Vol 17, No 2 (2018)


How to organize medical rehabilitation?

Ivanova G.E., Melnikov E.V., Belkin A.A., Beliaev A.T., Bodrova R.A., Builova T.V., Maltseva M.N., Mishina I.E., Prokopenko S.V., Sarana A.M., Stahovskaya L.V., Hasanova D.R., Thsikuniv M.B., Samalov N.A., Suvorov A.U., Shmonin A.A.


Medical rehabilitation is a process aimed at improving the quality of life of patients after diseases and/or conditions, to prevent development of disability, secondary prevention, and also increase the efficiency of health care in General. Medical rehabilitation is organized in accordance with the current legislation, clinical guidelines, taking into account standards of care, based on the principles of early, comprehensive analysis of the disturbed functions, limits the ability to perform household and social skills due to disease and/or condition, propriety, multidisciplinary events, and individual personal approaches, rationality and continuity, the continuity of assistance. To assist in the rehabilitation required: the organization and management of medical rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation technology, trained staff, funding, monitoring the effectiveness of the organized process.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):2-12
pages 2-12 views

The first experience of multidisciplinary expertize of the quality of medical care for patients with stroke during intensive care and rehabilitation

Belkin A.A., Ivanova G.E., Alasheev A.M., Pinchuk E.A., Shelyakin V.A.


In the formation of medical rehabilitation as a key component of comprehensive care in various diseases, difficulties inevitably arise in interdisciplinary interaction and proper quality control of rehabilitation services. A possible way out in the organization of a unified system of quality assessment at all stages of care, based on metrics, scales and sensitive criteria for the adequacy and adequacy of health services. As one of the variants of such system in the system of obligatory medical insurance of Sverdlovsk region the method of multidisciplinary expertize of quality of medical care for patients with acute cerebral circulation is applied. The set of rules of expertize developed by the authors team, based on the clinical recommendations of professional communities, was tested on a sample of 5 patients with repeated stroke with fatal outcome. The results showed the possibility of reproducibility of the proposed rules for assessing the quality of medical care and the metrics and scales used in medical rehabilitation, in particular the Rehabilitation Routing Scale. The final conclusions require big trials, including the immediate validation of scales.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Role of decentralized cooperative networks (DcNs) in restorative medicine

Oleskin A.V.


One of the main goals of restorative medicine is the actualization of the functional reserves of the human organism for the purpose of improving the health state of people. This work aims to demonstrate that this important goal can be attained using interdisciplinary teams that include specialists in a number of different subfields of medicine. In structural terms, such teams should represent decentralized cooperative networks (DCNs). It is emphasized that DCNs possess important advantages over more conventional hierarchical structures that are still widely used in the field of restorative medicine. Nonetheless, DCNs cause their own problems that are also considered in this article. Special attention is given in the article to the organizational diversity of DCNs. In this context, the article places emphasis upon seven organizational patterns (seven biological paradigms) that have been “invented” by biological evolution and can be efficiently employed in networks in human society, including those to be used for medical purposes. In the final section, a decentralized network structure is suggested as a suitable organizational pattern for a new association of enthusiasts that deal with Microbial Communication, Neurochemicals, and Probiotics, a currently popular interdisciplinary research area of direct relevance to restorative medicine.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):21-36
pages 21-36 views

Organizational aspects of ensuring the restoration of mental activity in the process of neurorehabilitation

Ivanova G.E., Zaitsev O.S., Maksakova O.A., Prokopenko S.V., Ivanova N.E.


Disorders of mental activity in the form of a deficiency of various types of activity and / or the appearance of productive psychopathological phenomena are observed in all patients with a pathology of the nervous system. Violations of mental activity in the form of deficiency of various types of activity and / or the emergence of productive psychopathological phenomena are noted in all patients with pathology of the nervous system. Directed effects are necessary not only for restoration / retraining of fallen or decreased mental (including cognitive) functions, special attention needs to be paid to the correction of the so-called "productive" mental disorders (psychotic, emotional and neurotic) that significantly complicate the process of recovery and interaction with patients. As a rule, they are caused by a combination of organic (associated with the defeat of the nervous system), reactive (due to the personality's reaction to the disease, existing life limitations and ongoing medical measures) and premorbid (in particular, endogenous) factors. Specialists in the field of mental rehabilitation can take measures to improve the mental state of patients in an autonomous mode; At the same time, they should be built into the rehabilitation team to have common goals in the restoration (integration) of consciousness, movements, speech, behavior, working in accordance with certain rules with resuscitators, neurologists, speech therapists, physical rehabilitation specialists. Restoration and correction of all manifestations of the patient's activity disorders, including mental activity, require joint efforts of representatives of different disciplines, focused both on the psychopathological consequences of brain diseases, and on the violation of the control of vital functions, and, of course, various deficits of motor and coordination functions. It is necessary to make administrative decisions to create a unified system of training for specialists in the field of mental rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):37-40
pages 37-40 views

