Tailoring of the carbohydrates composition in the baby foods. Scientific and practical aspects



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Lactose is considered to be one of the most important composition of human milk and its replacers as tor as quantity and functionality is concerned. This is the only carbohydrate existing in the nature that is used both for energy purposes and as а structural materai. The quantity of carbohydrates in human milk or in the human milk replacers exceeds 50 %, and their ratio with other principle ingredients (tot, protein) is 4:2:1. Besides lactose, some other carbohydrates such as saccharose, dry corn melasses and dextrinemaltose аго applied. In spite of the important role of carbohydrates in the nutrition of babies in the age of опе уеаr fundamental studies were not carried оut up till now neither in our country nor abroad (in the publications, reviewed). There is no а single scientifically based incept of applying carbohydrate nutrient in baby toad mixtures (human milk replacers) tor babies feeding. Results of the medical and biological study of the carbohydrate composition of the human milk replacers using composition of lactose, saccharose, corn melasses and dextrinemaltose are discussed in the article. The quality of the compositions was assessed according to the criteria worked out by the authors - digestibility, osmolarity, allergenicity, bifidogenicity. On the basis of the experimental data received the authors worked out and implemented in practice ideology for modelling baby toads by coupaging scientifically grounded modules of the wide range of milk products intended for filthy children, children with certain pathology of development as well as for school children and adults The results of the investigations are of great scientific and practical importance. Normative documentation was developed and production of the supplements with improved bifidogenous properties was organized. The wide range of the medical-preventive milk products (mare than 15 types), cheese without lactose of the type «Pasta Filata» (Chechil Mozzarella, Kosichka, Syrnaya palochka) for feeding children and adults with lactase deficiency, hyperplasia of the thyroid gland, anemia, avitaminosis, problems with bone tissues, caries were developed. Results of the investigations described in the article were applied by the industry and allowed manufacture more than 500 thousand tons of milk products intended for hеаІthу and ill babies, children, school children and for adults.




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