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卷 10, 编号 2 (2023)


Mosaic emotional-behavioral duplicator in adaptive management of business development in mobilization format

Shchepakin M.


Constructive adaptation of innovative transformations in socio-economic processes in Russia, when implemented in a mobilization format, requires taking into account the influence of the entire spectrum of factors that form a real image of national business and its defining elements in various dimensions (technological, production, value, marketing and communication, behavioral, motivational, etc.). Amidst instability of market interactions in the field of massive information and manipulative pressure of the West, the problem of business growth should be considered in the context of its positive marketing and behavioral adaptation to the identity-determined competitiveness. The competitiveness of subjects is their ability to respond adequately to information impacts and various challenges.It is necessary to consider the problems of ensuring civilized business competitiveness within the framework of the motivational and value basis formed by the state and improved by society, which determines the "image" and status of a human-centered personality in achieving the growth of social well-being. The architecture of constructive innovative transformations in critically important and various industry segments of the mobilization economy involves the application of "duplicators" of different content settings and their cliched embodiment in marketing and communications. The author proposed to introduce the concept of "emotional-behavioral duplicator" of a business entity into scientific circulation. This "duplicator" determines the formats of the realized capabilities of market relations subjects in marketing mimicry to market challenges and signals of various information content. The author also suggests the concept of "information blanket", reflecting the properties and mosaic characteristics of the information elements, formed within the boundaries of material and virtual reality. The developed model of business competitiveness management in the conditions of the mobilization economy links the factors determining its growth with the quality of human capital, values in society and business, as well as with the behavioral reactions of participants in interactions to external and internal challenges.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):367-388
pages 367-388 views

Social orientations and problems of goal-setting in non-profit organizations in Russia

Akhtyamov M., Zavyalova N.


The high relevance of involving the active part of society in the processes of transformation of social and economic life in the country has been substantiated.The basic concepts of ideals and values, goals and goal-setting in the context of forms of human and organization activities are discussed. The article analyzes the suitability of conceptual developments on Korogodin's theory of purposeful information and Altshuller and Vertkin's theory of the creative personality development in relation to the processes of goal-setting activities of domestic socially oriented non-profit organizations. On the example of the Chelyabinsk region, a review and analysis of the goal-setting of non-profit organizations was carried out. The hypothesis of using the system of qualities of a creative personality for planning and implementing the activities of organizations is confirmed. The tools for finding reliable social guidelines are given; and the problem of clearly formulating the goals of the activity is solved.The article will be of interest to the heads of non-profit organizations, students of economic universities, researchers and graduate students, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in the development of the non-profit sector.

Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):389-410
pages 389-410 views

Current problems in managing groups of companies

Repichev A., Solodkin V.


The scientific article discusses the prerequisites and reasons for the creation of groups of companies. The content of this category is analyzed. It is revealed that there is no such concept as "group of companies" in the Russian legal field; legal concepts close in meaning to this category are presented. The main signs for the unification of organizations are considered. The advantages, disadvantages and risks that should be taken into account when forming groups of companies are identified. Examples of groups of companies in different spheres of activity of the Russian economy are presented. They are as follows: design and construction of residential buildings, financial services and innovative digital technology and sale of electronics and household appliances. The causes of crises and the main problems of managing groups of companies in Russia are highlighted.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):411-424
pages 411-424 views

Multidisciplinary teams as a factor of company sustainability in modern conditions

Yakhontova E.


In the VUCA world, the sustainability of companies is largely determined by the teamwork effectiveness. Loss of stability, as a rule, is characteristic of companies that prefer a traditional way of life organized according to the functional principle under authoritarian management. The article is devoted to the features of multidisciplinary teams and the conditions of their effectiveness. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research is the modern understanding of the teamwork role in achieving the success of a company in a turbulent environment in the context of the theory of sustainable development. The key success factors of multidisciplinary teams and approaches to their work that contribute to the sustainable development of companies are identified. The article may be of interest to both theorists researching modern forms of teamwork organization and management practitioners implementing multidisciplinary teams in management.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):425-438
pages 425-438 views

Criteria for evaluating team performance in sales

Gusev Y.


