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Том 11, № 2 (2021)


The problem of the historical path of Russia in theory and politics

Dolenko D., Makshaeva E., Malchenkov S.


Objective. The main goal of this work is to analyze the main conceptual approaches to the problem of the historical path of Russia both in the field of theory and in official politics. This problem has been central in the domestic political and socio-philosophical discourse for many centuries. In recent years, there has been a noticeable interest in this topic by foreign authors, including A. Lynch, С. Miller, K.J. Mjor, A. Segrillo. Conclusions. In domestic science, there are three main conceptual approaches to the problem of the historical path of Russia: A universal (main) path, a unique (distinctive) path and an integral path. All these approaches at different historical stages of the development of the Russian state to a certain extent influenced state policy. The strongest influence on politics was exerted by the Marxist-Leninist concept of the transition from capitalism to socialism, which was viewed as the path of human development. The radical political and economic reforms of the 1990s were accompanied by a change in the concept of the main path: The path to democracy and a market economy was considered as such. The new concept at the political level combined universal human values and Russian traditions. As a result, reforms aimed at the transition to democracy and a market economy were accompanied by a change in the concept of the main path of humanity and the recognition of the need for Russia to accept universal human values while preserving domestic traditions. Originality/value. The paper attempts to compare three possible ways of Russia’s development and to trace the mechanisms of their implementation in practical politics.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):13-18
pages 13-18 views

Global political agenda of sustainable development in agricultural land use amid mounting global challenges

Orlova I., Sukharev A.


Objective. The article aims to identify the impact of the pandemic (COVID-19) on the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Program. The program contains an attempt to coordinate the actions of the world community in the fight against global problems. The important aspects of human activity is agricultural land use. Experts believe that modern land use leads to even more pollution of the environment. The anthropogenic factor increases its influence. Population growth requires the intensification of agriculture to solve the problem of hunger on Earth. But, intensive forms of agricultural land use lead to a violation of the eco-balance. Methodology. The authors employ a systemic interdisciplinary approach, in the perspective to economy and political science, and drawing from discourse, context, and semantic analysis. The main data sources include, among many others, UN FAO and the Russian Statistics Service. Results. As a universal shock, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the agreements by the global elite. Treaties and arrangements aimed at sustainable global development turned counterproductive, with the viral and some other challenges drastically reducing the levels of cooperation. The pandemic has shifted the focus of national governments into playing ahead of the curve, and these actions are set to continue hindering the efficiency of solving worldwide problems. The authors argue that the global elite should apply some effort to streamlining such negative externalities. Scientific novelty. The authors substantiate their assumptions of the impossibility of solving the issue of anthropogenic influence if not connected with forecasted levels of population and life support technologies, an integral part being political agendas set by national governments.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):19-28
pages 19-28 views

On elevating the status of the Federation Council Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Egorov K.


The purpose of the research. The article describes the relationship between the chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as the current legislation regarding adopting federal laws. The article reveals the problem of relations between the two chambers of the Russian parliament, expressed in the lowering of the status of the Federation Council, as the chamber of the Russian parliament, consolidating and representing the interests of the subjects of Russia at the federal level. The decorative veto right of the Federation Council when considering federal laws adopted by the State Duma is analyzed. The aim of the study is toelevatethe status of the Federation Council by establishing and identifying a possible option for reforming the current legislation, under which the Federation Council will receive a full-fledged veto right. Conclusions. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the position of representatives of the regions when considering federal laws is no less important than the position of representatives of political parties, while the lack of a full veto right from the Federation Council when considering federal laws adopted by the State Duma diminishes the status of the upper house of the Russian parliament. The author concludes that there is a tendency to elevate the status of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament considers it necessary to amend the current legislation and proposes a specific version of such a change that will increase the status of the Federation Council.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Institutionalization of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict over the Black Sea

Liu Y.


