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No 5 (2016)


Russian production of cheese and curds in 2015 and in the first half of 2016

Goroshchenko L.G.


Dynamics of cheese and curds production in Russia in 2015 and first half of 2016 is given. Varieties structure in different regions is considered.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):4-7
pages 4-7 views

The International Milk Week in Uglich

Raicheva E.Y.


20-24 июня Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт маслоделия и сыроделия провел ежегодное отраслевое мероприятие для специалистов молочной промышленности - Международную молочную неделю. Уже деcятый год подряд в Углич приезжают специалисты молокоперерабатывающих предприятий, отраслевых институтов, союзов, СМИ, представители российского и зарубежного бизнеса, предлагающие для молочной отрасли инновационные решения. В работе мероприятия приняли участие около 1 60 человек из 30 регионов России, а также из Белоруссии, Молдавии, Италии, Германии. Для участников форума была подготовлена обширная деловая программа - научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы молочной отрасли», профессиональный конкурс качества молочной и молокосодержащей продукции, мастер-классы, дегустации, круглые столы, технические экскурсии.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):9-11
pages 9-11 views

Russian cheese market - nothing bad, but good is not enough

Petrova M.D.


В интервью Марина Дмитриевна Петрова, генеральный директор компании Petrova Five Consulting, рассказала о тенденциях развития сыродельного и маслодельного рынка.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):12-14
pages 12-14 views

The king of cheeses: the great and beautiful «Parmesan»

Rybalova T.I.


The market of the cheese «Parmesan» is discussed in the article. Production, special issues of technology, import, export are analyzed.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):16-19
pages 16-19 views

Type and way of packaging as risk factors effecting safety, quality and shelf life of processed cheese

Sviridenko G.M., Babkina N.G., Zaharova M.B.


Changes that are effected by the packaging process and selection of the packaging material at the processed cheese manufacturing are considered. The risks level that is determined by the type and method of packaging together with the temperature regimes of storage that in uence keepability of the processed cheese were studied.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Weight doser ISHIDA: zero losses at weighting and packaging of the expensive grated cheese

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Information about possibilities and advantages of the 14-heads weighting doser installed at the factory Kerrygold Company (Great Britain) in the line for grated cheese packaging is given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):26-27
pages 26-27 views

Sanitary treatment of cheese moulds

Hanumyan A.A.


Ways of sanitary treatment of cheese moulds with existing cleaning and disinfecting agents of the company «KALVATIS» are considered.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):28-28
pages 28-28 views

The air surrounding has been studied at the Uglich pilot cheese making plant

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Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):30-31
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Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):31-31
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Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):31a-31a
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About cheese and color New developments for curds cheese production

Tvardovskaya A.


Растущий на сырном рынке спрос требует усовершенствования технологии производства сыра и сокращения времени его созревания. Зачастую это приводит к изменению привычного внешнего вида товара, что негативно воспринимается потребителем. Ведь он хочет видеть на своем столе традиционный продукт красивого желтого цвета; именно так мы представляем настоящий, «правильный» сыр.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):32-32
pages 32-32 views

Novye razrabotki dlya proizvodstva tvorozhnykh syrov

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Потребление свежих сыров в России растет с каждым днем, приобретая при этом все большую популярность, поскольку варианты их применения практически не знают границ. Нежная и мягкая консистенция творожного сыра прекрасно подходит для приготовления самых разных блюд: начиная от бутербродов и разнообразных закусок до фаршированных изделий.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):33-33
pages 33-33 views

New cultures of the company DCM for brine cheese with milder taste

Sabuss M., van den Hoven G., Mayauskaite V.


Доля рассольных (или, как их еще называют, белых) сыров на мировом рынке сыра составляет порядка 11 %. Этот вид сыров производится главным образом в странах Восточной Европы, на Балканах и Среднем Востоке. К этой группе относятся такие сыры, как «Фета», «Акави» и «Халлуми», из которых «Фета» наиболее широко представлена во всем мире. Крупнейшие производители сыров типа «Фета» находятся в Греции, Турции, Балканских странах, Германии и Скандинавии.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):34-35
pages 34-35 views

The use of vegetable ingredients in soft cheese technology

Gavrilova N.B., Makarova E.A.


The article is devoted to finding solutions to the problem of production of dairy products with functional ingredients. Today it should be emphasized that dietary fibers are among the most promising and effective ingredients due to their versatility On the one hand, dietary fibers are used as technological additives changing the structure and chemical properties of food, on the other hand, dietary fibers are excellent functional ingredients that can have beneficial effects on both particular systems of the human body and the human body as a whole. The author presents the results of her own experimental research on the method of buckwheat bran preparation and bringing in. It is also offered to use a method of immobilization in the mixture of biopolymers for uniform spreading of the functional ingredient throughout the product mass. Based on the results of experimental research the technology of soft buckwheat bran cheese production is developed. The organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters of the product are determined. The schematic diagram of soft buckwheat bran cheese production is presented. The draft standard documentation for the soft buckwheat bran cheese production is worked out. The novelty of technology process is reflected in the invention patent.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):36-37
pages 36-37 views

Assessment of the fatty-acids composition of semi-hard cheese

Svyatkina L.I., Andruhova V.Y., Borisov A.A.


