Tractors and Agricultural Machinery

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The peer-reviewed journal "Tractors and Agricultural Machinery" publish six times a year (bimonthly).




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Leading journal of tractor and agricultural machinery industry, which acquired a reputation of impartial, reliable and informative edition.

Mission of the journal is to keep experts informed of the latest achievements of scientific and engineering thought, to familiarize them with the results of tests of new tractors and agricultural machines, as well as with new trends of development of the agroindustrial complex.

Main themes:

  • agricultural machinery market;
  • environmentally friendly technologies and equipment;
  • new machines and equipment;
  • theory, designing, testing;
  • quality, reliability;
  • agricultural service;
  • foreign agricultural technologies and equipment;
  • economics, organization and technology of production;
  • exhibitions, fairs, conferences.



  • Russian Science Citation Index
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  • Open Access
  • No APC
  • СС BY-NC-ND 4.0 International

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卷 91, 编号 1 (2024)



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Environmentally friendly technologies and equipment

Simulation of alternative fuel combustion process in internal combustion engines
Boloev P., Bodyakina T., Gergenova T., Enina N.

BACKGROUND: The tasks of improving fuel efficiency and environmental performance of engines are interrelated with the technical, economic, resource performance and reliability of their operation.

AIM: In this regard, the aim is simulation of the alternative fuels combustion process.

METHODS: To achieve this aim, the method for preparing a water-fuel emulsion mixed with diesel fuel has been developed and experimental studies have been carried out with the measurement of toxic components of exhaust gases from diesel engines.

RESULTS: As a result of the research, the most optimal droplet sizes of water-fuel emulsions were revealed after 4–6 processing cycles with the smokiness reduction by 3 to 5 times, the NOx reduction by 2 to 3 times, the CO reduction by 20–30%, depending on the operating modes.

CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the research, it was found that the use of alternative fuels makes it possible to expand the fuel balance and to improve environmental performance.  

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):5-12
pages 5-12 views
The individual tubular low-toxic combustion chamber
Kostyukov A., Valeev A., Dementiev A.

BACKGROUND: intensive works in improvement and development of microturbine power plants for energy and transport continues worldwide. These works are still relevant due to near-to-zero emissions of microturbines, as well as due to the fact that microturbines efficiency can be increased up to 50% and above, which opens the potential to compete with well-known power plants in the foreseeable future, including in terms of efficiency. Therefore, the work on the study of a low-toxic combustion chamber for a microturbine seems relevant as well.

AIM: Сomputational and experimental study of an individual tubular low-toxic combustion chamber of a 50 kW microturbine with an increase in pressure at the inlet to the chamber.

METHODS: The description of the experimental facility for combustion chamber testing and the results of its experimental study are given. A sufficient convergence of the experimentally obtained parameters of the combustion chamber with the parameters obtained from the simulation modeling of flow and combustion in the combustion chamber was obtained.

RESULTS: In the course of the calculated and full-scale studies, hydraulic losses, nitrogen oxide emissions, and temperature unevenness at the outlet of the combustion chamber with increasing air pressure at its inlet were determined.

CONCLUSIONS: The calculated study showed a significant effect of an increase in air pressure from 3 to 3.5 bar at the entrance to the combustion chamber on its main parameters. Thus, hydraulic losses have more than doubled and nitrogen oxide emissions have increased almost 1.3 times. The conducted experimental study of the combustion chamber generally confirmed the results of mathematical modeling and thereby tested the computational model used. Thus, the discrepancy in the experimentally and computationally obtained values of relative pressure losses in the combustion chamber does not exceed 15%, and in emissions of nitrogen oxides 7%.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):13-22
pages 13-22 views

New machines and equipment

Conceptual directions for the development of driverless agricultural mobile power units
Starostin I., Eshchin A., Godzhaev T., Davydova S.