The purpose of the study is to determine the formal and informal practices of resolving conflicts between the Russian Federation and Ukraine over the use of the Black Sea water area. In this article, the author analyzed the problems of organizational forms for the settlement of Russian-Ukrainian claims over the Black Sea. The article assesses the effectiveness of the use of old institutions and the search vector for new non-institutional forms. The author substantiates his conclusions on the example of an armed incident near the Kerch Strait in 2018. Results. Against the background of the low institutional development of bilateral relations, the Russian Federation actually fulfilled certain requirements of Ukraine, which did not refuse to consider complaints and claims in international instances. Russian-Ukrainian conflicts are institutionalized and rationalized. Since there is no reciprocal initiative of the Russian authorities, Ukraine insists on holding forced negotiations on the basis of the current UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. This is hampered by the current bilateral Treaty between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on cooperation in the use of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait in 2003.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):34-38
pages 34-38 views

The principle of “Selected Migration” in FRS and the possibilities of its use in the process of regulating the rights of labor migrants in the Russian Federation

Abdullaev E.


The purpose of the research. The article examines the principle of “selective migration” as a modern pragmatic approach to the regulation of migration processes; analyzed the features of its use in the migration policy of France; the possibilities of using the French experience in the process of regulating migration and the rights of labor migrants in Russia are determined. The article determines that the principle of “selective migration” is aimed at providing national economies with highly qualified labor force, while the countries of the “third world” are currently suppliers of high-quality labor resources, which requires their active involvement in the struggle for minds, abilities and talents. The French experience of using the principle of “selective migration” is analyzed, it is noted that during the twentieth century this principle was transformed, although throughout the history of its development it carried a “pragmatic element” based on the national interests of France. At the same time, the pragmatics of this principle came into conflict with the general principles of law, until at the present stage it acquired the features of a social concept of ensuring the rights of labor migrants, which is enshrined in the relevant documents. The attractive aspects of the French approach, which are “softness” to regulation based on the principle of “selective migration”, are noted, it is determined that the French model can be adapted to modern Russian conditions. Output. As a result of the study, it was determined that the French version of the implementation of the principle of “selective migration” is most consistent with modern socio-economic development and the ability of our country to compete with Western countries in this aspect of migration policy. The article provides a number of recommendations regarding the use of the French experience in regulating migration processes, notes the need to combine the “principle of selective migration” with the protection of the social rights of migrants, which corresponds to the French model.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Economic and legal mechanisms to guarantee the Russia’s food independence: PRC experience (history and present time)

Belkharoev H.


The article reveals the problems of ensuring food independence of Russia, studies a wide range of social, demographic, environmental and economic factors that are influenced by food security, which is central to the national security system. The experience of the People’s Republic of China in ensuring food security has been studied. It is revealed that the violation of safety in the production cycle of food products and raw materials in some countries in the context of globalization affects consumers in other countries. The main factors of globalization of the food products and services market are revealed. The animal husbandry industry has been studied (since 1915), it is shown that the animal husbandry industry is the locomotive of the development of the agricultural industry. It was recommended to increase the production of agricultural raw materials and foodstuffs, at the same time to integrate into the world food market from the standpoint of food exporters.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):46-50
pages 46-50 views

Legal features of the functioning of state corporations in the Russian economic system

Vasiliev A., Enikeev R.


The purpose of the study. The article deals with the key aspects of the regulatory and legal regulation of the activities of state corporations. For this purpose, on the basis of a comparative analysis of the existing laws in the subject area, the most significant, according to the authors, legal norms regulating the life of various state non-profit organizations are studied. This allowed us to identify the characteristic features inherent in state-owned corporations. From a critical point of view, we have studied the legislative regulations that provide state corporations with legal opportunities to implement socially important functions aimed at the innovative development of high-tech systems of the Russian Federation. Conclusions. As a result of a comparative study, the authors conclude that the state corporations have a high level of autonomy relative to the state structures that established them. This attribute should be qualified as the most significant property that distinguishes the organizations under consideration from other NPOs. The study of federal laws providing for the creation of state corporations allows us to conclude that the established regulations are mainly preferential. Such qualification of legislative norms, from the point of view of the state, is due to the need, on the one hand, to remove bureaucratic barriers in the implementation of financial and economic activities of state corporations, on the other, to prevent the creation of corruption mechanisms between government officials and the highest governing body of the organizations under study. At the same time, this approach creates a favorable environment for illegal manipulation of state property.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):51-57
pages 51-57 views

