卷 7, 编号 4 (1893)




BRIEF MEDICAL REPORT of the clinic of obstetrics and women's diseases at the Imperial University of Warsaw for the five-year period of its activity from January 1, 1869 to January 1, 1874

Anufriev A.


In the life of an individual scientific institution, as well as in the life of an entire society, there are certain periods, trends and trends are known, which, taken together, constitutes the history of this institution. These institutions, which have their own history, include university clinics. The history of these scientific and medical institutions usually has both bright and dark periods, depending not only on a purely scientific setting of the case, but often also on outsiders who have nothing in common with science that have no influence. Here, in a strictly scientific work, this is not the place to go into detail about such influences, but I would like to point out one of them as deserving special attention. This is the dependence of the clinic on city hospitals; it appears in the case when the University acquires one of the premises of city hospitals for clinical purposes. If the hospital business generally went hand in hand with the clinical one and pursued the same goals, then of course the interests of both that and the other institution would be completely identical and would not contradict one another.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):291-323
pages 291-323 views


Sadovsky P.


Recently, there has been a desire to trace the genital canal from a bacteriological point of view in both healthy and sick women; successively, studies of the vagina, cervical canal and uterine cavity were made, but the final results of these works did not prove the fate and ways of further spreading of the microbes found. In view of this, we were offered prof. Slavyansky to deal with this issue experimentally, namely: injecting pure cultures of pyogenic microbes into the uterine cavity of animals.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):324-327
pages 324-327 views


Prokopyev G.


In the past 1892, several interesting cases were observed in the maternity ward of the Kharkov obstetric clinic. One of these cases I had to carry out, with the permission of the deeply respected professor N.F. Tolochinov, I find it worthwhile to describe, since it presents some, rare and little known, features regarding the mechanism of childbirth. In this case, there was the so-called posterooccipital presentation, in which there was a change in the position of the head, which had already descended into the pelvic cavity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):328-338
pages 328-338 views


Ott D.


88 members attended: Bankovskiy, Batsevich. Bidder, Belyaev. Vasten, Weber, Viridarsky, Vorobiev, Hermonius, Gess, Danilovich. Dobradin, Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin. Zachek, Zmigrodskiy, Krasnopolskiy, Krukovich, Lileev, Lichkus. Lopatinskiy. Massen, Mersh, Piotrovich, Popov, Porshnyakov, Rachkovskiy, Ruzi, Savchenko, Stravinskiy, Strogonov, Fisher A.R., Chernyshev, Shverdlov. Stolts, Yanpolskiy and 37 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):339-343
pages 339-343 views


Woff I.


MO Kleinman reported "a case of a vaginal septum obstructed during labor." A fleshy septum, thick as a goose feather, going from the anterior wall of the vagina to the posterior wall, prevented the forward movement of the child, who was in the second leg position in the anterior view. When the child was removed, the septum first caught on the gluteal fold, and then on the right axillary cavity; it was cut with scissors between two ligatures.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):344-347
pages 344-347 views

On the question of the use of the aseptic method during childbirth

Krasnopolskiy F.


Having cited literary data, the authors move on to their own observations of the comparative merits of the anti-rotten and aseptic methods of giving birth. The authors' observations include 149 cases; 100 of them were carried out under aseptic conditions, 49 - under anti-septic conditions. According to the first method, only completely healthy women in labor were carried out, before entering the clinic, they had not been studied by anyone; the share of the second method accounted for dubious cases, as well as childbirth that required surgical intervention; with the aseptic method, the woman in labor was not subjected to disinfecting douching, neither during childbirth, nor in the postpartum period; were limited only to washing the outer genital parts with soap and mercuric chloride (1: 1000)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):348-349
pages 348-349 views

About the so-called embryonic rickets

Pekarskaya A.


Opinions on the issue of embryonic rickets are far from agreeing. Only microscopically investigated cases can be considered as evidence.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):349-350
pages 349-350 views

Intrauterine fetal disease with ophthalmoblenorrhea

Rutkovskiy A.


The most likely time of infection of the fetus with ophthalmoblenorrhea is when the face of the fetus during childbirth is most closely in contact with the stretched walls of the uterus and vagina, and therefore this disease is most often expressed 3-4 days after childbirth (3-4 days of the incubation period). Much more rare are those cases where the child is already born with a clearly expressed disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):350
pages 350 views

On the issue of ectopic pregnancy

Zabolotskiy A.


The variety of views on the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy and the need to collect and process casuistic material in order to establish accurate recognition and indicate the best treatment methods in this way prompted the author to report the case he observed. But before the message, its author gives a short historical essay, in which he sets out the views of authors of different periods on ectopic pregnancy, briefly gives statistics on the frequency of ectopic pregnancy and the views of the authors on its etiology: blockage of the fallopian tubes (Fritsch, Virchow, Hecker) caused by inflammation, kinks and fixations, false membranes; postpartum diseases of the peritoneum, plaque in the tube (Leopold, Beck, Wyder), preventing the entry of the egg into the uterus; intramural uterine fibroids (Olshausen, Roth von Macdonald), which apparently prevented the entry of eggs into it; purulent diseases, probably (Martin), affect either the loss of the ciliary epithelium, which slows down the movement of the egg, or the infiltration of the walls, which reduces the lumen of the tube; short-term swelling of the mucous membrane of the tube, the lower position of the peritoneal end compared to the uterine end (Pallen Freund); underdeveloped (infantile) pipes with their bends, etc.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):350-355
pages 350-355 views

A case of an ectopic pregnancy. Gluttony. Recovery

Hermonius A.


