Microparticulate of whey proteins in the low lactose ice-cream

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Growth of number of the people having so-called «civilization diseases»: obesity, diabetes , cardiovascular, etc. causes the necessity of development of technologies of products with the lowered caloric content. The problem of excess consumption of food nutrients, in particular fats and carbohydrates, becomes especially actual. The importance thus gets search of effective simulators of fat. We offered technology of low-lactose ice cream with mikropartikulyaty serumal proteins, imitating a fleyvor of milk fat. As raw materials for its receiving used the subcheese serum modified by methods of ultrafiltration and a mikropartikulyation. Mikropartikulit contains agglomerates of serumal proteins with a size of particles similar to balls of milk fat. On the organoleptic indicators mikropartikulit it is similar to milk cream: has uniform, moderately viscous, a consistence, white color and a pure dairy smell. Significant power-intensive component of a diet is sucrose. For the purpose of replacement of these refined carbohydrates, and also improvement of consumer properties of a ready-made product and it is offered to pass solutions of the problem of intolerance of lactose its fermentativny hydrolysis. The new food composition for ice cream allows to replace partially refined and high-power valuable components of traditional ice cream (whole milk, butter, cream and sucrose) and to enrich a product with serumal proteins, irreplaceable amino acids, ascorbic acid, Riboflavine, niatsine and a pyridoxine. Fermentativny hydrolysis of lactose reduces probability of its crystallization in the course of storage of ice cream and formation of defect «sandiness». Selection of a fermental preparation for lactose hydrolysis is carried out, optimum conditions of process of bioconversion of lactose are established. The fermental preparation Maxilact® provides the maximum extent of hydrolysis of lactose of 90 % under the following optimum conditions: the dose of introduction of 0,68 g/dm 3, temperature is 39 °C and duration of process is 3 h 45 min. The proposed technological solution provides replacement of milk fat by 65 %, sucrose by 43 % and decrease in caloric content of ice cream by 41 % that allows to carry it to products of healthy food and to realize the closed production cycle at the enterprises of dairy industry.

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