Politics and economy: Interconnection at the contemporary stage

Kremer P.


The article actualizes the problem of the parity of politics and economics, especially when, in modern conditions, countries and continents are experiencing global economic and epidemiological shocks. The author comes to the conclusion that in the future world the effectiveness of the state will be determined by: The perfection of relations between government, business and society; the degree of controllability of society; the speed and adequacy of the reaction of the political system to the demands and support for resolving key problems and countering the challenges and threats facing the state. The purpose of the study is to identify by means of political science analysis of positive experience in the formation and implementation of socio-political projects aimed at ensuring the optimal way to achieve the desired values and needs obtained at the exit from the political system. Achieved results: The causal relationships of politics and economics as fundamental components of life have been determined; a comprehensive political science study of the impact of digitalization on the processes of interaction and interdependence of politics and economics was carried out; revealed the specifics of the relationship between economics and politics.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):58-64
pages 58-64 views

Civil society institutions and the State interface as a basis to tackle the long-run challenges of regional economic development

Fedotov A.


The article discusses the problem of interaction between civil society institutions and the state in the implementation of long-term tasks of economic development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The progressive development of the economy of the region, as well as of the country as a whole, is impossible without the joint participation of the state, business, civil society institutions and ordinary citizens. The complexity of the tasks to be solved, the limited resources, the variety of interests of economic entities require their combined efforts to achieve the goals of economic growth. It is on how the mechanisms of interaction of these entities are built that largely determine the effectiveness and efficiency of their activities, and, as a result, an increase in the standard of living of the population, the rise of the regional economy and the country’s economy. The purpose of the study is to identify, using the means of political science analysis, the role of civil society institutions in the implementation of the strategy of economic development of the region on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Achieved results: Generally increasing tendencies of the influence of civil society institutions on the solution of long-term problems of socio-economic development of the region are revealed; the forms of interaction of state and municipal structures of the Republic with the institutions of civil society for the purpose of socio-economic development of the region have been determined; the main forms and methods of influence of civil society institutions on the solution of long-term problems of socio-economic development of the region are analyzed; shows the role of the media in the socio-economic development of the region.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):65-74
pages 65-74 views

Investments in medicine in the Russian model of healthcare financing: Problems and solutions

Shpinev Y.


The article deals with the issues of financing of domestic health care. In the context of historical development, the way of formation and development of public health in Russia is shown. Based on statistical data, it is established that the situation with the financing of health care does not meet all its needs, and the annual cost of medicine per person is twice less than in the least developed European countries. A comparative analysis of the ways of financing health care in European countries is carried out, as a result of which the positive and negative aspects are highlighted in the budget model of health care, inherent in England and Sweden, and the insurance model used in most other European countries. Separately, the features of financing Russian medicine, which is expressed in the multi-channel budget-insurance model, are considered. The disadvantages of this type of financing are noted. Data on the lack of investments in healthcare, as well as the reasons for this, are presented. Investment risks in the healthcare sector are highlighted. Materials and methods. The study is based on the analysis of the current legislation in the field under consideration and scientific publications containing different points of view on the problem under study. General scientific methods of analysis and synthesis were used, as well as such special disciplinary methods as formal-legal, comparative-legal and historical. Conclusions. The most important task facing the industry is to increase investment activity, which can only be solved by creating favorable conditions for private investors, since taking into account the systematic economic crises and political pressure, public funds for medicine are clearly not enough. But it is necessary to solve the issues of creating favorable conditions for attracting investment in the healthcare sector by changing the system of financing domestic medicine.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):75-81
pages 75-81 views

On mechanisms for preventing and resolving investment disputes within the framework of the “One Belt, One Road” initiative

Yue Q.


