卷 11, 编号 9 (1897)




Surgical treatment of a cancerous uterus

Gubarev A.


Surgical treatment of any malignant neoplasm can make sense only when the possibility of relapses is taken into account and everything that can be achieved by art to eliminate them or prevent them. This is a principle that modern surgery persistently applies in the development of surgical methods for removing neoplasms, no matter in whatever area it develops. The greatest development in this direction has recently undergone surgery for breast cancer. At present, there can no longer be any question of removing, in addition to the neoplasm, only enlarged and infiltrated or suspicious glands, it is not enough even to remove healthy glands: in the form in which the details of this operation were developed by prof. Kocher), Watson Cheyne) and others, the removal of all tissue in the armpit and in the circumference of the musculi pectoralis majoris is a condition, the need for which can hardly be discussed. In a word, the removal of those tissues in which relapses develop more easily and most often is a rule adopted by modern surgery. Therefore, the principles that guide modern gynecology in the surgical treatment of uterine cancer seem to be completely random and poorly understood: in many cases, not the tissues that are most dangerous in the sense of relapse are removed, namely those in which relapses appear only as a rarity, or an exception and which more than others resist him.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):889-901
pages 889-901 views

Posterior colpotomy (colpotomia posterior) with inflammation of the uterine appendages and neoplasms in them

Lvov Y.


In 1892, in The Doctor, I published my first article — the removal of the uterine appendages and their neoplasms through the vagina. In this article, on the basis of my clinical observations, I recommended for some cases a new surgical method for removing large appendages of the uterus and their neoplasms through the posterior fornix. This article of mine caused only one critical note by Dr. Tipyakov in the same "Doctor" in which he spoke out against this operation. I replied to this article with a second article, also in Physician for the same 1892, in which I proved with new clinical observations the relevance and superiority of this operation before gluttony in certain cases. Then, until 1895, no attention was paid to my proposal, and only from that time, when the question of vaginae fixatio uteri began to be developed in German literature, and then when prof. Dührssen's proposal to remove uterine appendages and some neoplasms of the uterus using colpotomiae anterior, since that time the question of the significance of colpotomiae anterior et posterior for removing diseased uterine appendages and their neoplasms has become fashionable on the pages of the special medical press. At the present time, the literature on this issue is quite large and I will not expound it here, since this issue will be examined in detail in a special work of my friend Dr. P. Ya. Teplov, which will soon appear in print. I currently wish only to summarize my clinical data on posterior colpotomia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):902-909
pages 902-909 views

On the initiation of preterm labor with the help of a colpeyrinter and a Chancelier de Ribes balloon

Pobedinskiy N.


The large number of methods proposed and still proposed for the initiation of premature birth undoubtedly indicates that until now we do not have a single method, with the help of which, with its complete safety, both for the mother and the fetus in the shortest possible time you can probably cause the correct generic activity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):910-927
pages 910-927 views

To the anatomy and treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Maslovsky V.


Regarding the vessels, my research yielded results similar to those obtained by other researchers. The vessels of the cellular layer are of particular interest, in particular those of them that, having a large caliber, have only an endothelial membrane (capillaries) or even lack any membrane (Blutlacnnen ѵ. Tussenbroek). The opinions of the authors differ as to the origin of these vessels from arteries or veins, due to the loss of the membranes and their expansion. Dobbert recognizes their origin in arteries, similar to the pregnant uterus and tube. Tussenbroek found that the arteries in the decidua retained their structure, and their branches, without loss of muscle membrane and expansion, came close to the surface. Therefore, she considers the veins to be the source of these vessels. As for my case, I found in the cell layer, in addition to capillaries and blood cavities without a trace of membranes, also branches of arteries with an extremely thin connective tissue membrane, which was especially striking when compared with the membranes of the arteries of the glandular layer. Therefore, I am inclined to recognize the origin of these blood vessels from the branches of the arteries, due to the loss of the membranes and their successive expansion. Thus, we find here a process analogous to that which occurs in decidua serotina during normal pregnancy, as proven by Waldeyer's work, Bohr's, Hofteier's, Gottschalk's and others. The presence of such blood cavities, devoid of their own wall, is the second characteristic feature of deciduae uteriuae during ectopic pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):928-943
pages 928-943 views

On the question of removing the uterine appendages through the vagina

Sheloumov V.