The patient, 32 years old, came to the author at the end of May with suspicion of some abdominal tumor. She has been married for 6 years, was not pregnant. Since the end of last year, she began to suffer from bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. On examination, the patient turned out to be a well-fed woman. In the abdomen, a swelling is felt that goes 3 fingers above the navel and resembles a pregnant uterus when examined; dorsum of the fetus to the right, small parts to the left. The heartbeat could be heard only for a very short time, to the right of the navel, and upon repeated auscultation, it was not heard at all. The vaginal part is soft and loosened. Resistance is felt in the anterior and posterior fornix, which is softer than the fetal head. Diagnosis: pregnancy, complicated by presentation of the child's place or endometritis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):355-356
pages 355-356 views

A case of prolonged stay of the fetus in the abdominal cavity with an ectopic pregnancy

Krasnopolskiy F.


The author had to observe a 60-year-old woman in whom two vertebral bones protruded from the fistula of the abdominal walls.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):356
pages 356 views

Liver with eclampsia

Sadovskiy P.


The author, on the basis of cases described in the literature, discusses the issue of participation in symptoms and changes in liver tissue in eclampsia. In terms of the frequency of the changes found on the autopsies, we can positively say that they are present with mathematical precision in each case. Microscopically, the liver appears to be yellowish in color with ecchymotic spots, both on the surface of it and in the depths of the tissue; the color and size of hemorrhages vary depending on the degree of the disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):356-357
pages 356-357 views

On some differences between twins originating from one egg or from two eggs

Fratkin B.


The author, examining the cases of twins from the Marburg and Dresden clinics, as well as from his private practice and literature data, a total of 145 cases (of which 101 are from two eggs and 44 from one egg), comes to the following conclusions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):357-358
pages 357-358 views

To the doctrine of infanticide

Fratkin B.


Based on the material 71-91 of forensic neonatal autopsies in different periods, performed by prof. Kerber in Dorpat, the author comes to the following conclusions regarding the signs of a newborn, the maturity of the child outside uterine life and the cause of death:

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):358-359
pages 358-359 views

About castration in osteomalacia

Rutkovskiy A.


Osteomalacia is mainly reduced to changes in the bones - they lose their mineral substances and along with this, abrupt changes occur in the organic structure of bones and in the bone marrow - and the bone and bone marrow soften. Along with this, degenerative changes occur in the muscular system. The clinical picture is first expressed by pain in different parts of the skeleton, early fatigue, increased reflexes; then, with strong development, bone curvature, persistent catarrh of the respiratory and digestive tract; patients die with symptoms of insanity. The disease lasts from 1 to 10 years and affects mainly women who have already given birth. Neither poverty nor prolonged feeding seems to matter.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):360-361
pages 360-361 views

A rare case of a vesicovaginal fistula in its etiology

Pekarskaya A.


A 32-year-old healthy woman of regular build was admitted to the Marburg clinic with a vesicovaginal fistula.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):361
pages 361 views

Two rare tumors of the female genital organs

Fratkin B.


The author describes a fibrous polyp, the size of an apple, extending with a short, little finger-thick leg from the posterior right wall of the vagina and performing the posterior fornix. - The diagnosis became especially clear when the tumor was pulled with bullet forceps. A ligature was applied to the base of the pedicle and then the entire tumor was removed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):361-362
pages 361-362 views

To the casuistry of perforation of the uterus with the introduction of instruments into its cavity

Zabolotskiy A.


Referring to the gap on the perforation of the uterine wall with instruments in the manuals of Auvard Hofmeier and Zweifel, the author cites the following case from his practice.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):362-363
pages 362-363 views

On the question of the treatment of extrauterine blood tumor

Krasnopolskiy F.


The author reports 3 cases of extrauterine blood tumor; in the first two cases, surgical treatment was used (incision of the tumor through the vagina), in the third - expectant treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):363
pages 363 views

Pelvic suppuration

Markova S.


Opinions of different operators differ regarding the surgical treatment of these cases: some extol hysterectomy, others recognize only laparotomy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):363-364
pages 363-364 views

Report on the Gynecological Department of the Kiev-Kirilov Hospital, from June 1 to September 1, 1891

Krasnopolskiy F.


By June 1, there were 31 patients in the department; for the reporting period, it was again received: with diseases of the external genital organs — 7, with diseases of the genitourinary organs — 1, with diseases of the uterus — 15, with diseases of the tubes and ovaries — 4, with diseases of the pelvic peritoneum and cellulose — 8, varia — 4 and obstetric cases - 4.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(4):364
pages 364 views
