
Roxadustat: treatment of anemia and additional clinical effects (literature review)
Mikhailova N.
Unresolved questions of diabetic nephropathy (part I)
Volkova N., Antonenko M.
Nephroprotective effects of sodium-glucose linked transporter-2 inhibitors
Daminov B., Abdullaev S., Sharapov O.
Sulodexide and chronic kidney disease: clinical and experimental studies
Svistunov A., Fomin V.
Influence of obesity on kidney disease in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
Savel'eva S., Kryachkova A., Zheleznyakova A., Vikulova O., Kutyrina I., Shestakova M.
Assessment of cardiovascular risk in type 1 diabetes mellitus taking into account various markers of kidney damage
Goldschmid A., Karamullina R., Chechikova E., Amosova M., Poluboyarinova I., Fadeev V.
Antioxidants in nephrology: bardoxolone and diabetic nephropathy
Anaemia correction in diabetic nephropathy: target haemoglobin values and cardiovascular complications
Shestakova M., Martynov S.
Epigenetic regulation of renal fibrosis in diabetic nephropathy: focus on histone modifications
Aitbaev K., Murkamilov I., Murkamilova Z., Fomin V.
Urinary excretion of matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in type 1 diabetic patients with nephropathy
Bondar I., Klimontov V., Romanov V.
Bondar' I., Klimontov V., Simakova A.
Role of sulodexide in treatment of diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Aleksandrovich G., Andreeva E., Markova A., Morozova N., Saneeva G., Unanova I., Alexandrovich G., Andreeva E., Markov A., Morozova N., Saneeva G., Unanova I.
Early markers of diabetic nephropathy
Bondar' I., Klimontov V., Bondar I., Klimontov V.
Analysis of the effect of markers of kidney injury related to the carbohydrate metabolism disorders on the risk of non-selective proteinuria
Ustinova M., Batiushin M.
Cardio-renal interrelations in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and obesity
Savel'eva S., Kryachkova A., Kutyrina I., Shestakova M.
Atherosclerotic stenosis of the sole functioning kidney artery in patient with diabetes mellitus type 2 as a variant of kidney multimorbidity inelderly
Mukhin N., Shilov E., Fomin V., Moiseev S., Shvetsov M., Yurkevich L., Mukhin N., M Shilov E., Fomin V., Moiseev S., Shvetsov M., Yurkevich L.
Using different equations for estimating glomerular filtration rate in patients with type 1 diabetes
Kaplanyan M., Ryasnyanskii V., Vorokhobina N.
Urinary biomarker of podotsitarian dysfunction: importance for early diagnosis of kidney damage to type 2 diabetes mellitus
Yarkova N., Borovkov N.
Bondar' I., Klimontov V.
Assessment of the risk of developing complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Azerbaijani population using various formulas to calculate the glomerular filtration rate
Akhmedova Z., Mekhtiev T.
Diabetic nephropathy and anemia: treatment considerations
Demicheva T.
Parameters of oxidative metabolism of erythrocytes in diabetic nephropathy
Kurmanov M., Klyuev D.
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