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卷 30, 编号 3 (2023)



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Original study articles

Surgical treatment of post-traumatic instability of the shoulder joint in athletes. Аrthroscopic Latarjet procedure or free bone autograft?

Orletskiy A., Timchenko D., Gordeev N., Zharikov V., Vasiliev D., Kosov I.


BACKGROUND: Surgical therapy for post-traumatic shoulder includes a variety of procedures, such as the Latarjet operation, Bankart, and the use of free bone autograft. Each of the offered approaches has advantages and disadvantages. As a result, techniques for plastic surgery of the articular surface of the scapula have been developed in the last 10 yr.

OBJECTIVE: To comprehensively evaluate the outcomes of biomechanical studies of the shoulder joint in the postoperative period after arthroscopic Latarjet operation and arthroscopic stabilization using a free bone graft in professional athletes.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: From 2017 to 2022, the Clinic for Sports, Ballet, and Circus Trauma, named after Z.S. Mironova (N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics), performed 27 arthroscopic procedures on patients with post-traumatic shoulder joint instability.

RESULT: According to the results of a comparative study of the biomechanics of the shoulder joint in the postoperative period in 27 athletes, conducted by us in the scientific department of medical rehabilitation of the N.N. Priorov, under the guidance of I.S. Kosov, it was revealed that the use of arthroscopic Latarjet operation reduces the strength characteristics of the shoulder joint and violates proprioceptive sensitivity, resulting to fine coordination of movements.

CONCLUSIONS: The surgical treatment of post-traumatic shoulder joint instability in athletes is determined by the sport. A free bone block allows you to maintain fine coordinated movements, which is vital in gymnastics, synchronized swimming, and other sports, and a free autograft does not reduce strength characteristics after surgery. The Latarjet operation can be used in team sports (basketball and volleyball) without affecting the outcome of the game.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):271-285
pages 271-285 views

Modern aspects in the treatment of intra-articular fractures and fractures of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the three-phalangeal fingers of the hand, as well as their consequences

Golubev I., Merkulov M., Kusnetsov V., Bushuev O., Kutepov I., Baliura G.


BACKGROUND: Proximal interphalangeal joint intra-articular fractures are a prevalent problem in traumatology and orthopedics. Damage typically develops at the base of the middle phalanx due to a collision with the head of the proximal phalanx. As a result, the finger’s function declines significantly, which inevitably impacts the function of the entire brush. Compared with long-standing injuries, treating patients with this pathology in the acute period of injury is more likely to result in limb function restoration. Suppose an intra-articular fracture is underestimated or missed in the early stages. In that case, the doctor may eventually encounter chronic pain syndrome, joint and/or stiffness, and more time-consuming treatment procedures. There are many methods of treatment for both “acute” and long-standing injuries, each with advantages and disadvantages.

OBJECTIVE: To describe, in our opinion, the most effective modalities of therapy for patients with these injuries in the early stages (up to 4 weeks from the time of injury) and long-term periods (more than 4 weeks).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Suzuki external fixation spoke device (pins and rubber traction system [PRTS]) was used to treat 26 patients with fractures and dislocations of the base of the middle phalanx of the three-phalangeal fingers of the hand in the acute period of injury. Arthroplasty of the base of the middle phalanx with a hook bone graft (hemihamate) with its modifications was used in the treatment of 23 patients with inadequately fused intra-articular fractures of the base of the middle phalanx of the three-phalangeal fingers of the hand. All patients underwent physical examinations, X-rays, and/or CT scans to diagnose and confirm or clarify the nature of the damage. All patients developed passive/active movements early in the operated section during the postoperative period.

RESULTS: The patient estimated the VAS pain syndrome at 4–6 points on the scale; however, after 6–8 weeks, this indicator was 0–1 points. After 6–8 weeks, the amplitude of movements in the proximal interphalangeal joint of the fingers from the average of 30–50° after 6–8 weeks, was reached the average of 15–95°. There was a 15–20° extensor contracture in two patients.