BACKGROUND: Currently, major global developers and manufacturers in the field of mobile agricultural machinery are working on the development of agricultural robotic systems. Particular attention is paid to the development of universal driverless mobile power units (MPU) capable of performing various technological operations autonomously, without human intervention. In the future, this makes it possible to exclude the operator from the MPU control process and to reconsider approaches to the issue of increasing the efficiency of technological operations. The existing trend of productivity improvement by increasing the main parameters of the unit, such as operating width, operating velocities, load capacity, etc., may change to an alternative path consisting in the use of numerous autonomous small-sized units comparable in performance (a swarm of agricultural robots). Thus, the use of driverless control systems makes it possible to use conceptually new approaches to the development of agricultural MPUs. In this regard, it becomes relevant to conduct the study aimed at identifying promising conceptual directions for the development of driverless MPUs and evaluating the efficiency of their application.

AIM: Identification of conceptual directions for the development of driverless driverless MPUs and a theoretical assessment of the efficiency of their application.

METHODS: The study object was the MPU transformation in the context of the development of driverless control systems. The study was based on scientific publications on the development of robotic agricultural tools, informational data of manufacturers of agricultural tractors and control systems for agricultural machinery. In the course of the study, such methods as information analysis, synthesis, methods of performance analysis of agricultural units and analysis of present cost of performing technological operations, adapted for driverless MPUs by the VIM, were used.

RESULTS: The prospects for the introduction of driverless MPUs, the existing digital and intelligent control systems of MPUs and the main factors hindering their development are analyzed. A classification of agricultural MPUs according to automation levels is proposed. The main directions of development are identified and conceptual models of driverless MPUs are proposed: universal driverless MPUs (driverless tractors) with keeping the existing traction class and power classification, universal (multifunctional) low-power driverless MPUs of the only traction class, separate power modules capable of being combined into a single driverless unit based on the coupled agricultural machine. The method is proposed and the equivalent number of driverless MPUs of each conceptual model for each traction class is calculated. An assessment of the impact of the use of the proposed conceptual models of driverless MPUs on the arable unit performance and the present cost of arable operations has been carried out.

CONCLUSIONS: Conceptual models for the advancing of driverless MPUs have been developed and comparative calculations of the efficiency of their application as part of arable units, helping to assess the possible prospects for their use, have been made.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):23-38
pages 23-38 views
Improving the technical device for washing root-and-tuber crops
Svintsova O., Shuhanov S., Khabardin V.


BACKGROUND: Achievements of agrarian science ensure the competitive development of agricultural production. The key place in solving the problems of which is occupied by technologies and machines of the agro-industrial sector. One of the main directions of the functioning of agriculture is animal husbandry, in particular the feeding of livestock and poultry. An increase in the output per each feed unit is facilitated with preparing them for feeding, including washing and chopping root-and-tuber crops as the most important component of the diet of farm animals. Improvement of these technical devices helps to improve the quality indicators of their operation.

AIM: Improving the device for washing root-and-tuber crops with the new patent-worthy technical solution.

METHODS: Study of the state of the issue on this topic using a literature sources review. Patent search for technical devices for washing root-and-tuber crops. Studying the principle of their operation and design features. Analysis and generalization of the information obtained for the implementation of the new design solution.

RESULTS: A study of the state of the issue of preparing root-and-tuber crops for feeding to farm animals, the conducted patent search and analysis of the studied material revealed that the existing devices for washing root-and-tuber crops do not meet the requirements. The main disadvantage is the low quality of the technological process performed. The use of a number of physical phenomena, such as gravity, friction, pressure, the interaction of fluid (air or water) with the material being processed, made it possible to solve the complex technical problem of creating a technical device at a whole new level.

CONCLUSIONS: Thus, based on the adopted technical solutions, the device for washing root-and-tuber crops has been improved at the level of patentability, which makes it possible to improve the quality of processing of root-and-tuber crops, including stabilizing the process of their unloading from the device. 

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):39-44
pages 39-44 views
Principles of adaptive control of roll stability of reconfigurable chassis with planetary-wheeled propulsion system
Dobretsov R., Kaninsky A., Popov D., Pryamitsyn I.