Efficacy of the poststroke arm function rehabilitation on biofeedback system «Habilect»

Klochkov A.S., Khizhnikova A.E., Kotov-Smolensky A.M., Suponeva N.A., Chernikova L.A., Piradov M.A.


Background and aims: Successful recovery of upper limb motor function in post-stroke adult patients occurs only in 20% of cases. Motor training in virtual environment allows to create the necessary training space for motor skills relearning, as well as provide interactive biofeedback and intensify rehabilitation process. Methods: 17 patients met the inclusion criteria (10 males; 7 females) at the age of 30 to 60 years and 3 to 12 months after stroke were included. Main group (n=10), received two weeks (30min, 6 days per week) of virtual biofeedback training on system «Habilect». Control group (n=7) received equal time conventional therapy. Evaluation methods: Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale (FMA), Action Research Arm Test (ARAT), Modified Ashworth scale (MAS) before and after rehabilitation. Results: Patients in main group showed improvements (p<0.05) in FMA scale: arm and hand movements, and total score; ARAT: significant (p<0.05) improvement of pinch grip, gross movements and total score. In control group were found improvements (p<0.05) only in range of passive movements (FMA). Conclusion: Virtual biofeedback training is effective method for stroke rehabilitation that promotes arm function increasing, improves movement coordination and proved to be useful addition to the traditional methods of rehabilitation.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):41-45
pages 41-45 views

Results of implementation of the pilot project "Development of system of medical rehabilitation in the Russian Federation" in the chuvash Republic (neurologic and cardiological profiles)

Guryanova E.A., Ivanova V.V., Tikhoplav O.A.


The article presents data on the results of the first phase of the pilot project "Development of the Medical Rehabilitation System in the Russian Federation" held in the Chuvash Republic in 2015-2016. The article details the resource base involved in the pilot project, presents the number of personnel employed in the project, describes the results of the implementation of Phase 1 of the project in the specified timeframe. The current routing orders for 3100 patients (of them 1900 people on the profile of neurology, and 1200 people on the profile of cardiology) were described at the rehabilitation stages during the implementation of the pilot project in the territory of the Chuvash Republic. The list of involved medical organizations, technology of medical rehabilitation is given. It was found that the functional capabilities of Renkin rehabilitators in patients with stroke increased by more than 40%, in patients with myocardial infarction, the test scores of a six-minute walk increased by 9%. The duration of rehabilitation treatment in I and II stages decreased by 20% and averaged 17.1±1.2 days, mortality rates decreased. The data presented demonstrate the high degree of effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Further development of the system of medical rehabilitation in the Chuvash Republic is possible with observance of clear "transparent" routing of patients from the moment of admission to primary vascular departments before taking on dispensary registration in the attached medical organization, maintaining uniform forms of medical documentation, observance of continuity between stages, further increase in the number of those who own modern methods of rehabilitation of employees, an increase in the number of specialized structural units of medical services treatment in sanatorium-resort clinics, using mud, hydrotherapy, preformed physical factors.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Results of the mechanized kinezoterapiya at the combination motive and speech violations at patients with the stroke

Yastrebtseva I.P., Belova V.V., Fokicheva S.O., Karmanova A.S.