CONCLUSION: The treatment of patients with intra-articular fractures and fracture-dislocations in the proximal interphalangeal joint of the three-phalangeal fingers of the hand, as well as their consequences, is a complex current problem in traumatology and orthopedics with no one-word universal solution. To select treatment strategies, a comprehensive evaluation of the patient, correct verification and interpretation of the existing damage, and a thorough understanding of the anatomy of the fingers and the hand are required.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):287-300
pages 287-300 views

Advantage of the anterior approach in total hip arthroplasty (topographic-anatomical and computed tomography substantiation)

Eremin I., Ogarev E., Daniliyants A., Zhandarov K., Zagorodniy N.


BACKGROUND: Hip arthroplasty is effectively performed for the elderly population and young people who continue to work and have an active lifestyle. An increase in the number of operations is facilitated by an increase in the prevalence of osteoarthritis and physical inactivity, leading to an increase in BMI and, accordingly, the load on the joints of the lower extremities. The increased volume of hip arthroplasty, the expansion of indications, the decrease in the average age of patients undergoing the intervention, and the related increase in surgical needs point to the need to improve surgical treatment approaches. In the CIS countries, the direct anterior approach is rarely used; in our opinion, it is less traumatic.

OBJECTIVE: To conduct a topographic-anatomical and computed tomographic study to support the advantages of using a direct anterior approach when performing hip arthroplasty.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study included two stages: First, (a) layer-by-layer anatomical preparation of the hip joint area on five sectional complexes to establish accurate anatomical and topographic relationships of the structures of the anterior thigh region and design accesses and (b) hip arthroplasty on 10 biomannequins using two approaches: five operations (direct anterior approach) and five operations (direct lateral approach), and second, evaluation of access to the hip joint in terms of criteria developed by A.Yu. Sazon-Yaroshevich to assess online access.

RESULTS: This study confirmed that the direct anterior approach is less traumatic; its use preserves soft tissues. However, the use of a direct anterior approach requires additional training of endoprosthetic surgeons. The authors recommend executing the first 10–20 endoprostheses on biomanikins to link the risk of problems and to solidify surgical skills at the beginning of the learning curve. The depth of the wound is 20–25% less with the direct anterior approach to the hip joint than with the Harding approach — 101 and 136 mm, respectively.

CONCLUSION: Because the approach to the joint is carried out along the intermuscular gap, no soft tissues, blood vessels, or nerves are damaged during the direct anterior approach. According to its characteristics, the direct anterior approach is optimal for performing hip arthroplasty. Maintaining muscles during the performance of the direct anterior approach allows you to begin early activation and rehabilitation of patients. The adoption of a direct anterior approach is related to improved hip joint functional results in the early postoperative period.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):301-313
pages 301-313 views

Analysis of medium-term outcomes after surgical correction hallux valgus deformity

Skrebtsov A., Nikitina V., Protsko V., Tamoev S., Skrebtsov V., Yakushev D.


BACKGROUND: One of the most prevalent foot abnormalities is valgus deformity of the first toe. Many procedures have been proposed to correct this deformity, but one of the most Scarf osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone, which is complemented by the Akin osteotomy of the proximal phalanx of the first finger, is one of the most widely used. This publication analyzes the mid-term effect of repairing the deformity of the first toe using the methods described above.

AIMS: To evaluate the mid-term outcomes of hallux valgus correction using Scarf osteotomy and the combination of Scarf and Akin osteotomies to the literature.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross-sectional, observational study. From January to December 2017, 129 patients (147 ft.) received forefoot deformity. Clinical and radiographic parameters were studied using the AOFAS, FFI, and VAS scales and questions related to the subjective assessment of patients by the treatment.

RESULTS: The study’s findings revealed an increase in AOFAS scores from 59.0 (16–88, SD=18.6) before surgery to 85.0 (53–100, SD=13.3; p <0.001) 5 yr later. The VAS scores fell from 5.7 (0–10, SD=2.2) to 2.4 (0–5, SD=1.4; p <0.001). After surgery, the FFI scale score decreased from 40.9 (10–78, SD=18.1) to 11.3 (0–19, SD=5.0; p <0.001). According to the survey, 96.7% of patients would agree to a second operation, 96.9% of those who had surgery would recommend it to their relatives, and 94.6% were satisfied with the aesthetic result of the operation. Most patients (95.4%) were satisfied with the treatment in terms of the disappearance of pain and discomfort. The functional results of the surgical surgery were satisfactory to 98.4% of the patients who were consulted. Radiographic HVA, IMA angle, and Hardy and Clapham sesamoid position scores all indicated favorable mid-term outcomes with no deformity recurrence. In 46.3% of patients (68 patients), there was limited mobility in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. A complication in superficial soft tissue irritation occurred in four patients (2.7%). Iatrogenic varus deviation of one toe was observed in one patient. Metal fixators were removed from patients in 34 patients (23.1%). The removal was completed within a year in 17 cases (11.6%).