In recent years, the construction of the “One Belt, One Road” project has continued to develop, providing a huge market and development opportunities for the countries along this route. At the same time, investments in the countries along the “One Belt, One Road” project, in addition to general business risks, also face more serious political risks and investment and legal risks. Due to the shortcomings of existing bilateral, regional and multilateral mechanisms for preventing and resolving investment disputes, it is currently not possible to effectively prevent and resolve the risks associated with international investments by Chinese companies in countries along the “One Belt, One Road” initiative. Conclusions. The implementation of the “One Belt, One Road” Initiative is of theoretical and practical importance. Theoretical - in terms of the development of the “theory of diversified management” and the concept of “Justice and Benefit”. Practical - in terms of optimizing the business environment along the “One Belt, One Road” project, protecting the legal rights and interests of Chinese enterprises abroad and promoting the subsequent improvement of investment agreements.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):82-87
pages 82-87 views

Historical and legal issues of local self-government development local governments in Russia

Eremin A., Grishin V.


The purpose of the study. The article is devoted to historical and legal issues of the development of local self-government in Russia. Approaches to the definition of local self-government are presented. Theories of local self-government that influenced the development of local self-government in the evolution of Russian statehood are being studied. The development of local self-government in Russia is being considered, especially the organization and prospects for the further development of the institution of local self-government within the framework of public power of the Russian state are being shown. The purpose of the study is to study the development of local self-government in historical and co-legal development in Russia. The article uses dialectical, isotorical, formal-legal, logical, comparative-legal and other methods of knowledge. Conclusions. Local self-government at all times of its historical development in Russia was a key factor in the development of democracy and the prospects for the participation of each member of the municipal community in the management of its territory. The totality of all forms of citizen’s participation in making publicly significant decisions will ensure the achievement of the main goal - independent and accountable management of all local affairs. The modern development of local development in Russia would be even more effective if we studied the history of its formation and actively used the positive experience gained.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):88-95
pages 88-95 views

Classification of actual compositions as communities of interrelated legal facts

Tsukanova E.


The purpose of the study. The article analyzes individual classifications of actual compositions, revealing the features of their elements and indicating the specifics of the relationship of legal facts that form the composition. The article analyzes the influence of individual legal facts on the process of accumulation of elements of the composition, which serves as the basis for legal consequences. The aim of the study is to identify the laws in the mechanism of the formation of the actual basis of legal regulation. Results. Analysis of the criteria for industry affiliation and internal complexity led to the following conclusions. In the aspect of sectoral affiliation, attention is drawn to the fact that the idea of determining the sectoral nature of actual compositions, rather than individual legal facts, is more promising. The actual compositions are formed within the framework of individual industries as an element of the mechanism of legal regulation of relations within a given industry. When dividing compositions into simple and complex, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the complexity of the composition is due to the presence of intermediate legal consequences that are autonomous in relation to those that arise from the finally formed composition.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):96-100
pages 96-100 views

About the system of the patterns of criminal law

Andrianov V.