BACKGROUND: Roll stability control is a relevant issue in transport platforms’ design in general. Well-known methods of roll stability control are used in development of vehicles of various types. However, these methods can not always be applied in design of small unmanned platforms, so development of special solutions is needed.

AIM: Justification of feasibility of application of anti-roll balancing mechanisms in small unmanned vehicles.

METHODS: The study is based on the analysis of technical solutions implemented in the design of platforms with extreme off-road capabilities and space rovers. Well-known methods of fundamentals of vehicle dynamics are the main tools of the study.

RESULTS: The options of roll stability control system for small unmanned platforms are described. The conclusions regarding feasibility of different options of balancing mechanisms for addressing the issue of counteraction of stability losing and overturning are made.

CONCLUSIONS: The discussed principles of roll stability control could be implemented in special small unmanned vehicles with any type of propulsion system. The further research in this field considers building of mathematical models capable of evaluating the required kinematics and power properties of the system of adaptive roll stability control, as well as testing using the mockup of a moving platform.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):45-54
pages 45-54 views

Theory, designing, testing

Justification of usability of the heat accumulator of phase transition in vehicles’ engines pre-start warming-up procedure
Kolunin A., Kaminsky V., Apelinsky D., Lazarev E., Korytov M.

BACKGROUND: The trend of activity increase in exploration of transpolar areas has been observed for recent years. Negative temperatures, the key feature of the North, have a negative impact on state of piston engines of on-ground transport. In engine’s cylinders, the process of transition of liquid fuel in gaseous state goes before the mixture ignition. Negative temperatures affect the phase transition process and impede the working body homogenization. Therefore, engine pre-start warming-up procedure goes before successful engine start. Existing typical methods of pre-start warming-up demand fuel consumption and, generally, significant staff resources. Achievements of modern science offer new technologies for solving the issues of warming-up procedures based on accumulating, storage and deployment of heat energy produces by an engine during its operation.

AIM: Justification of usability of the heat accumulator of phase transition in pre-start warming-up procedure for vehicles’ engines operating in conditions of negative temperatures of cold climate.

METHODS: Numerical values of heat accumulator charging period depending on temperature of heat-accumulating material at various initial temperatures of coolant as well as values of the discharging period depending on temperature of heat-accumulating material at various coolant rates were defined experimentally. High-density polyethylene was used as a heat-accumulating material.

RESULTS: As a result of the described experiment, curves of heat accumulator charging period depending on heat-accumulating material temperature at various initial temperatures of coolant and curves of heat accumulator discharging period depending on coolant temperature at various coolant rates were built.

CONCLUSIONS: It is found that the heat accumulator of phase transition with high-density polyethylene as a heat-accumulating material can be used for improving the reliability of vehicles’ piston engine start in conditions of negative temperatures of cold climate.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):55-64
pages 55-64 views
Study of methods of energy efficiency improvement considering operation modes of traction electric drive with use of the methods of virtual mathematical modelling
Klimov A.

BACKGROUND: Currently, the problem of making wheeled vehicles more environmentally-friendly is one of the most relevant, as using electric vehicles with on-board traction batteries becomes the most popular technical solution. However, the batteries capacity remains relatively low, so efficiency of using them depends on selection the most optimal components of traction electric equipment and implementing the most advanced algorithms of traction electric drive control. Therefore, development of the methods helping to achieve maximal energy efficiency at all stages of design, manufacturing and operation is highly important.

AIM: Development of fundamentals and methods of improvement of wheeled vehicles energy efficiency at the design stage with the use of virtual mathematical modelling.

METHODS: The study was conducted with the MATLAB/Simulink software package.

RESULTS: Theoretical basis of the improvement methods with the use of mathematical modelling of virtual operation of the vehicle’s digital twin in the MATLAB/Simulink is given in the paper.

CONCLUSIONS: The practical value of the study lies in ability of using the proposed methods in development of prosperous wheeled vehicles.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):65-74
pages 65-74 views
Enhancement of the lubrication system of an internal combustion engine
Aliev S., Aliev A., Aidemirov O.

