar investigative actions are raised. The issues of the admissibility of evidence in a criminal case obtained based on information from mobile devices by employees of operational units, as well as investigative bodies, are analyzed. Solidarity is expressed with the position that the only legal way to record correspondence from messengers before initiating a criminal case is to control postal items, telegraph and other messages by a court decision, and during a preliminary investigation, a search is the proper way to obtain information from the memory of mobile devices. The issue of the need to obtain a court decision to view the information of mobile devices is considered, which remains one of the most controversial due to the legislative gap in this area. The necessity of bringing the legislation and judicial and investigative practice on this aspect in line with the Constitution of the Russian Federation is substantiated.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):225-231
pages 225-231 views

Attracting to Community Services as Type of Criminal Punishmentin the Republic of Kazakhstan

Mussali N.


Place and role of the community services in the system of the criminal punishments of the Republic of Kazakhstan, also measures rising effective of this type of punishment are considered in the article. Realizing excursus in history of coming into being and development this punishment. Distinctions of the community services by active legislation of Kazakhstan and legal consequences, the evasion from community services, also conditions of the replace this punishment are analysed.. Circle of persons, to who can not apply community services are marked in the article, defined category persons to who may be apply deferral of fulfillment of this punishment. Pay attention of possible assignment of the community services to military serviceman. Moreover, lack of positions of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 3 July 2014 that regulating community services are considered in the article, more specifically, absence of taking into account of interest of persons, who has permanently job or learning in the period of the serving punishment. Comparison of the legal regulating community services by legislation of Kazakhstan and international legal regulating on bases of conventions that which member is the Republic of Kazakhstan is carried out. Author is pay attention to experience of the foreign states by resolution of some problems is considered in the article. Amendments to criminal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the object of further to improve it in a part of application of the community services are suggested.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):232-237
pages 232-237 views

Age of the Subject of Animal Cruelty: Comparative Legal Analysis

Semenov K.P., Timina T.N.


The article is devoted to the critical analysis of the signs of age and sanity of the subject of animal cruelty. According to the current Russian criminal legislation, the lower age limit of the subject of animal cruelty corresponds to sixteen years. However, taking into account the preventive orientation of Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) "Cruelty to animals", its main task is to awaken in the consciousness of the subject the need for humane (not cruel) treatment of animals, which will prevent the formation of a criminal personality ready in the future transfer the experience of torturing animals to people in the form of committing violent crimes against a person. Expecting the fulfillment of such a high moral and educational task from the criminal law ban, the authors asked the question of justifying the possibility of reducing the age of the subject of ill-treatment.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):238-244
pages 238-244 views

Digitalization of Justice: Problems and Ways of Their Solution

Apushkina T.S., Ginzburg I.V., Mitroshkina E.P.


Creating conditions for ensuring the accessibility of justice is not only one of the tasks of legal proceedings in courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts, it is an important strategic direction in the development of the justice system as a whole. The expansion of e-justice, carried out, among other things, through the filing of electronic documents with the court, familiarization with the case materials, consideration of the case by a judge remotely, familiarization of the parties with the results of such consideration through electronic platforms contribute to ensuring the accessibility of justice. The article discusses the main stages in the development of the Russian justice system in the context of digital transformation, the use of electronic technologies and the main results of the work of courts in the context of a pandemic in the Russian Federation and foreign countries, the prospects for electronic justice are identified, the risks and problems of using digital technologies in the justice system are identified, as well as ways to minimize them.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):245-251
pages 245-251 views

Some Issues of the Investigation of Illegal Arms Trafficking in the Context of Countering the Investigation

Chinyakov O.E.


Purpose of the study. Crimes committed in the field of illegal arms trafficking are among the most sophisticated, serious acts in their consequences. Armed crime is one of the most significant problems of our time, as it serves as an incentive to the growth of violent criminal acts, which in turn entails the onset of more serious consequences. The article deals with the investigation of illegal arms trafficking in the event of investigative situations in which the investigation faces counteraction. General recommendations are given to improve the efficiency of the disclosure and investigation of these crimes.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):252-258
pages 252-258 views

Unified Law Enforcement in the Field of the Timing of the Inquiry in an Abbreviated Form as a Guarantee of the Temporary Effectiveness of the Procedural Procedure

Ilyashevich T.A.