Statement of the problem. According to philosophy, the origin, development, functioning and structural construction of any phenomenon are based on their own objective patterns. The legal system, as well as other existing phenomena, has the corresponding patterns. Study of the patterns is the main task, the ultimate goal of any science, including the criminal law. Since in the patterns content of law is revealed most deeply, they directly express the essence of law, the internal logic of legal reality. Insofar as it is impossible to ensure the adequacy, consistency and stability of criminal legislation, if we do not take into account the laws of criminal law. However, for the effective functioning of criminal law, it is necessary to take into account not only the specific patterns of criminal law itself, but, first of all, to ensure compliance of criminal law regulation with the mechanism of action of objective laws in protected spheres of public relations, as well as to take into account the social and psychological laws of the mechanism of criminal law impact. Objectives of the article. This article is devoted to the analysis of patterns of varying degrees of generality, operating in criminal law. Conclusions. In the course of the study, we have identified and formulated the patterns of the criminal law system that consists of special, general legal, social, systemic and universal patterns.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):101-108
pages 101-108 views

The effectiveness of situational centers in the system of ensuring national security at the regional level

Balaeva J., Zhukov A.


He article discusses issues of ensuring national security through the use of the Institute of Situational Centers at the Regional Level. Situational centers act as a modern and information and technical tool for ensuring a high level of national security at the regional level. Currently, there is a sharp complication of the international situation, the exacerbation of interstate, inter-ethnic, religious problems, as well as a large amount of information necessary for making management decisions at the strategic level. Situational centers are designed to solve these problems in the management of the country and form a new approach in managing the National Security System. The effectiveness of the functioning of situational centers in the national security system causes certain doubts associated with the imperfection of functioning at the initial stage of formation. These circumstances make it possible to approve the relevance of the studied question. The purpose of this article is to determine the role of situational centers in the system of ensuring national security at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):109-114
pages 109-114 views

Cybergambling: Concept, reasons and conditions (criminological aspects)

Serebrennikova A.


The author aims to conduct a study of the criminological characteristics of such a negative social phenomenon as cyber gambling. This social phenomenon was not chosen by chance as the object of research, it represents the most negative of all forms of addiction to computer games (including gambling). The purpose of the article: To reveal the concept of cybergambling from the standpoint of criminology, to highlight its main features, to identify the social groups most susceptible to this form of addiction. Methodology and methods: for the purposes of this article, the author has applied a wide range of general and specific scientific research methods. Including, along with analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, were used the comparative legal method, as well as the method of interpreting legal norms. Conclusions: summarizing the causes and conditions of negative social consequences arising from gambling addiction, the author identifies several groups of determinants and reveals their essence. As a result of the study, conclusions and general recommendations are formulated to eliminate the causes and conditions for committing crimes related to illegal gambling.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Analysis of innovative promotion of the ways of construction of a public legal services system in the post-epidemic era (from the point of view of the “Chinese legal services network”)

Ren Y.


Public legal services serve as the foundation that underpins and safeguards the promotion of the rule of law. In recent years, especially since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, the advantages of the website platform of “China Legal Service Website” have been increasingly highlighted. This Website plays an important role in China’s efforts to develop its judicial system, especially in China’s endeavors to integrate the pandemic prevention and control with socio-economic development in a legally orderly fashion. This paper aims to propose suggestions for the innovative promotion of public legal service system when the pandemic is over via elaborating upon the challenges and opportunities faced by public legal services when COVID-19 hits. By so doing, an improved, more substantial and robust public legal service system can be expected when the pandemic is over. This paper concludes that public legal service system in the post-pandemic era can be improved by strengthening scientific and technological innovation, improving the operation mechanism and enhancing the professional skills of legal practitioners.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):120-124
pages 120-124 views

Problems of using digital technologies in law-making

Barzilova I.


