Processed cheese product on the bases of skim curds with use of appies

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Results of the investigations carried out with the aim to develop the recipe of the processed cheese product made of skim milk and small-fruit apples growing in the Siberian region are given in the article. Main constituents of the recipe: skim curds, dairy butter «Krestyanskoe», skim milk powder, puree from small-fruit apples, coarse-granulated sugar, stabilizing mixture consisting of natrium dioxide and stabilizer based on carrageenan. Optimal ratio between the components of new processed cheese product recipe was determined by the method of consecutive simplex-planning. Following indices were optimized: fat level (in the range 5-20%), moisture:solids-non-fat ratio (2,9-3,8%), skim milk powder level, (from 5 to 10%), puree from small fruit apples level (from 10 to 25%), quantity of saccharose (from 10 to 20%). As a result the recipe of a new type of product was developed that can be determined as a sweet paste-like processed cheese product. Possibility to replace rennet cheese in the recipe of sweet paste like processed cheese products with curds raw materials was substantiated.

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About the authors

S. M Lupinskaya


A. M Gantseva



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