Optimization of the cows milk properties at using an adsorbent and an antioxidant in the rations


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The effects of addition to the rations with a subtoxic dose of nitrates the antioxidant of the vitamin C and «Toksi-nyl» adsorbent on the physico-chemical and technological properties of cow milk were studied. Joint feeding of the preparation «Toksi-nyl» and vitamin C helped to ensure high level of fat and proteins in the animals of the experimental group. In the experimental milk ammonia content was by 50,8 % higher than in the control samples and with simultaneous 2,12 times reduction of nitrates and 2,86 times reduction of nitrites. After milk homogenization nitrate reductase activity of the enzyme increased by 51,9 %. As a result butter making properties of the milk received from the cows of the 2nd experimental group have been improved:fat content in the cream increased by 3,6 % (P>0,95). According to the fat content cream from the milk raw materials of the control group cows was classified as the 2nd grade, and cream from the milk produced by the animals of the experimental group - as the 1st grade. The samples of the butter made from the milk of the cows of the 2nd experimental group contained 2,43 times less nitrates and 2,5 times less nitrites (P>0,95).

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Sobre autores

M. Kokaeva

Email: k-marina85@inbox.ru


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