67 patients in the early recovery period of a stroke aged from 45 up to 70 years are examined. The complex of rehabilitation actions not less than on 5-6 hours was daily held. Depending on degree of expressiveness of motive frustration in disteel departments of the affected top extremity and the carried-out therapy, patients have been divided into 4 groups: with a lung (1 group; 17 people) and moderated (the 2nd group; 16 people) paresis, without training on a robotic complex for the top extremity, and with a lung (the 3rd group; 18 people) and moderated (the 4th group; 16 people) paresis, with this type of a training. These patients have a course of a complex of actions, with application of mechanotherapy with biological feedback, exerts positive impact on motor function and daily activity of the top extremity, first of all at persons with easy extent of violations, being followed by improvement of the speech of patients. This complex of rehabilitation actions is most effective in the first two months of a disease at the patients who haven't reached advanced age with high motivation to rehabilitation, lack of sensitive frustration and melkoochagovy defeat of cerebral structures in one hemisphere of a big brain at an intaktnost of structures of the 2nd.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):53-58
pages 53-58 views

Experience in use of neuromodulators in early recovery period of ischemic stroke

Novak E.V., Uvarova O.A., Daminov V.D.


The cost-effectiveness of modern rehabilitation is determined not only by functional outcome per se but also by the time needed to reach some progress. The aim of the present study was to investigate how neuropeptides added to conventional rehabilitation can accelerate the recovery of lower extremities movements in chronic stroke. The research was monocentric randomized placebo-controlled. Patients in both groups received exercises and ro-botic-assisted walking therapy and intravenous infusion of 30ml Cerebrolysin® (EVER Pharma) in the study group (40 patients) or isotonic solution in the control group (40 patients) for 14 continuous days. Both groups demonstrated significant improvement measured by 36-Item Short Form Survey Instrument (36-SF), Rivermead Index Mobility (RIM) and Functional Independence Measure (FIM) while the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) did not reveal statistical change in the degree of disability. The mean RIM score was 6 in both groups on the 14th day, however, required time for such outcome assessed by survival analysis was 13 days in the study group in comparison to 14 days in the control group. The difference was statistically significant (Wilcoxon signed-rank test Т=-3,198; р=0,001). The results of this study indicated probable benefits of adding neuropeptides to conventional rehabilitation that could facilitate recovery process and shorten time needed for expected motor improvement in chronic stroke.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):59-65
pages 59-65 views

Features of the influence of dynamic stabilometry on the degree of severity of chronic fatigue syndrome in patients with different types of multiple sclerosis

Shagaev A.S., Boyko A.N., Bakharev B.V.


Chronic fatigue (XY), along with motor and coordination disorders, is one of the most common syndromes in multiple sclerosis (MS). In spite of certain successes in the pathogenetic treatment of MS, the correction of the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) remains completely unresolved. This report presents preliminary positive experience on the use of integrated reabilitation using the biofeedback method (BFB). The effectiveness of this method for the treatment of patients with MS is shown. Recommendations are made about the possibility of using this method in patients with MS with varying severity of neurological deficit
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):67-72
pages 67-72 views

Evaluating physical exercise tolerance using ergospirometry at the early rehabilitation stage for children with spinal cord injury

Novoselova I.N., Ponina I.V., Valiullina S.A., Machalov V.A., Lukianov V.I.


An adequate substrate providing and early mobilization for patients with the dominance of aerobic load are among top targets of early rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury. Insufficient attention to these priorities leads to muscle loss and lowering of rehabilitation potential. This article contains the professional group (pediatrician, neurologist, physical therapist) results for evaluating physical exercise tolerance at the early rehabilitation stage for children with spinal cord injury using ergospirometry.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):73-80
pages 73-80 views

Meta-analysis: Semax effectiveness in the acute period of stroke

Shmonin A.A., Verbickaya E.V., Soloveva L.N., Malceva M.N., Melnikova E.V.


Background: Despite the scientific interest to neuroprotectors, the current evidence base is insufficient. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Semax in the acute period of stroke in the meta-analysis of Russian literature. Materials and methods: A systematic search was performed across 3 databases of studies that included information about using Semax in ischemic stroke. Data suitable for meta-analysis were confined to a score of more than 10 points for the research quality, using the NIHS and Rankin scales, the Rivermead mobility index, assessed at 10-14-21 day, and Semax 1% intranasal in the first 10-14 days in dose of 12-18 mg / day. A random effects meta-analysis was performed. Results: From PubMed 167 articles and elibrary.ru 197 articles, 8 studies (n = 654) were suitable for meta-analysis, 3 (n=181) of them matched the inclusion criteria and had the same end points. In the group of patients receiving Semax, there was a significant stroke severity decrease reduction using NIHSS at 10-14 and 21 days in subgroups of severe stroke and stroke of moderate severity and only at 21 days for the subgroup of mild strokes compared to the placebo group. Among patients receiving Semax compared with placebo, the outcome of rehabilitation after a stroke with Rankine scale at the 21 day was better only in subgroups of severe and moderate stroke. When assessing the mobility with Rivermead mobility index, significantly better results were observed in patients receiving Semax in all subgroups compared with placebo. Conclusion: Semax 1% intranasal administration in the acute period of stroke leads to neurological impairment decrease, mobility and functional independence increase. It is rational to conduct a multicenter, powerful double-blind study of Semax effectiveness in the acute stroke period. A standard study design is necessary for inclusion in the meta-analysis.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):81-88
pages 81-88 views