BACKGROUND: The modernized design of the lubrication system with an individual electric-driven oil pump ensures the oil supply to remote and loaded parts, regardless of the crankshaft speed, starting mode and engine warm-up.

AIM: Study of the main directions for enhancement of the lubrication systems of piston engines in order to assess the option of using an autonomous electric drive.

METHODS: The design of an adjustable inductor electric drive with microprocessor control is proposed as a drive. The ability to keep rotation speed of the pump gears accurately is ensured using a controlled inductor electric motor, depending on the pressure in the lubrication system.

RESULTS: The design and technological implementation of the proposed method of driving an oil pump does not require major changes to the engine design. The layout of the oil pump at the engine is simplified.

CONCLUSIONS: The proposed design of the lubrication system of an internal combustion engine ensures optimal rotation speed of the pump shaft regardless of the operating modes of the piston engine, resulting in an increase in engine operating life.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):75-80
pages 75-80 views
Justification of range limits of root spray angle of an adaptive spraying device
Rodimtsev S., Dembovsky I.

BACKGROUND: Oscillations of the sprayer field boom in the transverse-vertical plane causes a decrease in the quality of the technological operation. This is especially true in relation to the operation of small-sized single-support barrow-type sprayers. One of the possible solutions to compensate the effect of transverse oscillations of the boom on the quality of spraying is the use of adaptive sprayers with a variable root angle of the spray jet, responding to the position taken by the sprayer in relation to the surface being treated.

AIM: Justification of the necessary limits for changing the spray angles of an adaptive sprayer for a single-support spraying device. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that insufficient attention is paid to the implementation of technologies using means of small-scale mechanization, unlike industrial agricultural machinery.

METHODS: A prototype of a single-support boom motor sprayer was used as the study object. The field experiment was carried out at the experimental area of the Oryol State Agrarian University. Data acquisition on the deviation of the sprayer from the vertical axis was carried out using a specially developed angle gauge. A spreadsheet processor in the Microsoft Excel environment was used to perform mathematical processing of the decrypted experimental data. The study of the obtained analytical dependencies was carried out in the environment of the Mathcad 14.0 mathematical calculation system.

RESULTS: It has been experimentally found that the maximum deviations of the sprayer from the vertical can be up to 30° during operation. At the same time, the average amplitude of the transverse operating oscillations of the boom of a single-support barrow-type boom sprayer ranges from +11° to -18°. The amplitude of the transverse oscillations of a single-support sprayer depends on the operator’s skills and the unit motion velocity. Balancing the sprayer is important due to the moment of force caused by the weight of the one-sided field boom. A formula for calculation of the spray width of one sprayer, taking into account the geometric parameters of a single-support sprayer, as well as its inclination angle in the transverse-vertical plane, has been derived. An analytical relationship that makes it possible to calculate the required limits of the root angle of the spray jet of an adaptive sprayer, taking into account the installation distance of the sprayer relative to the vertical plane passing through the support point of the sprayer, has been obtained. The values of the root spray angles for the deflectors of adaptive sprayers, with the sprayer oscillations amplitude from -18° to +11° in the transverse-vertical plane, were found.

CONCLUSIONS: The practical value of the study lies in the potential of using the formula to determine the range limits of root spray angles when designing and developing adaptive sprayers.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):81-90
pages 81-90 views
Mathematical model of the cross-section of wheat grain
Nikitin V., Ozhereliev V., Sinyaya N.

BACKGROUND: When studying the optimal length of the holes in the lattice bottom of the inclined chamber of a combine harvester, which ensures preliminary separation of the combed grain heap, the cross section of wheat grain was modeled in the shape of a separate ball or a cut cylinder. This is due to the fact that the description of the technological process is significantly simplified with this shape of grain. However, such models of the grain cross-section are very far from the real shape of the object, since the dorsal side of the grains is convex, and there is a longitudinal groove on the ventral side. The kind of surface closest to the real shape of the grain is the Pascal’s snail mathematical model. For this model, the centroid coordinates are determined, and equations are obtained for calculating its cross-sectional area and moments of inertia for each coordinate axis. Verification of the obtained equations in the KOMPAS-3D software showed that the discrepancy between the real and theoretically predicted values of the centroid coordinates is about 13%, which reduces the adequacy of the calculations and requires their refinement.

