Vol 11, No 4 (2012)


Analiz raboty reabilitatsionnykh meditsinskikh uchrezhdeniy zdravookhraneniya rossiyskoy federatsii

Prilipko N.S., Povazhnaya E.L.


The article describes the structure of institutions and divisions, rendering medical rehabilitation aid at the territory of Russian Federation. It made an analysis of institutions and divisions in the Russian Federation Federal Districts. The stated material makes it possible to create awareness of medical rehabilitation system development in Russia. It makes it possible to plan medical rehabilitation system formation in Russian Federation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):2-4
pages 2-4 views

Fitopreparaty Metosept, Vitanorm, Maksifam i Baktrum v regulyatsii sinteza tsitokinov vospaleniya

Aksenova V.I., Sharipova M.M., Mel'nikova V.I., Voronova S.N., Vasilenko A.M.


The influence of plant preparations metosept, vitanorm, maxifam and baktrum on the pro- and antiinflammatory cytokine synthesis in mice has been investigated. Mice received a mix of preparations (0.7 and 7.0 mg/mouse) per os within two weeks. Cytokine levels: interleukin (IL) 12, interferon (INF) γ, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α, IL-6 and monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP-1) were measured by flow cytometry in blood serum of uninfected mice or at 1.5-3 hours after intraperitoneal injection with LPS (45 μg/kg). According to received data, complex application of preparations modulates the cytokine synthesis and secretion in dose-dependent manner. A mix of preparations did not change or slightly suppressed the level of cytokines in a dose of 0.7 mg/mouse in uninfected mice and after injection with LPS. The level of cytokines was significant increased in a dose of 7.0 mg/mouse in blood. Thus, complex application of preparations regulates the synthesis of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines, providing immunity to a bacterial infection
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Adaptivnaya korrektsionno-razvivayushchaya gimnastika kak sredstvo korrektsii u podrostkov s zaderzhkoy psikhicheskogo razvitiya

Subbotina E.A., Zasyad'ko K.I.


It was researched one of the aspects of the problem of social - a psychological adaptation of teenagers, with delay of the psychic development. It was studied psychological particularities to personalities of pupils, their psychic condition and common physical development. The Data got in work, are indicative of efficiency of the using the methods, founded on the adaptive correcting developing physical for optimization of the psycholophisiogical physical condition to such categories of children.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):9-14
pages 9-14 views

Testirovanie balansa v vertikal'nom polozhenii i funktsii khod'by u bol'nykh s tserebral'nym insul'tom

Skvortsova V.I., Ivanova G.E., Klimov L.V., Skvortsov D.V.


We have analyzed routine clinical scales for estimation balance at quite standing and walking at the point of the initial data and its comparability to clinical condition and objective methods by biomechanics devices. Currently at the active using different clinical scales which was worked out as for stroke patients as coming from another specialties. However, at the clinical scales we did not find differentiation of components of analyzed function. Assessment of walking has time-space character and do not include functional biomechanics components.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):15-19
pages 15-19 views

Primenenie ortopedicheskikh izdeliy «TRELAX» v kompleksnom vosstanovitel'nom lechenii bol'nykh dorsopatiyami

Kochetkov A.V., Mit'kovskiy V.G., Nishchev E.P., Golovanov N.N., Tikhonov A.A., Makarova M.R.


61 patients aged from 41 to 69 years with confirmed diagnosis of dorsopathy were observed for the purposes of the study for effectiveness of the orthopedic mattress M80\190 and orthopedic pillow with memory PO5 (TRELAX®). All patients received a basic course of inpatient rehabilitation within 21 days. 30 patients of the main group used M80\190 and P05 during the night and day rest, starting from the day of admission until time of discharge. The control group consisted of 31 patients received only basic therapy. Neurological status, muscle-tonic pain syndrome, dynamics of range of motion and curves of the spine were assessed 6 times throughout a course, while an extent of anxiety and depression, quality of sleep, quality of life measured 3 times throughout a course. By the end of treatment, regression of clinical symptoms was marked in both groups of patients. However, the more stable reliable results for a wider range of criteria were achieved in a shorter period of treatment in patients of the main group. The maximum efficiency in the application of orthopedic products were obtained according to the criteria “of pain”, “sensory disorders”, “quality of sleep”, “anxiety” and “depression”.There were no single registered case of allergic or toxic reactions associated with the use of above products. Considering effectiveness of therapy and patient-consumer feedback, orthopedic pillows and mattresses have a high compliance rating.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Sovremennye podkhody k organizatsii ranney reabilitatsii patsientov posle endoprotezirovaniya krupnykh sustavov nizhnikh konechnostey v usloviyakh FGBU «Lechebno-reabilitatsionnyy tsentr Minzdrava Rossii»

