Use of products of complex processing of stevia for improvement of milk quality

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Effects of the phyto-feed supplement from the dried-up and crushed stevia leaves on an organism and quality of milk of highly productive cows of the Simmentalsky breed were studied. It was established that the studied additive given to the animals participating in the trials at the rate of 2 g per 1 kg of live weight for one feeding during the trial period (90 days) resulted in the growth of productivity of the animals by 10.3 %. Synthesis of milk constituents was effected as follows: fat - by 2,5 %, protein - by 3,8 %, lactose - by 6,8 %; improvement of technological qualities of milk according to the rennet test - by 17,4 %, according to the content of a-casein - by 7.3 %. Reduction of the milk prime cost was also established.

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