The purpose of the study. The paper analyzes the significance of procedural deadlines, defines the criteria for their differentiation, as well as the fundamental aspects of their definition in the procedural context of the inquiry in an abbreviated form. The problems of law enforcement practice at the pre-trial and judicial stages of criminal proceedings are investigated due to the inaccuracy of determining the time limits of the inquiry in an abbreviated form. Conclusions. The author identified promising areas of improvement and proposed an appropriate reform model aimed at optimizing time resources and increasing the temporary effectiveness of the procedure, in order to comply with uniform law enforcement practice in the production of an inquiry in an abbreviated form.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):259-263
pages 259-263 views

The Russian National Accreditation System Is a Legal Way to Improve Domestic Forensic Science Activity

Antilevskaya J.A.


The article is devoted to the current problems and prospects of the development of forensic work at the present stage. A retrospective analysis of ways to improve forensic work, developed by scientists and established in practice for several decades, as well as an analysis of the norms of current legislation, allowed positioning the choice of a model of accreditation of forensic science organizations in Russia. The purpose of the research is to analyze the practice of conducting the accreditation procedure of forensic science organizations in the Russian Federation in the existing legal realities, as well as to develop conceptual theoretical provisions and practically significant proposals for improving forensic work through the accreditation of forensic science organizations in the Russiaп national accreditation system. In order to determine further prospects for the development of the institute of quality assurance and quality control of forensic examination, the article proposes a new approach not previously covered in the forensic literature, but based on legal requirements - the accreditation of forensic science organizations by the national accreditation body - the Federal Accreditation Service. The results of the research allowed us to draw conclusions about the legal prospects for the accreditation of forensic examination in Russia, subject to a number of conditions: accreditation of forensic science organizations in the national accreditation system; the consolidation of a special type of accredited person in the legislation and the development of special criteria for the accreditation of forensic science organizations.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):264-274
pages 264-274 views

Does Russia need a domestic violence law?

Magomedov A.A.


In Russia, there has been a long-standing effort to develop a special law against domestic violence, as well as a debate on the need for such a law. In 2016, such a bill was sent to the State Duma but received negative feedback and was withdrawn. In 2019, work on the adoption of such a law resumed and a draft was developed and posted on the official website of the Federation Council. However, this draft also received a lot of criticism. In this context, the author considered it important to address the issue and conduct an analysis. Objective: Analysis of the draft laws "On prevention of domestic violence in the Russian Federation" 2016 and 2019 in the context of the current legal regulation, international and foreign experience. Results: the author concluded that the existing legal regulation does not adequately address the issue of prevention of domestic violence and does not protect victims of such violence. A large number of measures which could help to solve this problem are absent in the Russian legal system.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):275-283
pages 275-283 views

Gaps and Their Filling in International Law in the Context of the Modern International Legal Order

Nikiforov S.V., Shumilov V.M.


The purpose and objectives of writing the article is to study the gaps in international law in the context of the modern international legal order and their filling. Methodological approach. The work uses general scientific methods, in particular analysis and comparison, as well as methods of legal interpretation. Results and conclusions. The article examines the relevance and degree of scientific elaboration of the problem of gaps and their filling in international law in the context of the modern international legal order, defines the gap, considers the possibilities of fixing gaps and ways to fill them. The originality and value of the work lies in determining the nature of the gap in international law, identifying the possibilities of fixing it and ways to fill it in modern international law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):284-288
pages 284-288 views

Analysis of Stages and Organizational and Legal Features of Obtaining Membership by the European Union in the World Customs Organization

Mozer S.V.


The presented research material analyzes the organizational and legal features and the first two stages, within which the European Communities (EС) implemented measures to obtain membership status in the World Customs Organization (WCO). A task. To systematize and analyze legal and organizational features, as well as activities aimed at obtaining rights and obligations akin to those enjoyed by the WCO members for the EU in the period from 2001 to 2002. Conclusions. The research article is devoted to the issues of the legal status of the EU in the WCO and the use of the EU precedent for the implementation of the Strategic Directions for the Development of Eurasian Economic Integration until 2025 (Strategic Directions) in terms of joint actions with Member States aimed at obtaining the Union's membership status in the WCO. The subject of the study is the stages, activities, organizational and legal instruments and consequences of EU membership in the WCO. The performed analysis of stages and legal and organizational features of obtaining EU membership in the WCO can be used to develop conceptual approaches for the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) to obtain the WCO membership status in the course of implementing the Strategic Directions. Social Consequences. Conducting a study of the legal status of customs and economic unions in the WCO is associated with the implementation of paragraph 11.7.5. of Strategic Directions in terms of cooperation with this international organization. Practical value. The results of the study are of interest to the customs cooperation block of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and can be used by specialists from customs and other executive authorities in the EEU member states, EEC experts to organize and implement mutually beneficial customs cooperation between the EEC and the WCO. The article is recommended to researchers, teachers, students, graduate students and other categories of students in the Russian Customs Academy, in other universities and the WCO regional training centers in the specialties «Customs» and «Jurisprudence». Originality/value. The research material is based on an analysis of the practical aspects of the activities of the EU, the WCO and is the result of a comprehensive study of the issue of the legal and organizational basis for obtaining the WCO member status by economic and customs unions.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):289-301
pages 289-301 views

The Future of the Treaty on the Lease by Finland of the Russian Part of the Saimaa Canal in the Light of Finland’s Accession to NATO

Grigoryan A.S.