CONCLUSIONS: Scarf osteotomy, alone or in combination with Akin osteotomy, is a successful treatment for hallux valgus.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):315-324
pages 315-324 views

Screening examination of the cervical spine in patients with Down syndrome

Kuleshov A., Gubin A., Sharov V., Vetrile M., Lisyansky I., Makarov S.


BACKGROUND: Among all the variety of orthopedic pathologies typical for patients with Down syndrome, pathology of the cervical spine, in our opinion, is the most important. Various types of atlantoaxial dislocations can cause significant neurological deficits and decrease patients’ quality of life.

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the results of screening examination of patients with Down syndrome for the presence of cervical spine pathology.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: As part of the screening examination, functional radiographs of the cervical spine in the lateral projection of 60 patients with Down syndrome were evaluated. Priorov NMIC will operate from May 2021 to January 2023.

RESULTS: Nine of the 60 patients tested exhibited craniovertebral pathology. Three patients have Os odontoideum of the C2 vertebra. In five patients, different types of rotational atlantoaxial displacements were found, and one patient had hypoplasia of the occipital condyles associated with basilar invagination of the C2 vertebral dentition.

CONCLUSION: The instability of the upper cervical spine is potentially the most dangerous manifestation of orthopedic pathology in Down syndrome. A screening examination with functional cervical spine lateral projection radiographs is recommended for this group of patients.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):325-334
pages 325-334 views

Medical simulator for the training of radiologists: experimental work

Markin I., Alexandrov K., Varlamova N., Potapov P., Zhurbin E., Matysin A., Shirshin A., Shchelkanova E.


BACKGROUND: Ankle injuries of various nature — bruises, sprains, tears, dislocations and subluxations, and fractures — account for 20–30% of all musculoskeletal system injuries. The most common ankle injuries are a tear and sprain. The difficulty in treating fractures in this location is due to the need for accurate repositioning of the articular surface and stable fixation of fragments. The actual task is to train roentgenologists in the field. The inclusion of medical personnel in the educational process at all levels of training simulation courses aids in the reduction of errors, reduction of problems, and the improvement of the quality of medical treatment provided to the public.

OBJECTIVE: This study aims to develop and create a simulator that simulates human bone structure and soft tissues and allows roentgenologists to get through training and instruction radiological examinations of an ankle joint and a foot.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The following stages of the simulator’s development have been completed: acquiring ankle bone samples, creating a mold for casting, and constructing the simulator. The results of computer and magnetic resonance imaging were used to construct bone samples, from which a computerized 3D model of the bones of the foot and ankle joint was obtained. Using additive technologies, anatomically correct reproductions of human foot and ankle bones were made. At the next stage, a three-dimensional digital model was developed, and a mold for casting the finished product was made. Bone samples collected in a single structure were placed inside the mold. Next, a step-by-step filling of the form with a soft gel-like material was performed. In this case, a self-vulcanizing silicone rubber composition is selected, which, after solidification, imitates human soft tissues.

RESULTS: During the course of the study, a prototype medical simulator was created that models human bone structure and soft tissues and allows roentgenologists to practice performing ankle joint and foot roentgenography.

CONCLUSION: Because of its high anatomical accuracy, ease of use, and mass production potential, the developed simulator can be widely employed in the teaching of roentgenologists.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):335-346
pages 335-346 views

Clinical case reports

Treatment of a patient with chronic causalgia after surgical removal of the neuroma in the second interdigital space

Bolshakova D., Kardanov A., Maysigov M., Korolev A.