The article deals with the problems of using digital technologies in the law-making process in the Russian Federation. The main areas of application of digital technologies are analyzed depending on the subjects of lawmaking. The aim of the study is to identify the features of the use of digital technologies depending on the types of lawmaking activities. This is necessary to determine the main directions of the use of digital technologies in law-making work, to develop recommendations for optimizing their use. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that digital technologies are not yet sufficiently used in the law-making sphere, their potential and opportunities have not been revealed. It is advisable to use digital technologies depending on the types and subjects of lawmaking. Digital codes, algorithms will take into account the peculiarities of lawmaking work, depending on the stages of the lawmaking process. The main directions of the use of digital technologies in the lawmaking of state bodies of the Russian Federation and officials are highlighted; local government bodies; lawmaking by way of a referendum; local lawmaking. As a result of the study, the author comes to the conclusion that digital technologies are not yet sufficiently used in the law-making sphere, their potential and opportunities have not been revealed. It is advisable to use digital technologies depending on the types and subjects of lawmaking. Digital codes, algorithms will take into account the peculiarities of lawmaking work, depending on the stages of the lawmaking process. The main directions of the use of digital technologies in the lawmaking of state bodies of the Russian Federation and officials are highlighted; local government bodies; lawmaking by way of a referendum; local lawmaking. The author comes to the conclusion about the creation of guidelines, other regulations governing the procedure and procedures for the use of digital technologies in the law-making process. It is necessary to make changes to the legislative system by creating normative acts regulating the legal and technical aspects of the law-making process. Digital technologies will make it possible to improve the procedure for conducting expert examinations of draft normative acts; determine the volume of regulations that need to be systematized; reduce the burden on subjects of legal and authentic interpretation. It is possible to create electronic dictionaries of legal terms, with the help of which the correctness of the use of terminology in draft regulations and current regulations will be checked. Digital technologies will make it possible to shorten the time for the adoption of regulatory legal acts, to optimize the law-making process.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):125-130
pages 125-130 views

Civil nation and ethnic identity: On the question of the “essence of the Russian nation”

Maltsev K., Alaverdyan A.


The purpose of the article is to reveal the importance of embedding «Russian national identity» in the normative distinction between civil nations and ethnic nations, which has been carried out in Western social studies for more than seventy years. This presupposes the study of the way of representing the nation in the horizon defined by “liberal metaphysics” (K. Schmitt) - in the liberal version of the economic paradigm of the political (J. Agamben’s term). The research method is a philosophical interpretation, which makes it possible to demonstrate the “foundations” (axioms, dogmas, principles, imperatives) that determine the way of presentation, perspectives and conclusions as necessary - for an objective scientific study of nations and national identities, the object of research of which in the presentation is as a given. It is established that a civil nation is a project for which «historiographic recalculation» (M. Heidegger) is a way of combining the reality of a concept and reality; a civil nation as an association based on civic loyalty is reduced to the free self-determination of an autonomous individual-citizen, which necessarily considers any “remnants of naturalness” as invalid, illegal and morally disqualified as “evil” - such a “remnant” is recognized as ethnicity: the methodologically inadmissible confusion of “attribution to value” and “evaluation” is based on the idea. The conclusion is drawn: “civil nation”, being a theoretical concept, is at the same time a political project and is used as an instrument of ideological influence: qualification as an “ethnic nation” singles out the object as a “political enemy” that needs to be removed - “Russian national identity” as European and ethnic is, in consequence of what has been said, a “paradigm case”.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):131-139
pages 131-139 views

Missionary activity of the Catholic Church in the Western Territory of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries

Markova N., Penkina S.


The article is devoted to the analysis of some aspects of missionary activity of the Catholic Church on the Western Territory of the Russian Empire in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Being a natural and necessary process from Christianity’s point of view, missionary work, solved one of the most important tasks - to attract new supporters to the Christian church. Missionary work of the Catholic Church was quite successful and effective in XIX-XX centuries and the Orthodox Church and Russian government recognized this fact. However, on the territory of Russia, missionary work was available and officially allowed only to the Orthodox Church, which was the predominant and dominant in the territory of the Russian Empire according to the legislation of the 19th century. Recognizing the effectiveness of the influence of Catholic priests on the Orthodox population of Russia, the spiritual and state authorities have developed measures aimed at strengthening the role of Orthodoxy and weakening the influence of non-Orthodox confessions, in particular, the Catholic one, on the territory of the Russian Empire. First of all, it was about the Western Territory, which remained under the strong influence of the Catholic Church after accession of territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Proselytism of the Catholic Church on the territory of the Russian Empire was directed not only at the Orthodox population of the Western Territory, but also at Uniatism, which was considered by Catholics and the Orthodox Church as a transitional stage for the adoption of Catholicism.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):140-146
pages 140-146 views

The Russian World as the traditional basis of the Spiritual culture of Society

Teplykh N.