The article is devoted to the study of the features and specifics of working in a team in the direction of sales. The research purpose was to identify the labor productivity criteria in team-type activities. The author carried out an analysis of the role of human capital for teamwork in the context of a crisis of market development in the sales system. The main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the team's work are determined. A brief literature review devoted to the influence of human capital on the effectiveness of new entrepreneurial teams has been carried out. The author solves the following scientific problem. The quality of the team's work in the sales department affects not only the sellers' salary, but also the company's profit and the main goal achievement. It would seem that you need to hire highly qualified specialists, and they will do everything themselves. But in reality, you need to build an effective and efficient department, which is quite a difficult task. First of all, you need to decide what indicators are expected from the department and how to measure them. The results of the study can be applied in the development of a sales department strategy.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):439-450
pages 439-450 views

Corporate competence model for a railway transport company

Shendel T., Shklyar O.


The corporate competence model is the cornerstone of the personnel management system, which allows to implement its main functional areas at a qualitative level. The article presents the practical experience of forming a corporate competence model of a railway transport company. Based on the results of its analysis, an additional corporate competence is defined. It is digital literacy. As a result, its content by management levels is revealed; the connection with skill as a brand value of a railway transport company is determined.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):451-470
pages 451-470 views

Managing the development of managers' competencies

Khayrulina L.


The main types of competencies necessary for managers in modern conditions are defined. The structure of the manager's competence matrix is analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of methods for assessing the development level of the manager's competencies are revealed. The methods of competence development for inclusion in the manager's individual development plan are proposed. Approaches to assess the effectiveness of managing the development of manager's competencies have been developed. A management model for the development of managers' competencies has been developed.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):471-486
pages 471-486 views

Digital leadership development areas for effective management of organizational change in the digital economy

Gubanova A.


The article presents the results of a sociological study of the team roles of modern leaders. The following hypothesis is proved: Russian leaders demonstrate a lack of a number of important competencies for managing organizational changes amidst digital transformation. In the existing training programs for digital leaders, the emphasis in training is placed on digital skills, rather than on the development of leadership potential for effective change management in the digital economy. This is due to the vague interpretation of the concept of "digital leader". The author's definition of the digital leader is proposed.The presented research will be useful in solving the problem of improving the effectiveness of leadership, developing leadership training programs in modern conditions. A number of conclusions are drawn. In particular, it is shown that businesses need to build their own models and develop corporate training programs for digital leaders due to the complexity and urgency of this process. A systematic strategic approach to training leaders within an organization can ensure high quality of leadership potential, leadership resources, achievement of strategic goals of the organization and its successful digital transformation.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):487-506
pages 487-506 views

Peculiarities of personnel management in regional projects

Legostaeva S., Zadorenko I.


The article considers the place and importance of regional projects in the strategic planning system of the Russian Federation. The interrelation of the target indicators of regional projects with national projects where the region participates is given. The distinctive features of project activity from current operations in government agencies are indicated. The variety and complexity of tasks and the presence of many participants in the implementation of a regional project requires specific approaches to personnel management. Project personnel should be understood as employees of organizations that partially or fully work to achieve the goals of the project. They can be considered as a project team. The factors affecting the efficiency of the project staff are considered. The necessity of project management methods in relation to personnel involved in the implementation of regional projects is substantiated.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):507-522
pages 507-522 views

Exploring the impact of human resources on the development of industrial enterprises

Kruglov D., Se Y.


Based on the analysis of data on industrial production and human resources of Huawei, the article examines the impact of RD on the structure of company financial results. The results of the calculations show that there is a correlation between the human capacity and the efficiency of industrial production. Based on the data obtained, proposals for the rational distribution of employees in Huawei have been developed.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):523-532
pages 523-532 views

Modern methods of personnel quality assessment as a tool for improving the efficiency of business processes in companies

Khodova Y., Skudar A., Piskun L.


The characteristics of the methods for company staff evaluation, taking into account the proposed methodology for management levels, are presented. The analysis of modern methods and tools of staff assessment is carried out. The main evaluation criteria in the personnel quality assessment are defined. The methodology of personnel assessment regarding the levels of management is proposed. This methodology will ensure an increase in the efficiency of personnel management and sustainable competitiveness in the future. To do this, it is necessary to build an objective personnel evaluation system and propose a program for continuous employee development. It is advisable to apply the modern methodology of personnel quality assessment in order to increase the efficiency of business processes.One of the main factors of the internal environment, which is controlled and formed by the company for socio-economic development and efficiency improvement, is the provision of qualified personnel, the formation of the composition, structure, level of professional dedication and professionalism of all participants in production activities. Personnel assessment determines the level of certain knowledge and characteristics of the employee necessary to solve tasks. The article is of scientific interest for academic staff, postgraduates and students, heads of companies and managers.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):533-546
pages 533-546 views

Innovative technology in personnel management: application experience

Nosyreva I., Beloborodova N.


