Vol 5, No 1 (1891)

Cover Page
  • Year: 1891
  • Published: 05.01.1891
  • Articles: 21
  • URL: https://journals.eco-vector.com/jowd/issue/view/1989
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.17816/JOWD51
  • Description:


    Оригинальныхъ статей, лекцій, казуистики.

    К. Ф. Славянскій. Воспаленія и ретенціонныя кисты фаллопіевыхъ трубъ. Лекція......................................135, 335

    М. М. Мироновъ. Лоскутный способъ перинеоррафіи при неполныхъ разрывахъ промежности.............................24

    И. Тышко. Къ казуистикѣ инородныхъ тѣлъ женскаго мочевого пузыря...............................................................30

    К. Ф. Славянскій. Hysteropexia abdominalis anterior при заднихъ смѣщеніяхъ матки. Рѣчь................................... 61

    И. И. Лапинъ. Къ вопросу о терапевтическомъ примѣненіи солей со- зоіодола въ гинекологіи..............................77

    В. Н. Массенъ. Отчетъ о засѣданіяхъ гинекологической секціи ІV-го съѣзда русскихъ врачей въ Москвѣ съ 3-го по 10-е января 1891 г ..................................................................................................................................87, 200

    В. Г. Купидоновъ. Къ вопросамъ современной гинекологіи. Изъ путевыхъ и личныхъ наблюденій.......107, 237, 319, 509, 664, 772, 1020

    А. И. Захарьевскій. Случай врожденной hydrometra.......................................................................................164

    В. А. Столыпинскій. Каленое желѣзо въ гинекологіи. Лекція...........................................................................247

    И. И. Федоровъ. О колебаніи величины размѣровъ таза у роженицъ въ зависимости отъ степени наклоненія его...   268

    Г. А. Корди. Къ ученію о дермоидныхъ кистахъ яичниковъ. (Предварительное сообщеніе)..................................279

    С. К. Оленинъ. Случай множественной міомы влагалища.................................................................................282

    Д. С. Щеткинъ. О проникающихъ разрывахъ сводовъ влагалища у роженицъ....................................................353

    Г. А. Гольцманъ. Къ вопросу о возстановленіи промежности по лоскутному методу (Lawson Tait).......................396

    М. М. Мироновъ. Измѣненія слизистой оболочки тѣла матки при ракѣ влагалищной части и шейки ея................410

    А. Л. Эберманъ. О женскомъ уретритѣ........ ..................................................................................................435

    С. В. Теръ-Микаэлянцъ. Къ вопросу объ операціи Hysteropexia abdominalis anterior..........................................445

    М. М. Мироновъ. ІѴ-й съѣздъ германскаго общества гинекологовъ Боннѣ 9-го (21-го)—11-го (23-го) мая 1891 года..............................................................................................................................................................453

    Д. О. Оттъ. Гнилостный распадъ подслизистаго фиброида, какъ показаніе къ полному удаленію матки................533

    А. Я. Крассовскій. Медицинскій отчетъ С.-Петербургскаго Родовспомогательнаго Заведенія за 1890 годъ...........549

    Г. Г. Поюровскій. О тампонадѣ матки при послѣродовыхъ кровотеченіяхъ........................................................574

    И. М.    Львовъ. Mola vesiculosa......................................................................................................................601

    П. Т. Садовскій. Лоскутный методъ при операціи Atresiae ani vestibularis..........................................................617

    И. Гуревичъ. Случаи хилозной кисты брыжейки..............................................................................................627

    И. М. Львовъ. Случай врожденнаго уродства плода.........................................................................................638

    Н. В. Ястребовъ. О консервативномъ кесарскомъ сѣченіи................................................................................687

    М. А. Воскресенскій. По поводу накопленія жидкости въ маточной трубѣ.........................................................702

    Н. М. Какушкинъ. Къ вопросу о половой дѣятельности женщины города Тамбова.............................................711

    И. И. Федоровъ. Случай консервативнаго кесарскаго сѣченія при абсолютномъ съуженіи таза...........................729

    А. Н. Соловьевъ. Успѣхи оперативнаго лѣченія мерцательно-сосочковыхъ кистомъ яичника..............................795

