Milk productivity of the Golstein cows: introduction of the corn gluten in the ration


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He search of thoroughgoing measures to increase the milk production efficiency at agricultural enterprises nowadays is necessary with implementation of innovative methods in milk production technology and increasing its quality at economic efficiency in the conditions of world financial crises. Now the final product cheapening is most urgent in animal breeding. One of the ways to increase Holstein cows’ productivity is fodder enrichment with protein adding like corn gluten. They have conducted a science and practice experiment with pair analogues principle in 2013-2014 at a farm of Stenkino village, JSC «Avangard», Ryazan district, Ryazan oblast. The milking herd of Holstein cows has included 380 animals. The cows of the control group have got the basic diet according to norms of VIZh (2003). The principal difference has been adding of 4 kg corn gluten in a mixed fodder per cow to the experimental Holstein cows’ diet. The results of the investigations have shown the positive influence of adding corn gluten to the Holstein cows’ diet on their milk productivity that has increased per 8.8 % and the input for producing 1 dt of milk has lowed per 4,8 %. The products quality has improved. The protein content has increased per 0,5 % and comprised 3,6 %, the fat content has increased per 0,04 % and comprised 4,0 % that allowed the price increase of 1 dt of milk per 4,7 %. Improving the product quality has allowed improving the economic indexes. The amount of the milk sold has increased per 1952 dt. As a result of quality improvement the sale price of 1 dt of milk has increased from 1490,0 up to 1560,0 rubles or per 4,7 %. The milk sales revenue has increased from 33 001 to 37 596 thousand rubles or per 14,0 %. The prime cost of the products sold has increased from 22 093 to 22 895 thousand rubles or per 3,6 %. The profit from milk sales in a case with corn gluten in a diet has been 14 701 thousand rubles that is 3793 thousand rubles more. The profitability level has increased from 49,4 to 64,2 %.

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