Changing working conditions transform approaches to personnel management and requires innovative technology in the HR management system. In order to increase the efficiency of interaction between employees, increase staff involvement in work and implement the principles of team building, Scrum technology is widely used in various Russian and foreign companies. The authors systematized and characterized a number of information systems in personnel management, with the introduction of which Scrum technology can be applied. The article analyzes the experience of applying Scrum technology when implementing the Mirapolis project to optimize HR services in one of the companies in the oil and gas sector. The authors examine the experience of applying the Miro Board platform to organize the collaboration of remote teams in a non-governmental educational organization. In the course of the study, the authors identified the main problems of innovative technology in personnel management, predicted the consequences of the identified problems and proposed ways to solve them. Innovative technology in personnel management makes it possible to unleash the creative and intellectual potential of employees, promotes greater employee engagement, makes it possible to solve problems of increased complexity, implement large-scale projects and ensure the growth of labor productivity and efficiency of the company.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):547-560
pages 547-560 views

Career development of young people in the university staff partnership ecosystem

Nikulina Y.


The article examines the problems of the relationship between professional self-determination and career development of young people in the framework of the transformation of the education system and the labor market. The author analyzes the main components of the staff partnership ecosystem on the example of a university and its impact on the process of career development of young people. Special attention is paid to the consideration of innovative forms and tools of the university within the framework of the Professionalism and Career Track. The results of the students' research regarding the assessment of the potential and actual level of their involvement and interest in the processes of functioning of the ecosystem of staff partnership and the implementation of career-oriented activities are presented.It is concluded that in order to form a competitive personality of a young specialist in the labor market, it is necessary to involve students directly in the processes of communication with representatives of the staff partnership ecosystem to a greater extent. To solve this problem, it is proposed to introduce student networking practice in the form of creating a student club for professional and career development.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):561-578
pages 561-578 views

Project activity centers as an element of the university entrepreneurship ecosystem

Yurova O., Medveditskova A., Berezin A., Minaeva O.


The authors of the article consider the mechanisms of development and institutional consolidation of students and academic staff project activities in order to form an entrepreneurship ecosystem. The institutional design of project activities in the form of special units sets the tone for serious transformations both within the university and in the context of the university's integration with the external environment. The objective value of specialized units in the university structure that accumulate the business processes of initiation and development of project activity among students and employees, including cooperation with the external socio-economic field, is confirmed in a number of scientific papers on the construction of an entrepreneurial ecosystem of the university.The authors describe their own trajectory of project activity institutionalization through the creation of a specialized unit. This is the Center of Project Activity (on the example of a regional reference university), which allows to assemble the key details of the university's entrepreneurial ecosystem into a configuration that ensures continuous interaction between internal elements and the external environment with the receipt of demanded projects at the output. The attempts of universities implementing entrepreneurial transformation using the ecosystem concept demonstrate the need for special institutions in their structure, which act as a resource center for embedding the university into the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The experience of project activity institutionalization includes both a mechanism for forming a division and building appropriate business processes around it and meaningful functional elements. The main barriers during the creation and development of the unit are presented. They can be taken into account when initiating the idea of creating appropriate centers for practice replication.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):579-596
pages 579-596 views

An organizational and activity game as a project management tool for implementing a university's digital transformation strategy

Sannikov D., Shirinkina E.


The article considers the possibility of using organizational and activity games as a fundamental tool for implementing the university's digital transformation. As an empirical base, the materials of the Ugra State University were used. The concept of the external framework for the implementation of the university's digital transformation is formulated. The concepts includes: Industry 4.0, Big Data and artificial intelligence, University 4.0 and lifelong learning.The concept of University in a Mobile Phone is described. It is based on the need to develop the existing personal account of the university into a digital platform. Thus, it is necessary to design and develop four basic components: user profiles, a unified identification system, user data storage (structured and unstructured data) and API (application programming interface). The complexity of the design largely depends on the current and projected model of the university (University 1.0, University 2.0, University 3.0 and University 4.0). It is proposed to form a strategic project for the digital transformation of the university, which includes two project portfolios: digital development and digital IT school. This approach should make it possible to obtain a synergistic effect from these projects and achieve the emergent properties of the university's digital ecosystem. Finally, a management system for the digital transformation of the university is proposed.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):597-612
pages 597-612 views

The role of mentoring in the organizational culture of higher education institutions

Parfenova I., Balganova E.