Identification of the fat phase of the random cheese samples taken in the retail shops in Irkutsk was carried out. The capillary gas-liquid chromatography method was used for the study. Two samples with falsified fat-acid compositions with vegetable oils were found that does not correspond to the declared name of the products
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):38-40
pages 38-40 views

Whey protein microparticulate application in processed cheese technology

Ponomarev A.N., Melnikova E.I., Stanislavskaia E.B.


We have developed the possibility of replacement of processed cheese traditional fat-containing components (butter and sour cream) by whey protein micro particulate. Validation of microparticulate mass fraction in pasty processed cheese has been made in accordance with organoleptic, physical - chemical and rheological indicators of the finished product. Cheese consistency is of the highest importance, as it is one of the basic indicators of its quality, which in uences the consumers demand. Cheese consistency becomes softer and more ductile with increasing of microparticulate mass fraction. Organoleptic estimation indicators correlated with the results of rheological data of processed cheese samples. The researches done allowed making the conclusion that whey protein micropartucate rational mass fraction is 15%. The developed technological solution of processed cheese production differs from traditional one by implementation of additional procedures of microparticulate receiving. The advantage of new technology is the replacing of expensive ingredients by the product of whey processing, increasing of nutrient and biological value, decreasing of calorie value and cost price of the developed processed cheese in comparison with traditionally produced ones.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):42-43
pages 42-43 views

Prospects of biotechnology

Hramtsov A.G.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):44-44
pages 44-44 views

The taste of the imported cheese not always justifies consumers’ expectations

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Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):45-45
pages 45-45 views

Reverse osmosis separation of solutions cornstarch production as an effective Way to reduce the cost processed cheese product

Kovaleva O.A., Lazarev S.I., Polanskii K.K.


In the article the question of reducing the cost of corn starch as one of the raw materials processed cheese products, due to the separation of technological solutions by reverse osmosis. Presents the scheme of recirculation water ow in the production process of corn starch. It has been shown that the reduction of cost corn starch admissibly by reducing water consumption by using a washing liquid recirculation. The paper presents the results of studies on the separation of the process solution containing starch, which were aimed at cleaning and regeneration of technological solutions at ОАО Hobotovskое enterprise «Krakhmaloprodukt» using reverse osmosis method. Presents the scheme of reverse osmosis installation ploskokamernogo type. For the experiments on the separation process solutions starch production were selected reverse osmosis membranes MGA-100 and OPM-K. Experimental conditions: working membrane area of0,0078 m2, the solution velocity was 025 m/s, pressure 0,4 MPa, time of 3600 s. Studies have shown that most of the hydrodynamic permeability of the membrane has a type of OPM-K compared with the MGA-100 membrane.The conclusion is that using the separation process solutions by reverse osmosis possibly go to a closed technological process of the production of corn starch, that will enable reduce the cost of corn starch, and hence reduce the price of the finished processed cheese product.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):46-47
pages 46-47 views

Special features of calcium behavior at milk coagulum formation. Part 1. Functional properties of calcium

Mironenko I.M., Sidenko Y.A.


Phenomenon of coagula formation processes in such biological systems as blood and milk are explained by special functional issues of calcium. The major part of the milk components bio-transformations at processing are involved to some extend with calcium ions. Physiological role of calcium in living organisms is shown and analogy is made with processes of milk coagulum receiving. The experiment is described that was made to find correlations of the ions calcium dynamics and active acidity in the process of acid coagulation of milk depending on preliminary temperature effects. Glucono-lacton was applied as an acidifying agent that allowed to homogeneously dose the ow of the H+ ions at constant temperature. The results obtained gave possibility to detail dynamics of the active calcium at coagulum formation by dividing coagulation process into three zones. In the first zone increase of the active calcium was due to the increase of its concentration in the water phase of milk. In the second zone, growth of the Ca2+ ions number is explained by their going out of the caseinate-calcium-phosphate complex (KKPhK). The third zone was characterized by the active calcium quantity in the process of coagula setting firm. It was established that changes of such technological parameter as milk storage temperatures have the most considerable effects on the intensity of restructuring of the KKPhK that leads to the changes of coagulation time and properties of the coagula received.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):48-51
pages 48-51 views

On qualitative indicators of sheep’s milk in the agricultural enterprise «LUKOZ»

Novopashina S.I., Sannikov M.Y., Kojanov T.V., Shuvarikov A.S.


The article presents data on the milk yield and physical and chemical characteristics of sheep milk in the comparative aspect with the data of other researches. Production from the sheep's milk is presented and short characteristic is given.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Milk casein composition and its practical importance

Guskova S.V., Eskin G.V.


The article is a review of publications describing relations of the genetic markers of the kappa-casein and beta-casein with technological properties of milk.
Cheesemaking and buttermaking. 2016;(5):54-55
pages 54-55 views

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