Factors associated with psychological wellbeing of patients with spinal cord injury as focius of psychotherapy

Buljubash I.D., Groznova E.V.


The theme of achieving psychological well-being is one of the most urgent for persons with disabilities. The aim of the study is the selection of psychological factors associated with overall psychological well-being and the structural components of psychological well-being in patients with spinal cord injury. With the help of factor analysis in 50 patients divided into five comprehensive factors-the foci that determine the direction of therapist activity in a rehabilitation hospital. It support resilience and emotional status, the development of a positive motivational state (hope), combating social exclusion and widening social contacts, and promoting personal growth, including the development of autonomy
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):89-93
pages 89-93 views

Robotic devices in neurorehabilitation: review

Belova A.N., Borzikov V.V., Kuznetsov A.N., Rukina N.N.


The use of robotic devices (RD) in combination with traditional kinesitherapy is a promising direction in the rehabilitation of neurological patients with severe motor impairment. The classifications of RD used for restorative treatment as well as brief information on the RD that are currently produced are reviewed in this article. Information about benefits and risks of robot-assisted therapy in comparison with traditional methods of neurorehabilitation is presented. The results of meta-analysis and randomized studies devoted to the clinical effectiveness of the RD application are discussed. Moreover, the question of the economic efficiency of robot therapy is considered. Particular attention is paid to the ethical aspects of the development of new rehabilitation facilities and requirements for an "ideal" neurorehabilitation robot.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):94-107
pages 94-107 views

Backward walking as a technique for neurorehabilitation

Klemenov A.V.


Walking is the most natural and habitual form of exercise for a person of any age and gender. It has beneficial effects on musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. In recent years, backward locomotion (backward walking and running) is increasingly used in sports and medicine. Kinetic and kinematic analysis during backward walking showed a number of advantages over the usual method of movement, that can be successfully used in the process of athletic training and for treatment and rehabilitation of various diseases. Backward walking leads to a more cardiovascular and respiratory load and a more significant aerobic and anaerobic capacity of the organism compared with forward walking at similar parameters of physical activity. Backward walking is associated with less overload on knee joints. It is also one of the few natural ways of strengthening the quadriceps. Backward walking training has found its application in rehabilitation programs for different categories of neurological patients with the aim of restoring sustainable body position and gait. Backward walking is used to elaborate the correct pattern of gait in children with cerebral palsy, in persons with hemiplegia after stroke, in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, in spinal cord injured patients. Regular backward walking training improves spatial-temporal parameters of walking and balance, increases muscle strength of the lower limbs in these diseases. Tests with backward walking are used for diagnostic purposes - to assess the severity of impaired coordination and motor skills in post-stroke patients and in Parkinson’s disease, to identify the minimal walking impairment in persons with multiple sclerosis and for probability of falling prediction in elderly individuals and patients with dizziness.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):108-112
pages 108-112 views

Psychological factors of rehabilitation potential in disorders of emotional spectrum after craniocerebral trauma (review of literature)

Obraztsova V.S., Pichugina I.M., Richter S.V., Ivanova E.M.


Every year the number of people with disabilities because of traumatic brain injury is steadily increasing. Such patients often have problems not only medical, but also social and psychological nature due the suffered trauma. Therefore, the objective of rehabilitation is also to restore the personal and social status of the patient. However, the factors determining the formation of rehabilitation potential (RP) in affective and anxiety disorders in patients after traumatic brain injury have not previously been identified. Their study will contribute to the development of an algorithm for management and optimization of rehabilitation measures for patients after traumatic brain injury. The developed practical model for determining the rehabilitation capabilities of the patient, based on the evaluation of violations of its components, will determine the direction of rehabilitation measures, improve its effectiveness in affective and anxiety disorders that have developed as a result of traumatic brain injury.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):113-117
pages 113-117 views

The influence of the drug-free rehabilitation on the performance of psychovegetative status of the patients with irritable bowel syndrome

Poddubnaya O.A., Privalova N.I.