AIM: Refinement of the mathematical model of the cross-section of wheat grain shaped as the Pascal’s snail.

METHODS: The object of the study is a cross section of wheat grain shaped as the Pascal’s snail. When determining the centroid coordinates, methods of theoretical mechanics were used, and the resulting expressions were verified in the KOMPAS-3D three-dimensional modeling software.

RESULTS: Mathematical expressions for analytical calculation of the centroid coordinates are obtained for different versions of the Pascal’s snail: a = b (cardioid), a < b (the Pascal’s snail without an internal loop), a > b (the Pascal’s snail with an internal loop). Verification of the obtained expressions proves their adequacy, since the convergence of theoretical and experimental data is 100%.

CONCLUSIONS: The use of refined mathematical models of the cross-section of wheat grain can significantly simplify the modeling of the separation process of combed heaps, as well as to increase the accuracy of calculations. To simplify the description of this process, it is advisable to use the KOMPAS-3D three-dimensional modeling software.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):91-100
pages 91-100 views

Quality, reliability

The efficiency of thermal protection of ICE pistons with the micro-arc oxidation
Dudareva N., Kolomeichenko A., Kisel Y.

BACKGROUND: In order to protect pistons of internal combustion engines (ICE) from burnout and increase their durability, it is reasonable to use ceramic coatings formed on the piston head with micro-arc oxidation (MAO). Many scientific papers have been devoted to the study of the efficiency of these coatings. However, most of these studies were carried out at laboratory facilities simulating the engine operation, generally, not taking into account the real thermophysical parameters of the MAO coating. Therefore, the thermal protection efficiency of these coatings is difficult to assess.

AIM: Study of efficiency of the thermal protection of pistons using a ceramic coating formed by micro-arc oxidation on the piston head with numerical simulation.

METHODS: The study was conducted in the SolidWorks Simulation software. Two piston aluminum alloys were used as the piston material: AK12d (with a silicon content of 12%) and AK4-1 (with a silicon content of 0.35%). Temperature loads corresponding to the operation of a real engine were applied to the surfaces of the model piston. At the first stage of the study, the thermal state of pistons made of different uncoated alloys was simulated. At the second and third stages of the study, the effect of the coating thickness on the piston thermal state was simulated. The piston material of the second study stage was the AK4-1 alloy. The piston material of the third study stage was the AK12d alloy. Ceramics, which properties correspond to the coatings properties formed with the micro-arc oxidation method on these alloys, were used as the coating material. The coating thickness varied in the range from 50 to 350 µm in increments of 100 µm. The probing method was used to determine the temperature in various areas of the piston, such as at the piston head surface at the MAO coating and under it, in the area of piston grooves, at a piston skirt and the piston head from the side of a crankcase.

RESULTS: With the simulation, it was found that:

  1. The micro-arc coating of the piston head reduces the thermal tension of the piston regardless of the aluminum alloy chemical composition.
  2. The efficiency of the piston’s thermal protection increases with an increase in the ceramic coating thickness and a decrease in its thermal conductivity coefficient.
  3. The greatest heat-protecting effect is achieved by the piston made of the AK12d eutectic alloy.

CONCLUSIONS: It is found that the MAO coating at the piston head is an effective way to reduce the thermal tension of the ICE pistons. Increasing the ceramic coating thickness and a decrease in its thermal conductivity coefficient increases the efficiency of the pistons thermal protection. Reducing the thermal conductivity of the MAO coating and increasing the MAO coating thickness increases the temperature on the coating surface.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):101-112
pages 101-112 views

Economics, organization and technology of production

Microwave device for heat treatment of meat by-products and waste
Voronov E., Novikova G., Mikhailova O., Prosviryakova M., Suslov S.

