Vol 48, No 2 (1999)

Current public health problems

Pregnancies, labors and postpartum labor period peculiarities in women with disbiotic vaginal infringements

Kira E.F., Berlev I.V., Molchanov O.L.


The problem of infectious-inflammatory complications during pregnancy, in labor and in postpartum period is a priority direction in obstetrical practice. For the decision of the given task the complex examination of 111 women was carried out during pregnancy, in labor and in postpartum period. The study of vaginal microecology included a complex estimation of cultural diagnostics results and vaginal smears microscopy, Gram-painted. The carried out research shows, that duly diagnostics and disbiotic vaginal processes correction in pregnant group of risk will allow to lower a number of complications during pregnancy, in labor and postpartum period.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):8-11
pages 8-11 views

On some fundamental mechanical characteristics of myometrium

Savitsky G.A., Savitsky A.G.


Each contractile element in muscular wall of uterus, having between itself direct mechanical relationship and spot of fixation, possesses a spontaneous contractile activity, which at isometrical mode of shortenning alike on temporary and power parameters. Functional homogeneity bounds between contractile elements, is ensured as myocites receptors characteristics, so that mechanical characteristics of connective tissue framework miometrium. To extended the optimum sprained contractile element myometrium it is necessary to apply the power 4 times greater, than the capable to develop any contractile element of myometrium during spontaneous or stimulated phasic isometric reduction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Original Research

Modern aspects in the treatment of pelvic inflammatory diseases, associated with intrauterine device contraception and their consequences in the remote period

Ivanova L.V., Gorbacova L.S., Nemet N.L.


Pelvic inflammatory diseases are widespread form of women pathology. In many cases these diseases are connected to IUD application and frequently result in violations of specific functions of a female organism. We conduct operation on generalization of data of literary sources, with reference to the given kind of a pathology, analyse the etiology, clinical features, methods of treatment (conservative and surgical), and also paths for restoring fertility and endocrine functions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):17-21
pages 17-21 views

The clinical experience of Gynipral application in pregnant and during labor

Repina M.A., Kulagina N.V., Kornilova Y.A.


In modern obstetrics there is an urgent problem of treatment of threat of premature labor being one of the basic reasons for perinatal losses. In the article the prospects of Gynipral application in pregnant women, and also the results of practical application of a drug in clinic are considered. It is proved, that the application of beta-adrenomimetic Gynipral allows effectively and without development of complications on the part of the mother to carry out the treatment of premature labor threat, hypoxia a fetus, discoordination in labor, that provides the perinatal morbidity and mortality reduction.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):22-26
pages 22-26 views

The prospectives for caudal epidural anestesia in gynecology

Rostomashvili E.T., Kolomietz U.V., Ermolaeva N.I.


The experience of caudal epidural application anestesia is submitted for operations in gynecologic patients. The hypoosmolal anestethic solution (osmolality 260 Mosm/kgs) is used, prepared on the basis of the solution, concentrated 10 %, lidocaine, 0,9 % sodium chloride solution and distillated water. The caudal epidural anestesia application during operations allowed to ensure reliable protection against a surgical trauma, not rendering adverse influence on systems of breath and blood circulation. The analgetic effect duration made 3±0,5 hours, at sedative drugs potentiation it was increased even more. Complications of a used technique are not marked. Simplicity and, safety of a technique allow to recommend it to wide practical use.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):27-29
pages 27-29 views

The diagnostics and treatment of dishormonal mammal hyperplasia in uterine myoma patients

Tzvelev J.V., Ilyin A.B.


In gynecologic patients with internal genitalia diseases (endometriosis, uterine myoma) the frequency of mammal hyperplasia makes up to 60- 95%. The research aim was to study the effectiveness of conservative therapy with gestagens (norcolut, orgametril) application in benign hyperplastic mammal processes management in patients with uterine myomas. The effectiveness of gestagens application in patients with uterine myomas with coexisting dyshormonal mammal hyperplasia is proved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):30-34
pages 30-34 views

Prostaglandines application for labor induction and regulation

Sherbina L.A., Kusminikh T.U., Abramchenko V.V.


The clinical effectiveness of the implimintation of the Prostaglandin's E2 and F2a for labor preparation, for induction and regulation of the childbirth process was studied. Prepidil gel was applied for cervix preparation for labor by various testimony in 142 patients. The maturing of the cervix was note in 50,3% patients, and the effect of stimulation of labor was reach in 46,5% patients. Prostin E2 and F2a were used in case of PPROM and for treatment of the dystocia in 53 patients. The clinical analysis of the labors was performed. It was discovered, that Prostaglandin's have high effectiveness for cervix preparation in labor, for stimulation of childbirth process and labor induction, for the prevention of long pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):35-38
pages 35-38 views

Optimization of diagnostic and treatment methods of ectopic pregnancy

Bezhenar V.F., Ruhliada N.N., Kira E.F., Novikov E.l., Okisheva G.A.


