Reverse osmosis separation of solutions cornstarch production as an effective Way to reduce the cost processed cheese product



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In the article the question of reducing the cost of corn starch as one of the raw materials processed cheese products, due to the separation of technological solutions by reverse osmosis. Presents the scheme of recirculation water ow in the production process of corn starch. It has been shown that the reduction of cost corn starch admissibly by reducing water consumption by using a washing liquid recirculation. The paper presents the results of studies on the separation of the process solution containing starch, which were aimed at cleaning and regeneration of technological solutions at ОАО Hobotovskое enterprise «Krakhmaloprodukt» using reverse osmosis method. Presents the scheme of reverse osmosis installation ploskokamernogo type. For the experiments on the separation process solutions starch production were selected reverse osmosis membranes MGA-100 and OPM-K. Experimental conditions: working membrane area of0,0078 m2, the solution velocity was 025 m/s, pressure 0,4 MPa, time of 3600 s. Studies have shown that most of the hydrodynamic permeability of the membrane has a type of OPM-K compared with the MGA-100 membrane.The conclusion is that using the separation process solutions by reverse osmosis possibly go to a closed technological process of the production of corn starch, that will enable reduce the cost of corn starch, and hence reduce the price of the finished processed cheese product.




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