    А. Ф. Брандтъ. Къ бактеріологіи полости тѣла матки при эндометритахъ...........................................................810

    А. А. Ануфріевъ. Къ вопросу о пузырно-цервикальныхъ фистулахъ и описаніе пяти случаевъ такого рода фистулъ, окончившихся полнымъ выздоровленіемъ........................................................................................................815

    Н. А. Салмановъ. Къ вопросу о полномъ вырѣзываніи матки чрезъ влагалище..................................................825

    А. Ф. Хелминскій. Къ казуистикѣ чревосѣченій при внутрисвязочныхъ пароваріальныхъ кистахъ.......................835

    А. Я.  Крассовскій. 7 гистероміомотомій.........................................................................................................873

    А. Ф. Брандтъ. Къ ученію о первичныхъ лимфосаркомахъ слизистой оболочки матки.........................................899

    Д. О. Оттъ. Инструментъ для фиксаціи резиноваго жгута..................................................................................916

    Н. М. Какушкинъ. Роды тройнями, осложненные эклампсіей............................................................................921

    И. Тышко. Къ казуистикѣ внѣматочной беременности......................................................................................926

    С.   А. Истоминъ. Къ казуистикѣ отрывовъ головки младенца при насильственномъ извлеченіи за предлежащія ножки...........................................................................................................................................................929

    П. Т. Нейштубе. Hyperemesis gravidarum perniciosa и лѣченіе ея кокаиномъ......................................................955

    И. И. Федоровъ. Случай haematomatis vaginae polyposi во время беременности................................................992

    С. А. Истоминъ. Случай врачебнаго выкидыша, предпринятаго на 23-й недѣлѣ беременности вслѣдствіе смерти плода и рѣзкой ретрофлексіи матки.................................................................................................................996

    П. А. Добрадинъ. Случай затруднительнаго удаленія пессарія изъ влагалища.................................................1000

Full Issue



Slaviansky K.F.


When studying inflammatory changes in the fallopian tubes, we will distinguish the forms of inflammation without the formation of large accumulations of fluid in the cavity of the fallopian tube and the forms in which a similar kind of accumulation comes to the fore. Taking into account the importance of both anatomical and practical relations of such a duration, I will first outline the inflammation of the fallopian tubes (Salpingitis) in the course of this lecture, and the next I will devote to the analysis of the so-called retentive cystic tubes.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):1-24
pages 1-24 views


Mironova M.M.


The treatment of old perineal ruptures in the last time, thanks to Lawson-Tait, who offered his own patchwork method and a critical assessment that appeared later, aroused the interest of the specialists again, which is why I decided to confide with my comrades with some information about a modified method of perineoplasty used prof. Winckel, moreover, this method has not yet been published, and I have the opportunity, thanks to my kindly given permission, to be the first to communicate this method to Russian collegs, for which I consider it my duty to express my deep gratitude to the esteemed professor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):24-29
pages 24-29 views

To casuistry foreign bodies of the female urinary bladder

Tyshko I.


Alexandra Ermolaeva, a peasant woman from the Smolensk district, Spasskaya volost, 22 years old, was admitted to the Smolensk Provincial Zemsky Hospital on February 2, 1890, complaining of complete urinary incontinence, severe pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, and external genital organs, constipation and pain.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):30-33
pages 30-33 views


Shtol K.G.


"Tarenetsky does not recognize the hypertrophy of the small lips and the lust for a racial sign and explains this anomaly by the early loss of their elasticity by the small lips; under the influence of this loss of elasticity, vicious habits and legalized custom, the form and size of these parts are changed. Admitting a heritable transmission, he considers the only racial difference to be the weak development in African and Australian women of large lips, why the pohotnik and small lips are more prominent in them. With congenital hypertrophy of the clitoris, which occurs much more often and is accompanied by hypertrophy of the small lips, the pohot takes a club-like shape and easily strains."

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):33
pages 33 views

Pregnancy and pneumonia

Sadovsky P.