Ectopic pregnancy (EP) - acute pathology, which, despite of all achievements of modern gynecology, represents direct threat to woman life. The purpose of research was the development and optimization of diagnostic and treatment algorithms for EP. The clinical application of the developed algorithms has allowed to reduce time authentically from patients hospitalization to operation on the average 5 fold, considerably increase a share of organ-saving operations, to reduce negative influence of operations on Health-Related- Quality-of-Life of patients.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):39-45
pages 39-45 views

Features of the central hemodynamics of the pregnant women with insulin-dependent diabetes (IDD) mellitus and gestosis

Busurukova P.S.


Central hemodynamics was tested by rheographyc method by Kubichek at 169 women at term of 27-34 weeks of pregnancy with IDD and gestosis of a mild degree, with gestosis without infringements of a carbohydrate exchange and practically healthy. There are the essential changes of the central hemodynamics are revealed at the mild forms of gestosis: frequency of cardiac reductions, diastolic and average hemodynamics pressure, systemic peripheric resistance were higher, and the parameters of work of heart - stroke output, shock index, volumetric rate of emission and capacity of a left ventricle - are lower, than appropriate parameters of the healthy pregnant women. At a nephropathy-I is shown, that the infringements of a vascular link of a hemodynamics increases at conservation of changes cardiodynamics, having a place at edemas in pregnant women. At pregnant woman with IDD and gestosis an infringement of a hemodynamics deeper, than at pregnant with gestosis without diabetes. These infringements are shown by aggravation of a heart failure and vascular complications, even at the mild forms of late gestosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):46-49
pages 46-49 views

A comparative estimation of the results of 'natural’ and 'synthetic' estrogens application in gonadal disgenesis

Uvarova E.V., Bogdanova E.A., Martysh N.S., Shavaeva V.A., Rudneva T.V.


Gonadal disgenesis concerns to the genetically caused forms of a delay of sexual development (DSD) in men. Despite of its rare appearance in a population, the large importance all over the world is given to a gonadal disgenesis problem. The results of the carried out research are the convincing the proof of an acceptability and expediency of hormonal replacement therapy assignment in patients with gonadal disgenesis with preparations containing estradiol valeratis in a combination with medroxyprogesteron without a dependence from the form of the diseases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Infecting of decidua in premature labor

Timoshenkova S.V., Susloparov L.A., Ryndin V.A., Tatarovа N.A., Timoshenkov A.E., Lashko M.E.


In this work we have studied the changes of decidua in premature labor and analysed the pregnancy, labor, postnatal period and neonatal period in women with infection of decidua. We have obtained existing of certain pathological changes of decidua in 98% of all cases of premature parturition. In this part there were 68% of cases with infectious disorders. And almost always (in 93%) they were accompanied by involutionary-dystrophic and dyscirculatory changes of decidua and disorders of ripening of villi. We have revealed an inflammation with the major forms of localization as damage of decidual membrane, choriodeciduitis, and intervillusitis without major localization under chorial lamina. We have also revealed damage of syncytium and stroma of villi with deposition of maternal leukocytes without involving of villous vessels in inflammatory process. This all is to confirm that the main sources infecting decidua are the foci of infection in pregnant women. Therefore, infectious agents from those foci spread into decidua by haematogenic ways.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):54-57
pages 54-57 views

The clinical aspects of a preparation «Divigel»

Prilepskaya V.N., Bairamova G.R.


In the last years both in our country, and abroad with the purpose of climacteric syndrome treatment, and also for preventive osteoporosis maintenance in heart diseases is used with success a hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) with, estrogens and gestagens. The carried out research has proved, that the «Divigel» drug has high efficiency and acceptability in climacteric syndrome treatment. Thus the percentage of side-effect reactions at its application is minimal. Besides one of the advantages of a preparation is the transdermal way of introduction, that allows to avoid hormonal metabolic changes in primary passage through a liver and to avoid occurrence of irritation by-effects on the digestive system.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):58-60
pages 58-60 views


Organ-saving operations in gynecological practice

Shamarin D.l., Kira E.F.


In the article the basic statistical data about the myoma myometrium morbidity are set up. The consequences after radical operations concerning benign lesions of a uterus and adnex are described. The expediency of more broad organ-saving operations application is justified. The new tactics of myoma management is shown. The basic criteria are considered by selection of a method of treatment and definition of a operation volume, which are closely connected to the appeared modern methods of diagnostics. Here are described the most used in daily practice organ-saving methods of surgical treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):61-65
pages 61-65 views

Antimullerian hormone

Bebia Z.N., Orlov V.M.