The purpose of the research. Collaboration between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland concerning the lease of the Russian part of the Saimaa Canal has been going on for 60 years and has proved its importance. From year to year the representatives of the two countries confirm the effectiveness of the implementation of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland on the Lease by the Republic of Finland of the Russian Part of the Saimaa Canal and the Surrounding Area and the Order of Navigation through the Saimaa Canal (Lease Agreement) of 2010. International law regulation of the interstate relations is inseparably connected with its political peculiarities. Recent events related to the initiative of the Republic of Finland to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) determine the raise of the question of how the further сollaboration on the lease of the mentioned territory will be carried out. The purpose of the research is to give the international legal assessment of the designated political line of Finland in terms of the compliance by Finland of its international legal obligations and the prospects for its continuing interaction with Russia regarding the lease of the Russian part of the Saimaa Canal. Results. The prospects for collaboration between Russia and Finland regarding the lease of the Russian part of the Saimaa Canal are conditioned by the current political climate in bilateral relations. By the initiative to join NATO Finland is undermining the foundations of its neutrality policy, which for a long time is being the guarantee of stability in the Russian-Finnish relations. NATO’s activity in accordance with the «rules-based order», instead of the basic principles of international law, will have a sharply negative impact on the collaboration between Russia and Finland, which may become a member of this alliance. If we assume that the prospects for the further lease of the Russian part of the Saimaa Canal by Finland disappear and the Lease Agreement of 2010 is denounced, then the possibilities for the further use of this part of the waterway do not end there. It can continue to be used according to the common regulations provided for international channels.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):302-310
pages 302-310 views

On the Aspects of Gaps in Modern International Legal Regulation

Nikiforov S.V., Nikiforov V.A.


The purpose and objectives of writing the article is research of gaps in modern international legal regulation, consideration of groups of gaps: gaps of a theoretical and doctrinal nature, gaps in international legal regulation of relations in two separate spheres - legal regimes of spaces and territories, and new groups of relations emerging as a result of the dynamic development of scientific and technological progress in the XXI century. Methodological approach. The work uses general scientific methods, in particular analysis and comparison, as well as methods of legal interpretation. Results and conclusions. The article examines the problems in modern international law, identifies several groups of gaps, depending on the various grounds for their classification. The originality and value of the work lies in the identification of gaps in international law, consideration of the most problematic areas in modern international law in the aspect of the study of gaps in international law.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):311-314
pages 311-314 views

Interaction of the Russian Federation with the Republic of China in the Field of Private International Law

Kinakh P.I.


This article explores possible ways of partnership between the two states: the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China in the field of private international law. The purpose of such a study is to fill the gaps in Russian legislation in the field of PIL, strengthen interstate relations between the Russian Federation and China and develop economic ties between these states in view of the current political situation in the world over the past 5-7 years. The article provides an analysis of the conflict of law rules of the People's Republic of China in connection with which the article of the Chinese scientist in the field of PIL Zou Longmei "Lawmaking and practice in the field of international private law in China" is given. The author of this article conducts a detailed analysis of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation and the China in the field of private international law, namely, using the comparative legal method, he cites similarities and differences in such regulatory legal acts as: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the China on PIL, the Law of the Russian Federation "On International Commercial Arbitration”, Family Code of the Russian Federation, Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The article also uses the historical method. The author concludes that almost more than half of the PIL institutions (general provisions, persons, property law, law of obligations, inheritance) are regulated in the Russian Federation and China by similar conflict bindings. Differences remain in areas of private international law such as family law, intellectual property issues, and certain aspects of tort and unjust enrichment obligations. In the current situation, it is necessary to turn the eyes of the Russian legislator to the regulatory legal acts of the countries of the Asian world to China, to use the regulatory framework in the field of PIL as an example, but by no means copying, to fill in the gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation. This article reflects the author's own analysis of the conflict of law rules of two states (Russia and China). This article will be useful to students of law schools, graduate students, teachers of civil, international private, family and labor law, as well as all those interested in the conflict of laws of China and the Russian Federation.
Gaps in Russian Legislation. 2022;15(6):315-320
pages 315-320 views

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