Pregnancy is quite often complicated by pneumonia and the influence of the last days on it is known, namely: pregnancy is interrupted by a miscarriage or premature birth, and the closer to the deadline this complication occurs, the prognosis for the mother and fetus becomes more difficult.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):34
pages 34 views

About the transition of typhus microorganisms from the mother to the fetus.

Brandt A.


The author, studying a fresh fetus born of a typhoid mother, wants to confirm Eberth's view that microorganisms that enter the blood of fetuses born from typhoid mothers are indeed the real typhoid bacillus, and not some or any other saprophyte.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):34-37
pages 34-37 views

For examination and dietetics pregnant women and women who have recently given birth.

Cordy G.


The author praises the Thure Brandt's method of treatment diseases of female genital organs and says that he has come to the development of this method to such perfection that new work in this area can only be directed at the discovery of the newest information on the physiology and pathology of the female genital apparatus, for the Thure Brandt's method to be shown to the indications for method and the reason for his success. It is also known that in case of uterine prolapse, in old and neglected cases, this method of raising the uterus and massage can give an amazingly quick and perfect result, in other cases it is not. Obviously, failure is the result of various anatomical relationships, and, according to the author, the bending of the uterus back and its side positions, where pessaries and surgical methods of treatment are more intelligent.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):37-39
pages 37-39 views

Cocaine in obstetrics

Hermonius A.


For the elimination and reduction of pain during childbirth, cocaine was used for the first time in France by Doléris in 1885; he lubricated the cervix with ointment or 4% solution and stated its analgesic effect. Since that other scientists have adopted it in different forms with the same purpose.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):40
pages 40 views

Two cases of extrauterine pregnancy, cured by laparotomy.

Brandt A.


Case 1. Mrs. 28 years old, married for 2 years 4 months, appeared on December 27, 1889. The patient's complaints are as follows: Menstruation, which was always correct before and continued for 4 days, now lasts for 10 days. The last regulations were on October 1-4, they were absent in November, and since they were not shown even in December, the patient thought she was pregnant; On December 13th, I felt such a strong colicky contraction in the lower abdomen that I lost consciousness. After this attack, she has bleeding and pains in the lower abdomen are so severe every two hours that they make her writhe. Two cases of extrauterine pregnancy - cured by laparotomy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):40-42
pages 40-42 views

To the etiology and therapy of blennorrhea in newborns.

Brandt A.


The author at the beginning of his article, referring to the study of Borchardt’s regarding the acute form of gonorrhea, Kroner’s, Widmark’s, Grossmann’s and his own regarding blennorrhea, says that blennorrhea of newborns and young children is not always caused by gonococci, so As very often, both the author himself and the aforementioned authors did not find gonococci either in the secretion of the maternal genital apparatus or in the secretion of the eyes in children.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):42-44
pages 42-44 views

Three cases of complications after incorrectly produced vaginal douching in healthy women.

Kinast R.


The author describes from his practice three cases of painful phenomena that developed after vaginal douching.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):44-45
pages 44-45 views

Tamponation of the abdominal cavity

Brandt A.


Taking into account that sometimes occurring during laparotomy bleeding in the abdominal cavity can lead, if not to a fatal outcome, then in any case to a significant slowdown in the postoperative course, the author suggests his own way of tamponation of the abdominal cavity that could occur to prevent such complications.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):45-46
pages 45-46 views

The case of uterus didelphys et vagina septa completa.

Bukhshtab A.


The author describes a case of uterus'a didelphys et vaginae septae completae in 25 years old, seven years married, a person who turned to him about unsuccessful and very painful attempts to coitus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):46-47
pages 46-47 views

To the normal and pathological anatomy of the cervix.

Voff I.


The female genital organs in the continuation of all life and until death are subject to constant changes. Müllerian passages, which are at first solid, dense, become hollow with further development, by the end of the 2nd month, the septum between them in the lower part disappears and the vagina and uterus develop, between how the upper part turns into tubes; only in a 5-month-old fetus is it possible to differentiate the uterus from the vaginal canal - the vaginal part is formed; the cervix at this time is very long and wide, the body of the uterus is small and narrow; in a newborn, the uterus is already well developed relative to the vaginal part.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):47-52
pages 47-52 views

Fibrous (croupous) inflammation of the entrance and sleeve (colpitis crouposa)

Brandt A.