Antimullerian hormone (АМН) (also called Mullerian Inhibiting Substance) is the gonadal hormone. It is a member of the transforming growth factor-bb family of peptide growth and differentiation factors. АМН is produced in both male and female gonads - by Sertoli cells of the testis and granulosa cells of the ovaries. During the male embryogenesis АМН causes regression of Mullerian ducts, and testosterone stimulate the differentiation of wolffian system. During female embryogenesis, in the absence of АМН and testosterone, mullerian structures differentiate and develop into female internal genitalia and wolffian ducts regress.

АМН continues to be produced by the granulosa cells of the ovary during the reproductive life of the women. АМН is known to inhibit resumption of meiosis in oocytes. Besides, АМН disturbs ovarian steroidogenesis: it decreases aromatase activity, leading to lowered estradiol production and hyperandrogenia in the follicle. АМН inhibits granulosa cells mitosis and decreases the number of LH-receptors on the granulosa cells. АМН is the antagonist of Epidermal Growth factor ( EGF) and might inhibit EGF-stimulated secretion of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA), which plays significant role in the ovulatory rupture of the follicle.

Thus, АМН exerts inhibitory influence on all follicular components, including granulosa cells growth, steroidogenesis, oocyte maturation and follicle rupture process. It suggests, that АМН might play certain role in pathogenesis of chronic anovulation (polycystic ovaries syndrome).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):66-70
pages 66-70 views


Infections and reproductive health (Part I)

Kira E.F.


Infectious and inflammatory diseases of female genitals occupy a special place in structure of general morbidity on a planet. Their importance is caused first of all by the fact, that these illnesses involve organs and tissues concerning to reproductive system, and consequently have direct influence on reproductive function and continuation of a life in the world. In the first part of this clinical lecture ther are considered and are stated in details the modern aspects of a reproductive health problem.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):71-78
pages 71-78 views

Inflammation of parauretral glanduli in women - scineitis

Gluharev A.G.


Having more than 30-year’s advisory experience of work in polyclinic and carried out the analysis of supervision more than for 500 patients have allowed the authors to solve to some extent the problem of cystalgia - this of poorly investigated pathology, to develop the circuit of diagnostic search at such complaints and to offer the method of treatment giving positive effect up to 60%. In 15 % of cases use of a technique they observed a significant improvement - glanduli inflammation has disappeared, there were only insignificant unpleasant sensations in uretra area. At 10 % intensity of the complaints substantially has decreased, but there were relapses requiring repeated realization of treatment. In 8 % the unsatisfactory result is received and in 17 % - it has remained is unknown.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):79-81
pages 79-81 views


Functional ismico-cervical insufficiency and its therapy with dufastone in outpatient settings

Abramchenko V.V.


The role of ischemic-duodenal insufficiency (IDI) in spontaneous termination of pregnancy has not been fully elucidated. The development of various modifications of the surgical treatment of IDI is of great importance, which has led to a very wide use of surgical interventions on the cervix, including "prophylactic" interventions. The application of a circular suture to the cervix is appropriate only in cases where there is an organic variant of this pathology. Differential diagnosis of organic and functional IDI in pregnancy is difficult.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):82-83
pages 82-83 views

History page

The life and work of academician Gromov Sergei Alekseevitch (to 225-anniversary of birth-date)

Tzvelev J.V.


«As to continue my 50-year period of work in medicine, I noted the way the medical science is developing in the fatherland. And as I have seen its quick development I could have hardly stay not amazed. For half-century before that we were only students and the followers of our leaders - foreign men, because we didn’t have any native leader in any of the medicine field. But now, thanks God...we are equal to their level and can do our way ourselves».

S.A. Gromov (1852)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):84-87
pages 84-87 views

Professor Pel A.V. - the founder of organotherapy

Dolgov G.V., Puga D.P.


In the article the basic steps of organotherapy development in Russia are described. The methods, used for drugs production are shown. There is also a historical review of life and work of organotherapy founder A.V. Pel.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):88-90
pages 88-90 views

Scientific activity

Information report on the VII Congress of Obstetricians-Gynecologists of the Baltic Sea Countries and the I Russian Seminar of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, held in St. Petersburg on May 12-15, 1999

Mikhailov A.V.


The VII Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of the Baltic Sea Countries and the I Russian Seminar of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine were held in the concert hall of the St. Petersburg Hotel on May 12-15, 1999. The Congress was organized in collaboration with the International Scientific Committee of Obstetricians-Gynecologists of the Baltic Sea States, D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of RAMS, Administrations of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region, Association of Obstetricians-Gynecologists of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region and Regional Public Organization of Health Care Support "Medelita". A significant role in the organization of the Congress belonged to the St. Petersburg firm "BIMK-Cardio", a recipient of the "Public Recognition of St. Petersburg" mark for 1997 and 1998.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1999;48(2):91-92
pages 91-92 views

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