Shapovalenko T.V., Kochorova L.V., Lyadov K.V., Koneva E.S.


The pathology of the joints is one of the most common disease in which affected the quality of life and functional viability of the patient. Operations on total joint replacement of the lower limbs earned proven themselves as the "gold standard" treatment for these patients, so that says a steady increase in the number of operations. In connection with this wealth of experience in management of patients after operation on total joint replacement of the lower limbs. We developed and implemented a program of "rapid recovery". The program involves the work of a multidisciplinary team, performing a multimodal approach to patient care and the introduction of innovative techniques to ensure the reduction of risk of orthostatic reaction in patients in the postoperative period, the implementation of an early walk on the day of surgery patients and reduce the length of stay of patients in the surgical hospital. This work demonstrated the reduction of postoperative complications in patients with early postoperative activation, the possibility of implementation of the first walk after surgery, patients on the day of surgery, reducing the time patients stay in hospital, with no reduction of walking speed compared to patients treated according to the traditional scheme
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):26-31
pages 26-31 views

Izuchenie mekhanizmov lechebnogo deystviya krioi ozonoterapii pri metabolicheskom sindrome

Shekemov V.V., Aleynikova E.V., Frolkov V.K., Puzyreva G.A.


Physical factors (cold and ozone) have a systemic impact on the various functional systems of the human body. For a single application of cryotherapy activates the stress response: increased secretion of cortisol, decreased insulin levels, increased blood concentrations of free fatty acids, which initiate the development of adaptive processes: reduction of blood pressure and insulin resistance, increased activity of catalase. Ozone in its single application has a more pronounced therapeutic effect without the express the stress component due to inhibition of prooxidant reactions (reduction of malonic dialdegide and Schiff bases), and increased activity of antioxidant enzymes against lowering blood pressure and glucose in the blood. Cryotherapy and ozone therapy by improving the hormonal regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and lipid can be used in treatment of metabolic syndrome.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):32-35
pages 32-35 views

Primenenie KVCh-terapii v kompleksnom lechenii khronicheskogo osteomielita u detey

Trunova O.V.


The present stady involved a group of children (n = 45) presenting with chronic osteomyelitis. Combined treatment including THF-therapy was shown to significantly improve clinical conditions of the patients, have beneficial effect on blood circulation at the sites of inflammation, reduce severity of general inflammation, and alleviate painful sensation. It is concluded that the described therapeutic modality may be a method of choice for the management of chronic osteomyelitis in children
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):35-38
pages 35-38 views

Narusheniya rechi pri levopolusharnom arterial'nom ishemicheskom insul'te u detey

Komarova I.B., Zykov V.P., Ushakova L.V.


The aim of this study was to define the speech problems in children with left arterial ischemic strokes. We studied 32 children with left brain infarcts. Language investigation was based on standardized neurological exam. All children underwent cerebral imaging. The results showed that speech problems were the frequent syndromes at the acute stage of stroke (68,75%); the percentage of subcortical speech anomalies was 72,7%. Speech anomalies depended on topography of infarcts. The total left frontal/temporal lesions have been associated with global aphasia (r=0,59, p=0,0049); the lesions involving the posterior regions of the basal nuclei have been associated with motor aphasia (r=0,57, p=0,0068), the lesions involving the anterior regions of the basal nuclei have been associated with nonfluent speech and dysarthria (r=0,52, p=0,0071). Outcome was not favorable in patients with total left frontal/temporal lesion: they had global aphasia. Patients with the isolated posterior subcortical infarcts showed formal full speech normalisation; however the beginning of school learning can reveal dyslexia and poor school grades. From a practical point of view, our results show the reasonability language assessment both in acute stroke and in late follow-up.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):40-43
pages 40-43 views

