Fermented milk with the prebiotic «Laiel»

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The article informs about
results of the studies carried
out in order to investigate
effects of the food additive
«Laiel» that includes lactulose
and lysozime on acid formation
and dynamics of microorganisms
growth when technology
for ryazhenka production
is used. Technical documentation
for this beverage that
is a symbiotic milk product
has been developed.


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  2. Патент 2217009 РФ.
  3. Храмцов А.Г., Рябцева С.В., Евдокимов И.А., Лоды гин Д.Н. О применении лактулозы в продуктах детского, диетического и лечебного питания // Вопросы питания. 1997. № 2. 4. www.lael.ru.

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