Ms. G. with no apparent reason began to feel severe itching in the vaginal opening. Itching gradually increased and spread deep into the vagina. In addition to itching, the patient complained of dryness and burning in the genital parts. When examining on the 2nd day of the disease, on the sharp red with a violet tint of the mucous membrane of the introitus vaginae and on the myrtle-like papillae, there are visible islets, whitish, film thick as a sheet of note paper, rather difficult to remove.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):52-53
pages 52-53 views

Report on private medical activity in der. Manuilovka

Hermonius A.


In an extremely interesting article by the author Ref. I found some instructive cases for our specialty. These, by the way, are the four ovaryotomies produced in a rather exceptional setting.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):53-55
pages 53-55 views

Two ovariotomies

Hermonius A.


The author cites the history of two ovarianotomies, delivered to them in the Oryol provincial zemstvo hospital, where seven ovaryotomies were made in total - all with success. The interest of these cases lies in the need for the zemstvo doctor “to adapt the given situation and means to the conditions of the case” ..

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):55
pages 55 views

To casuistic ovarіotomy in zemstvo practice

Zabolotsky A.


The author at the Nikolskaya Zemstvo Hospital (Vologda Province), in an extremely unfavorable situation, thanks to a strict antiseptic, performed an operation of an ovaryotomy, which gave an excellent result, on a 34-year-old patient who began to menstruate 18 years right, she got married 19 years old, gave birth 2 times and in the last time 4 years before the day. Soon after the birth, the patient covered up on the right a swelling the size of a fist, and the regulators began to get confused and come in 2-6 months.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):55-56
pages 55-56 views

To casuistic treatment of uterine cancer with vaginal extirpation and electricity according to the Apostoli method

Zabolotsky A.


The author gives two case histories of the extirpations of the uterus affected by cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):56-58
pages 56-58 views

About the use of ichthyola in women’s illnesses

Massen V.


In the quality of a new quickly and successfully acting conservative in gynecology means, the author proposes ichthyol, which has two main properties - local anti-inflammatory and analgesic F used it with tremendous success in chronomal erythritis of the females scars, scars of the vagina and vaginal part of the uterus, chronic metritis, inflammation of the ovary and tubes and the surrounding tissue, cervical erosion and itching of the external genital parts). Ichthiol was used simultaneously both internally and externally: internally - in the form of pills (dragees), 0.1 each, first 2 times a day, later the dose was increased. Outwardly, it was used in the form of the following mixture: ammonii sulfo-ichtyolici 5.0, glycerini 100.0, with which tampons were moistened and placed in the vagina. For the sake of achieving energetic absorption of ichthyol in the form of ointment (with lanolin ana) or soap (ammonio sulfo-ichtyol. 8.0, sapo virid. 80.0) rubbed into the skin of the abdomen; Finally, for the sake of achieving the same goal F. used ichthyol suppositories (0.05-0.2). During erosions, they were lubricated with pure ammonio sulfo-ichtyol. For itching, either the above ointment or a 10% aqueous solution was used. Internal use of ichthyol proved a favorable influence on the general condition: appetite improved, digestion and stool became correct.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):58-59
pages 58-59 views

New data on the treatment of female diseases ichthyol

Massen V.


The author reports, first of all, about two brilliant cases of successful use of ichthyolom when suffering from appendages. In one case (patient 30 years old) there was a chronic, right-sided parametritis of a moderate degree, very hard, partly performing the posterior Douglas the remainder of the posterior perimetric effusion and metritis colli. After long-term sucking treatment (tampons with a solution of iodistago calium in glycerin, lubrication of the iodom, sitz bath) had a very negligible effect, treatment with ichthyol was carried out. After 3 months, the exudate of the posterior fornix was completely absorbed, the right lig. latum became free, the cervix decreased in size. Remains of perimetric effusion disappeared after a course of baths in Kreuznach, and dysmenorrhoid phenomena were eliminated from the part of the uterine cervix. At the present time, the patient after 10 years of infertility is on the 2nd month of pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(1):59-60
pages 59-60 views

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