Péan's operation was named by the author as uterine castration. Although this name very often does not sufficiently define the mode of action of the surgeon, since usually the excision of the uterus is supplemented by the removal of the appendages, nevertheless it should be preferred to the names "complete castration or utero-ovarian" as Doyen's expression. It shows that during the operation, the removal of the uterus is of primary importance, and the removal of the appendages plays a secondary role and depends on the severity of their defeat; “The uterus is removed first of all, and the appendages are not completely removed, and even often everything is limited to one opening of the cavities,” says Segond. And the uterus itself, always more or less fixed by adhesions, cannot be removed otherwise than by lumping and applying pinching tweezers , as Pozzi put it and for this he proposes to call a hysterectomy, when it is performed with the aim of curing peri-uterine suppuration that empties - hysierectomia evacuatrix.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):944-1008
pages 944-1008 views

Medical report of the obstetric department of the clinic prof. K.F. Slavyansky for 1894 and 1895

Poroshin M.


During 1894-95. to the obstetric department of the clinic prof. K. F. Slavyanskogo accepted 1527 women in labor, 44 pregnant women and 5 women in childbirth soon post partum. Of the pregnant women, 17 after a certain time were resolved in the clinic, the rest were discharged before resolution in most cases due to the cessation of labor pain. Some of the latter were again admitted to the clinic at the onset of childbirth and were included in the total number of resolved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1009-1029
pages 1009-1029 views

XII International Congress of Physicians. SECTION OF Obstetrics AND FEMALE DISEASES

Kakushkin N.


The section was headed by prof. A. M. Makeev and prof. V.O.Snegirev, members of the organizing committee: prof. A.P. Gubarev, acad. A. Ya. Krassovsky, prof. I.P. Lazarevich, prof. A. Ya. Lebedev, parts, teacher I. M. Lvov, prof. D.O. Ott prof. G.E. Rein, prof. K.O. Slavyansky, Dr. V.V. Sutugin, prof. N.O. Tolochinov, prof. N.N. Phenomenov, prof. P.I. Yasinsky, prof. I. V. Yastrebov.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1030-1074
pages 1030-1074 views


Ott D.


There were 24 members: Baykov, Bekman, Buchstab, Dolinsky, Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotsky, Zematsky, Kakushkin, Lichkus, Massen, Matseyevsky, Misevich, Piotrovich, Poroshin, Rachinsky, Rachinsky, Ruchinovsky, Ruchinovsky, Ruchinsky, Ruchinsky, Rachinsky, Fischer, A. R., Schuttenbach and 26 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1075-1085
pages 1075-1085 views

Towards the doctrine of ectopic pregnancy

Weber F.


Martin has long pointed out that ectopic pregnancies are much more common than commonly assumed, and that they can be safely resolved without any surgical intervention. In this article, he cites a case of ectopic pregnancy that is instructive in many ways.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1086-1087
pages 1086-1087 views

To the doctrine of gonorrhoid vaginitis

Weber F.


Earlier, thanks to the authority of Witt, it was assumed that gonococci can develop exclusively in the columnar epithelium, in women it means only on the mucous membrane of the urethra and cervix, while the vulva and vagina remain intact. If they found gonococks in the secret of the vagina, they explained this by the introduction of gonococks from above, from the cervix.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1087-1088
pages 1087-1088 views

Twisting of the uterus, especially of the pregnant uterus

Weber F.


One of the most common reasons for the rotation of the uterus around its axis is the old peri- and parametric exudates, which, wrinkling, can lead to significant displacements of the uterus. The twists, however, rarely reach a significant degree. The latter occurs when large tumors develop in close proximity to the uterus, most often ovarian cysts or subserous fibroids.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1088-1089
pages 1088-1089 views

About large cell growths on the peritoneum and ovaries during pregnancy

Weber F.


