
Comparative analysis of the characteristics of technical means of sampling and delivery of samples to indicate pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases
Nikitin М.Y., Shchelgachev V.V.
Features of the organization of epidemiological surveillance in the armed forces of the foreign states
Zobov A.E., Kuzin A.A., Yumanov A.P., Azarov I.I., Polyakov V.S., Pischugin D.Y.
Experience in organizing medical care for patients with a new coronavirus infection and concomitant mental pathology in a temporary hospital
Salukhov V.V., Tarumov D.A., Asyamov K.V., Surzhikov P.V., Markin K.V., Temnyi A.V., Nekrasov V.N., Puchkov N.A., Maslov V.E., Prochik Y.E.
Results and prospects of scientific research in the field of anti-epidemic protection of troops (naval forces)
Dobrynin V.M., Zakharov B.N., Ivchenko E.V., Katsalukha V.V., Komissarov N.V., Misnikov O.P., Musaev A.A., Nikitin M.Y., Savel’ev A.P., Stepanov A.V., Stepanov N.N., Shchelgachev V.V.
Experience of bicillin prevention of acute respiratory diseases in the training center
Kalmykov A.A., Aminev R.M., Magomedov M.M., Polyakov V.S.
Healthcare-associated infections. The current state of the problem
Bolekhan V.N., Golota A.S., Krassii A.B., Razumova D.V., Suborova T.N.
Experience of application of modern means of disinfection of air for preventive medications for respiratory diseases in troops
Kalmykov A.A., Aminev R.M., Alimov A.V., Nosarev V.G., Polyakov V.S.
Organization of work of non-standard isolation ward (infirmary) of a military unit (military educational organization)
Zhdanov K.V., Sidorchuk S.N., Zakharenko S.M., Grishin I.S., Peredelskii E.V.
Modern concepts of the role of biofilms in the pathogenesis of chronic infectious diseases (Literature review)
Esipov A.V., Alekhnovich A.V., Markevich P.S., Kislenko A.M., Musailov V.A.
Medical Research in the US Armed Forces (Report 3). The US Army
Agapitov A.A., Aleynikov S.I., Bolekhan V.N., Ivchenko E.V., Krassiy A.B., Nagibovich O.A., Petrov S.V., Rezvantsev M.V., Soldatov E.A., Shalakhin R.A., Sheppli E.V.
Diphtheria in the Military Forces: lessons and current status of prophylaxis, prospects of epidemiological control process
Belov A.B., Ogarkov P.L.
53rd Congress of the European Association for the Study of the Liver
Zhdanov K.V., Kozlov K.V., Zhabrov S.S., Sukachev V.S.
Ways of improvement of military epidemiology as a diagnosis and prophylaxis branch of military medicine
Belov A.B., Ogarkov P.I., Kuzin A.A., Zobov A.E.
Medical care to patients with infectious diseases during the second stage of presence of The limited contingent of Soviet forces in Afghanistan: clinical aspects
Lyashenko Y.I.
Multiplex analysis systems: prospects for use in the diagnosis of infectious diseases
Nikitin M.Y., Katsalukha V.V., Shchelgachev V.V.
Evacuation of contagious patients in the modern system of medical support
Zhdanov K.V., Zakharenko S.M., Sidorchuk S.N., Yurkaev I.M.
Organisation of medical care to military personnel with viral hepatitis A during the local armed conflicts
Zhdanov K.V., Kozlov K.V., Shishkin M.K., Lyashenko Y.I., Ivanov K.S., Zubik T.M.
The Kirov Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
Svintsova M.N.
Medical provision in the Arctic. 2015
Soldatov E.A., Golota A.S., Kornilova A.A., Krassii A.B., Levando K.K., Chuvashov M.L., Shalakhin R.A.
Disease control on the Russian Fleet in XVIII century
Kostyuk A.V.
Ethiology of acute respiratory diseases in conscripts in the Central military district
Alimov A.V., Kalmykov A.A., Polyakov V.S., Artebyakin S.V., Slobodenyuk A.V., Markaryan A.Y., Vyalykh I.V.
1 - 21 of 21 Items

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