BACKGROUND: In the conditions of farms, there is a problem of neutralizing unpleasant odors during heat treatment of secondary meat raw materials to preserve the consumer properties of protein feed at low operating costs.

AIM: Development of the device for heat treatment with disinfection and neutralization of the unpleasant odor of crushed secondary meat raw materials with the integral effect of an ultra−high frequency electromagnetic field, a bactericidal flow of UV rays and ozone in a continuous mode with electromagnetic safety ensured.

METHODS: The raw materials are the stomach chambers of ruminants. The basic idea, principle of operation and design of the device are based on the propagation of microwave oscillations in a resonator with a spiral decelerating system. The microwave device contains a non-ferromagnetic cylinder with a perforated lower base, a coaxially arranged non-ferromagnetic spiral cylinder and an electrically driven fluoroplastic auger with a solid screw surface. The average perimeter of the annular volume, between the cylinder and the spiral cylinder forming the coaxial resonator, and its height are multiples of half-wavelength. Corona brushes are mounted to the annular base of the cylinder, under which electric gas discharge lamps powered by 1 kHz frequency generators are radially located, and a ceramic annular spherical surface is located under the lamps. Magnetrons are mounted along the perimeter of the outer cylinder with a shift of 120 degrees. The crackling is removed using a pneumatic conveyor.

RESULTS: The feature of the coaxial resonator is that the inner core is formed as a spiral decelerating system. Therefore, the intrinsic Q-factor of the resonator is high, about 115000, therefore, the expected thermal efficiency is 0.7–0.75. The factor of dielectric losses of raw materials with a decrease in humidity from 76% to 30% is reduced by five times. Thus, while keeping the electric stress at the level of 1.2–2 kV/cm, the electromagnetic field power dissipated in a unit of the volume of the crackling decreases by five times, from 34 500 to 6800 W/cm3.

CONCLUSIONS: A new design solution with a spiral coaxial resonator, the use of a ceramic reflector, and a number of physical factors made it possible to develop the design of the operation chamber for the heat treatment of ruminant slaughter waste with the neutralization of unpleasant odors with a capacity of 30–35 kg/h and specific energy costs of 0.16–0.19 kWh/kg.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):113-122
pages 113-122 views
Agrotechnical performance indicators of the asymmetric working body of a fallow cultivator
Parkhomenko G., Podlesny D., Kambulov S., Bozhko I., Belousov S.

BACKGROUND: Obtaining sustainable and high-quality harvest is important for the production of agricultural products. It is known that up to 40-45% of all energy costs are spent on preparing the soil for sowing when cultivating agricultural crops. Surface-fallow tillage is a subtle technological process, it influences on normal distribution of the seed material in depth and, as a consequence, the further uniformity of seedlings. To ensure the process flow of pre-sowing preparation of the soil for sowing, a new asymmetric working body for a fallow cultivator was developed in the Donskoy Agrarian Scientific Center, the structural subdivision of the SKNIIMESKh, Zernograd. There is a task to conduct a comparative analysis of operation of the new working body with V-shaped sweeps when preparing the soil for sowing.

AIM: Conducting a comparative analysis of operation of a serial V-shaped sweep with the new proposed asymmetric working body of a fallow cultivator by field research in the fields of the Donskoy ANC.

METHODS: The research in the fields of Donskoy ANC was conducted according to the GOST 33687-2015 “Machines and tools for surface tillage” regional standard. Well-known statistical extrapolation methods implemented in the Microsoft Excel environment were used for data processing.

RESULTS: The optimal operating parameters of the new proposed asymmetric working body have been determined in comparison with the serial working body of a fallow cultivator.

CONCLUSIONS: According to the conducted laboratory and field studies, the parameters and operating modes of the new asymmetric working body were obtained.

Tractors and Agricultural Machinery. 2024;91(1):123-132
pages 123-132 views
