Inhibitory substances. Intergovernmental standard GOST 23454-2016 «Milk. Methods for determination of inhibitory substances»

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Results of the research work carried out to improve biological method for controlling inhibitory substances in milk are given. The results were received at working out the intergovernmental standard GOST 23454-2016 «Milk. Methods for determination of inhibitory substances». The results of testing sensitivity of the test cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus (with the indicator resazurin) and Bacillus stearothermophilus (with indicators bromocresolpurpur and diamond black) to various groups of inhibitory substances are presented. A comparative analysis of the methods for controlling inhibitory substances included in the interstate standard is given. Possibility to implement the method with the test culture Streptococcus thermophilus for the enterprises of the dairy sector is offered due to buying the components needed at VNIIMS and at the Experimental biofactory (Uglich).

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