Normoliziyushchiy effekt gravitatsionnoy gimnastiki pri vertebrogennykh narusheniyakh

Agadzhanyan N.A., Chizhov A.Y.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):44-46
pages 44-46 views

Vosstanovitel'noe lechenie detey s vospalitel'nymi zabolevaniyami tolstoy kishki

Khan M.A., Tal'kovskiy E.M.


This article presents a review of methods of the regenerative treatment applied in complex therapy of children with chronic inflammatory disease of large intestine, problems of stages of regenerative treatment are defined, characteristics and mechanisms of action of physical factors are stated at treatment of these diseases, treatment techniques are given
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):46-50
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Lechebno-profilakticheskaya effektivnost' primeneniya prirodnykh i preformirovannykh fizicheskikh lechebnykh faktorov v pregravidarnoy podgotovke ginekologicheskikh bol'nykh

Gordon K.V., Avtomeenko S.M.


A total of 144 patients after reconstructive and plastic operations on uterine appendages, which were Successive rehabilitation treatment in health resorts of Krasnodar Territory, which included climatotherapy, thalassotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, and transcranial electroneurostimulation EHF-therapy, bromine, or hydrogen sulfide balneotherapy. In the main group of patients who have undergone rehabilitation treatment after 3-5 months after surgery, pregnancy occurred in 52% of cases, while there was a large reduction in obstetric and perinatal pathology, which provided a significant reduction in material and financial costs.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):51-54
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Otsenka vliyaniya magnitoterapii na pokazateli gemodinamiki patsientov zrelogo vozrasta

Aretinskiy V.B., Isupov A.B.


In the work materials of clinical tests of magnetotherapy «Viofor JPS» at patients of age of maturity with diseases are presented cardiac-vascular system. Efficiency of magnetotherapy for improvement of peripheral circulation
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):54-57
pages 54-57 views

Optimizatsiya reabilitatsii tkaney parodonta patsientov s khronicheskim generalizovannym parodontitom

Kopytov A.A., Ryzhova I.P.


Rehabilitation of periodontal tissue is an integral component of therapy for patients suffering from dental disease. Reduce beech-lingual tooth crown size, with a broken after the fragmentation of the denture-axis setup, conducted during the preliminary splinting, periodontal rehabilitation significantly intensifies
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):57-64
pages 57-64 views

Issledovanie izmeneniy sistemnoy integratsii funktsiy pri starenii u zhenshchin

Krut'ko V.N., Gavrilov M.A., Dontsov V.I.


The plural correlations of physiological parameters with age are discovered, pointing to system nature of the age and touching more than 25 different physiological functions. Function age changes are grouped in several correlation and physiological bound groups, in the first place connected with reduction sexual hormone and their influences upon lipid exchange, transport of the oxygen and reductions to general vital activity of the cells. The discovered correlations point to determined sequence and directivity of the age changes and presence several basic mechanisms of the function age changes
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):65-67
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Sovremennye metody fizioterapevticheskogo vozdeystviya na akkomodatsionno-refraktsionnuyu sistemu glaza

Shakula A.V., Emel'yanov G.A., Shchukin S.Y.


The authors review the publications on the issue of physical therapy-refractive accommodative correction of violations occurring in the practice of restorative ophthalmology. Analysis of the literature indicates that physical therapy adjustments should be done comprehensively, taking into account different directions and effective methods of influence, the leading of which is the direct and reflected a low-energy laser. application of complex physical therapy provides enough stimulation effective correction of violations as in pathological states of refraction or accommodation, and in functional disorders (including those without pathology of the vision), brought by a human operator during long and intensive visual activity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Parusnaya regata Natsional'nogo kluba meditsiny antistareniya (RCAAM)

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2012;11(4):73-76
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