Preparation of the «sterile» phagelysates


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Keepability of the native population-biological properties of the substrates containing phages after physical-chemical treatment (chlorineformation and filtration through bacterial membranes) with the aim of «sterilization» (PhS), that is to free substrates from the viable cells, was studied. 142 indicative cultures of the mesophilic streptococci were applied in the experiments made to assess contents of phages in the technological substrates (milk, cheese whey) taken at one of the enterprises in the Altai region and their variations received after the treatment. Chlorineformation of the substrate at 37 °C for 4 hours ensuring receiving of the PhS free from viable cells of the contaminating microflora of any etymology and maintaining the phage properties of the native substrates is considered to be the most rational way to obtain «sterile» PhS.

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