The authors consider the problem of finding methods of involving students in the organizational culture of a higher educational institution. The importance and significance of the university organizational culture is emphasized, since students, absorbing the basic values, beliefs, attitudes, ethical norms, further transmit them in their professional activities, forming a professional culture in the organizations where they carry out their further activities and in the professional sphere as a whole. The studied the role of curatorship in the organizational culture of the university and noted the great importance of this integration potential in the system of higher education.The article presents a study of curator activity at the Siberian Institute of Management (branch) of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. The authors determine the mechanisms of its influence on the university organizational culture.The presented material will be useful to the management and academic staff of universities in the formation and maintenance of the internal traditional culture of the higher educational institution at a high level.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):613-630
pages 613-630 views

Implementation of the environmental management system in a higher education institution

Antonov A.


The article is devoted to the question of the feasibility of implementing an environmental management system in an educational institution. Environmental management as an integrated approach in the company's work has been chosen as the object of research. Environmental management is aimed at the rational use of natural resources and minimizing environmental damage from the company's activities. International environmental standards have become the subject of research. There is an application for an environmental management system in every organization, regardless of its direction. This is due to the fact that everywhere there are areas that require optimization to reduce the negative impact on the environment. The sphere of environmental protection of the educational institution is inextricably linked with the system of preserving the life and health of employees and students. The author comes to the conclusion that continuous improvement and compliance with the principles of environmental management is an integral part of the overall management system of the company.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):631-642
pages 631-642 views

Improving the management of sustainable business development in Russia based on the principles of social and environmental responsibility with ESG management

Morozova I., Smetanina A., Smetanin A.


The article is devoted to the study of modern experience and prospects for improving the management of sustainable business development in Russia. On the example of the top 20 Russian corporate structures implementing ESG management in 2021, the contribution of alternative management models based on the principles of social and environmental responsibility to the sustainable development of business in Russia is assessed. Based on the regression analysis method, the dependence of revenue on the combination of factors E, S and G in the responsible management model and on the ESG management factor in the ESG management model is determined.As a result, it is proved that ESG management is more closely related to revenue than responsible management. The key conclusion is that the ESG management model is more preferable for Russian business management. The novelty and originality of the article lies in the rethinking of management on the principles of social and environmental responsibility from the standpoint of contribution to sustainable business development. The applied value of the author's conclusions and recommendations lies in the fact that they allow improving the modern Russian practice of managing sustainable business development based on the principles of social and environmental responsibility with ESG management.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):643-656
pages 643-656 views

Methodology for the study of the company cultural code in the corporate-anthropological approach with the help of facilitation and storytelling tools to ensure sustainable development

Pister E., Dankin V., Medvedev S.


The article deals with the problems of studying the corporate culture, such as the application of facilitation and storytelling tools in corporate anthropology to ensure the sustainable development. To develop measures in the field of ensuring the company's sustainable development, it is important to take into account not only its industry characteristics, but also its history, traditions, accepted norms and rules of interaction between various departments. Without understanding the history of the company and the specific features of its corporate culture, it is difficult to design comprehensive changes and long-term strategies aimed at ensuring the viability and sustainable development in the long term. At the same time, several stakeholders interact within the same organization. They are as follows: owners, management, employees and customers. Therefore, it is important to understand the points of intersection of their interests and values. The authors propose a methodology based on the practice of conducting a retrospective and collecting stories, which allows for an in-depth analysis of the company's cultural code and its impact on the interaction of various stakeholders. An educational organization has been selected as the object of testing. The technology of applying facilitation and storytelling tools for the study of the company's cultural code has been developed and tested. The authors describe a technology that allows combining the classical retrospective with the collection of anthropological stories in order to further describe the company cultural code.The advantages and features of this technology are analyzed.FUNDING.The research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-78-10002, https://rscf.ru/project/22-78-10002.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):657-672
pages 657-672 views

Theoretical aspects of lean management in the system of regional government

Umalatov R.


The author analyzed the activity of regional management systems.The author was looking for ways and techniques to improve regional management based on the application of the ideology of lean management. The author conducted a retrospective analysis of lean management as a category of a systematic approach and identified some problem areas in the activities of regional management systems that require immediate solutions in terms of improving the level of social and economic development, activating human-centered resources in all areas of activity and personal transformation of the regional population (material and spiritual one). The idea of lean management has been formed as a tool for increasing the relationship between key elements: government, society and business, on the one hand, and as a methodological resource for the formation of tools for achieving growth of key economic and social indicators by increasing the social well-being of citizens within the framework of the transformation economy, on the other hand.
Leadership and Management. 2023;10(2):673-684
pages 673-684 views