
Review of the Textbook "Intellectual Property Law: Artistic Property" Edited by Professor G.F. Ruchkina, Doctor of Law
Savina V.
Problems of Constitutional and Legal Regulation of Property Rights in the Russian Federation
Klepikova O.
Procedure of «Opposition» in the System of Trademark Registration (on the Example of Russia and Kazakhstan)
Kalykov A., Zelentsov A.
Legal Regulation of the Activities of the Customs Authorities of the Russian Federation on Protection of Rights to Intellectual Property Objects
Bespalko V., Zhdanov S., Rudakova E.
Features of a Comprehensive Forensic Examination in the Investigation of Violations Of inventive and Patent Rights Related to Medical Devices (Article 147 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
Steshich E., Berdnikov A.
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Application of the Machine-Centric Concept in Order to Determine the Authorship of the Result Created with Artificial Intelligence Technologies
Kubrak V.
The Procedure for the Implementation of Military-Technical Cooperation and the Delimitation of Ownership Rights to Its Results Between the Brics Countries - the Russian Federation and Brazil, the Russian Federation and South Africa
Akhmadova M.
Netishinskaya L., Blagodarova N.
Mechanism of intellectual rights protection of folk arts and crafts: issues to develop
Medvedev V.
Agreements on the Transfer of Exclusive Rights to Objects of industrial Property with the Participation of Social Enterprises
Battakhov P.
Basis of legal regulation of development and application of artificial intelligence in the military sphere of China in the context of state strategy and protection of copyright and patent rights
Belikova K.
Modern Military Technologies and the Responsibility of a Scientist, Creator, Operator, etc.: Some Approaches of the BRICS Countries
Belikova K.
Smart Contract: Concept, Legal Regulation, Aspects of Consumer Protection
Ermakova I.
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