The purpose of the research. The article deals with the origin and development of Russian civilization in the context of the evolution of the spiritual foundations of the Russian world. The author of the article considers the genetic aspects of the formation of the Russian ethno-cultural community as a society developing from the Byzantine and Eastern European origins. The author’s approach in this study is aimed at analyzing the specifics of the institutionalization of the value-cultural dominants of the “Russian world” as a spiritually oriented society of Eurasia, combining the Byzantine, Westernizing and orientalist foundations of social creation. In the modern dynamically changing geocultural space, this is necessary, since it is important to take into account the above-mentioned circumstances of the formation of the Russian society and its cultural and spiritual basis (the Russian world) as a constant indicative constant of the existence of Russians. Results. As a result of the research, the author comes to the conclusion that many algorithms of social development of the Russian society in the context of the actualization of the spiritual and cultural foundations of the «Russian world» represent a meaningful potential for balancing modern crisis phenomena of the spiritual plane. The concept of the «Russian world» represents significant trends in the development and complication of the forms of social life of modern man as a factor that stabilizes the spiritual and cultural part of the sociosphere.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):147-151
pages 147-151 views

Anthropological aspects of the concept of religio in the works of Cicero

Tsyganov R.


This article is devoted to the analysis of the anthropological aspects of the concept of religio used in the well-known legacy of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Cicero’s contribution to the development of philosophical understanding of various aspects of human society is generally recognized, but one of the most valuable “pearls”, which is highly valued by modern researchers, is his analysis of the Latin word religio, which is found in his works more than 600 times. In our opinion, an important aspect of Cicero’s reflections on religion is the consideration of his literary and philosophical heritage in the context of the crucial historical and political processes that took place in the Roman Republic in the first century BC, similar to the challenges facing the modern Russian and international community. The article attempts to comprehend the Latin lexemes superstitio and sacrum, which are close in meaning to the concept of religio, which allows us more accurately to explicate this concept from its related definitions. The results of the study. Cicero draws a clear line between the concepts of religio (internal and external sincere piety), sacrum (Roman state understanding of shrines) and superstitio (false beliefs). He identifies the following main functions in the concept of religio: Ideological (uniting people on the basis of pious beliefs in common gods), ideological (everything in the world happens with the permission of the gods as the foundations of the “higher order of nature”) and socio-managerial (universal values that govern the behavior of an individual in society).
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):152-158
pages 152-158 views

Demographic challenges and risks: Their socio-political consequences in the Far Eastern Federal District

Avdoi J.


The article examines the problem of the priority of preserving and increasing the resident population of the Far East due to demographic challenges and risks of negative political consequences in connection with the increasing trend of depopulation of the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District and the threat of loss of national sovereignty. The author identifies significant challenges of a demographic nature. The purpose of the study is to identify demographic challenges and risks using the means of political science analysis: their socio-political consequences in the Far Eastern Federal District. Achieved results: 1) using the author’s definition of socio-political reality as a potential and actualized political being, the understanding of the peculiarities of socio-political reality in the Far Eastern Federal District as its subregional variety, formed under the influence of certain challenges and risks, and at the same time generating new ones that can pose threats to national security, is revealed; 2) justified the priority of preserving and increasing the resident population of the Far East due to demographic challenges and risks of negative political consequences in connection with the increasing trend of depopulation of the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District and the threat of loss of national sovereignty; 3) significant demographic challenges identified.
Sociopolitical Sciences. 2021;11(2):159-168
pages 159-168 views

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