Enable SMС-therapy and EHF-therapy in complex rehabilitation of patients with clinical signs of irritable bowel syndrome, which has been assigned based on the type of functional disorders, a positive effect on clinical laboratory parameters in the form of edema and decrease in intensity of all complaints and symptoms, increasing adaptive capacity, on the background of normalization of psycho-autonomic status. The effectiveness of this amounted to 94.4% of constipation and 93.3% in diarrhea. The obtained results were associated with the peculiarities of rehabilitation facilities (X2=to 34.94; p=0,004; r=0,45;), while the maximum contribution to the total statistics Pearson correlations were "significant improvements" and "improvements" with the rehabilitation complexes, including SMС-therapy and EHF-therapy (with diarrhea -X2=3,59 and X2=1,51 ; constipation - X2=2,85 and X2=1,37, respectively).
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):118-123
pages 118-123 views

The quality of the recovery process of athletes after aerobic exercise and after the flight

Kolomiete O.I., Petrushka N.P., Bykov E.V.


In order to compare the quality of restorative processes during sleep (c 22.00 to 06.00) after a three-hour morning aerobic training athletes (Taekwondo), resting in comfortable conditions (group 1) and those athletes who had a three-hour morning flight to the West (group 2). For remote monitoring of physiological parameters characterizing the quality of recovery during sleep, used sensors with a wireless interface Firstbeat. The athletes in both groups was the voltage recovery process, a significantly more pronounced in athletes after air travel than in athletes, the resting in normal conditions. The differences in estimation of adaptive capacity, functional indicators of cardiorespiratory system (external respiration, pulmonary ventilation, average oxygen consumption, resistance to hypoxia), metabolic activity and energy cost of loads, reactions of the autonomic nervous system, in terms of harmonization of intersystem relations and motor visceral functions. The changes were statistically significant after the flight. The sleep quality was less productive after a flight than after a training load. The obtained results confirm the need for the development of special rehabilitation measures implemented before and after the flight, contribute to the normalization of physiological state to maintain an optimum level of readiness of athletes to socially significant events.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):124-128
pages 124-128 views

The variability of application of methods of sensory stimulation in the rehabilitation of patients with minimal manifestations of consciousness

Grechko A.V., Schevcova E.E., Kovaleva G.A., Rodionova A.D.


Persistent disturbances of consciousness in patients occur due to various etiologies and pathogenesis of diffuse lesions of the brain (with strokes, traumatic brain injuries, etc.). Modern researches of physiological bases of restoration of the disturbed functions in these cases are connected with the concept of neuroplasticity within which ability of bark to significant functional rearrangements under the influence of afferent stimulation is proved. In the modern model of rehabilitation of patients with severe brain damage who are in a vegetative state or a state of low consciousness, these provisions are implemented in determining the content and methods of corrective action. The technique of sensory stimulation is currently considered as a promising direction of work with patients at the stage of their early rehabilitation. Despite broad prominence and popularity this method and his unparalleled (Dobrokhotova T. A., 1994; Zaitsev O. S., Dobrokhotova T. A., Gogitidze N. Oh. Sharova E. V., 2007; Ellis E., 1990; Tolle P., Reimer M., 2003; Lombardi F., Taricco M., De Tanti A., 2002; Wood R. L., 1991; Weber P., 1984), diagnostic criteria for differentiation of multisensory effects, taking into account premorbid characteristics of patients (including their sensory profile, leading sensory channel / modality of perception, etc.), have not been determined so far. As part of our research on the basis of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Federal scientific and clinical center of intensive care and rehabilitation", the study of the sensory profile and the system of individual sensory preferences of 48 patients with minimal manifestations of consciousness, arising from severe brain damage of various etiologies. On the basis of the obtained data, a typology of sensory susceptibility of patients was developed, variative strategies of multisensory stimulation of patients with different types were determined.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):129-135
pages 129-135 views

Focal damage of the brain in adults: spasticity syndrome. clinical guidelines

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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2018;17(2):136-159
pages 136-159 views

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