Some authors described nodular small thickenings and enlargements of the pelvic peritoneum during ectopic pregnancy, which were considered especially characteristic of peritoneal pregnancy. Schmorl, who thoroughly studied the peritoneum of the pelvic floor in a number of cases of normal intrauterine pregnancy, soon came to the conviction that these growths are all too often found in the latter and therefore do not constitute anything characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1089
pages 1089 views

About the treatment of miscarriage

Weber F.


The question of how to deal with miscarriage in all its different phases is extremely important for the practitioner. Meanwhile, the opinions of prominent obstetricians about the treatment of miscarriages are very different. Abel, on the basis of 200 abortion cases successfully used in his clinic, is trying to give a guiding thread that should be used by the practitioner. The longest he stops on the treatment of abortus imperfectus, that is, those cases where a patient, after having committed an incomplete miscarriage, comes to the doctor with complaints of bleeding, and both the external and internal pharynx are already closed for the most part.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1090-1091
pages 1090-1091 views

Towards a solution to the issue of Caesar section

Khazan S.


On the basis of 10 cases of caesar section observed in the Zurich clinic over the past 5 ½ years with only one lethal outcome, the author advocates a caesar section, which has recently been somewhat pushed into the background by symphysiotomy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1091
pages 1091 views

Urgent abdominal pregnancy after traumatic rupture of the uterus at 4 months. Laporotomy. Recovery

Khazan S.


This is almost the only observation of its kind concerning a 42-year-old XII who gave birth, in whom the first 8 births, as well as the birth periods, were completely normal, the last three ended in manual separation of the placenta and severe postpartum diseases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1091-1092
pages 1091-1092 views

For the treatment of ovarian tumors during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period

Khazan S.


All authors agree that in order to prevent complications that may arise, an ovarian tumor diagnosed during pregnancy should be removed immediately, because on the one hand, pregnancy does not worsen the prognosis of the operation, and on the other hand, abortion is observed only in a small number of cases (20-22%)

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1092-1093
pages 1092-1093 views

On the question of childbirth fever and To the prevention and treatment of childbirth fever

Khazan S.


The results obtained in the Breslavl provincial school for midwives, where, both during childbirth and during the delivery period, any internal manipulations are brought to the minimum and only strict subjective antiseptics are observed and where, due to careful thermometry, the slightest increase in t ° does not escape the attention of observers, quite deserve attention in solving controversial issues about the prevention and treatment of childbirth fever.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1093-1094
pages 1093-1094 views

On the question of maternity fever and on asepsis and antiseptics in obstetrics

Khazan S.


After it has been proven that even among women in childbirth who were not examined during childbirth, the percentage of morbidity (if by morbidity we mean any increase in temperature) exceeds 20 or more, there can no longer be any doubt that a different percentage of morbidity is noticed in different clinics least of all due to the unequally strict application of disinfection rules.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1094-1095
pages 1094-1095 views

On the condition of the uterine mucosa during menstruation

Khazan S.


On the basis of his research, the object for which he served as fresh preparations of the uterus released during menstruation, the author comes to the following conclusions regarding the still controversial issue of the state of the uterine mucosa during menstruation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1095-1096
pages 1095-1096 views

About shoulder protrusion and clavicle incision

Khazan S.


Only with a very speedy birth, strong attempts and a small fetus, both shoulders enter the pelvis simultaneously in a transverse or oblique diameter. As a rule, the shoulders come out according to a certain mechanism.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1096-1097
pages 1096-1097 views

To the question of the content of microorganisms in human milk and to the etiology of the breast

Khazan S.


The author undertook a study of milk not only of puerperas, but also of pregnant women and children; in addition, he drew attention to the presence of microorganisms in the nipple area, as well as whether this person was already fed or not.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1097-1098
pages 1097-1098 views

About uterine atrophy after castration

Khazan S.


Given the paucity of our information, not only about the cause of uterine atrophy after castration, but also about the immediate nature of the changes occurring in the structure of the uterus, G.'s work deserves special attention.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1098-1099
pages 1098-1099 views

About hemorrhages in the spinal canal in newborns and their causes

Khazan S.


The reason for this study was a question raised by Knapp (Centr. F. Gyn. 1896 No. 28) about the effect of the Schultze method in the revival of pretended children on the origin of hemorrhages in the spinal canal.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1897;11(9):1099
pages 1099 views