BACKGROUND: Morton’s neuroma is a common pathology of the forefoot. Etiopathologically, this disease can be attributed to nerve fibrosis, not a tumor. We now have various therapeutic options for neuromas, the most frequent of which is traction neurectomy. Recurrent pain affects up to 35% of patients with traction neurectomy, and one-third have recurrent stump neuroma produced by the proliferation of fibrous scar tissue around the remaining nerve elements. Conservative treatment methods are more commonly used to treat recurrent neuromas and residual pain, but surgical therapy is required in some cases. Despite the relatively high prevalence, the treatment of such patients is a challenging task for orthopedic traumatologists.

CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: We show the effective treatment of a patient with stump neuroma and primary Morton’s neuroma in two stages. The second interdigital space nerve was transposed, and the deep, transverse metatarsal ligament of the third interdigital space was dissected in the first stage. The second stage consists of removing the sensitive scar, resecting the plantar nerve of the third interdigital space, and performing a Weil osteotomy.

CONCLUSION: Consistent use of conservative surgical procedures, appropriate revision of the subcutaneous nerve, and excision of a sensitive scar allows for a successful therapeutic outcome, pain alleviation, and the ability to wear normal shoes.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):347-356
pages 347-356 views


Clinical and pathogenetic significance of the microvascular component of bone tissue

Agafonova A., Krupatkin A., Dorokhin A.


Bone tissue’s blood circulation and microcirculation are critical to its metabolic and reparative processes. Without the participation of the bone microcirculatory tissue system, it is difficult to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, transport of nutrients, and excrete metabolic products. The regeneration of bone tissue is characterized by the pairing of angiogenesis and osteogenesis, which allows the use of microcirculation indicators as additional criteria for the state of reparative processes. Non-invasive approaches for detecting the state of peripheral circulation and microcirculation, which would enable assessing the dynamics of the vascular factor in bone pathology, including after fractures, are most practical in the clinic.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):357-366
pages 357-366 views

Hoffa’s fat pad, Hoffa’s disease, Hoffa’s fracture: the history of eponyms

Zolotov A., Zinkova E., Atoian V.


Albert Hoffa’s is associated with three popular eponymous terms: the infrapatellar fat pad (Hoffa’s fat pad), the pathology of this anatomical development (Hoffa’s disease), and a frontal fracture of the lateral condyle of the femur (Hoffa’s fracture). Issues of priority about the mentioned eponyms continue to be debated. The authors searched for information in domestic and foreign publications, traumatology and orthopedics manuals, periodicals, and Internet resources — Scopus, WoS, Google Scholar, and eLibrary — to collect reliable data on the history of the emergence of the eponyms “Hoff’s fatty body,” “Hoff’s disease,” “Hoff’s fracture” and to determine the role of the German orthopedist and his priority in the origin of these copyright names. Professor John Goodsir’s paper in 1855 contains one of the earliest mentions of the infrapatellar fat pad but without revealing the anatomy and morphology of the structure itself. In 1904, Albert Hoffa published an article describing fully the syntopic and macroscopic anatomy of the infrapatellar fat pad and the disease associated with infrapatellar fat pad pathology. A German physician, Friedrich Busch, first described the frontal fracture of the lateral condyle of the femur in 1869. A similar was described by Albert Hoffa in the first edition of the “Textbook of Fractures and Dislocations for Doctors and Students” in 1888. Albert Hoffa’s priority in describing the infrapatellar fat pad and its pathology is recognized by representatives of various medical specialties. As for the frontal fracture of the lateral condyle of the femur, Albert Hoffa may only be considered a co-author of the frontal fracture of the lateral condyle of the femur.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):367-374
pages 367-374 views


Sergey Pavlovich Mironov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (06.08.1948–14.08.2023)


The national health care has suffered an irreplaceable loss: on August 14, at the age of 76, Sergey Pavlovich Mironov, an outstanding scientist, excellent organisator, a great clinician, erudite teacher, a remarkable public figure, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, passed away. The Association of Traumatologists and Orthopaedists of Russia, the staff of the N.N. Priorov National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics, editorial board of the N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics deeply grieve about the loss.

N.N. Priorov Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics. 2023;30(3):375-378
pages 375-378 views
