Application of whey protein in the production of cream mass of lowered sugar capacity

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Edible cream-like pastes have always been of interest for consumers. They have a number of advantages over other confectionery pastes: high production efficiency, high demand and digestability, gentle creamy foam-like structure. However, they also have a number of drawbacks such as non-homogenous consistency, low porosity, high sugar capacity and caloric content, low nutritional value. It is not just the chemical composition of ingredients or their basic physical, structural and mechanical properties, but also the design of whipping machines and the whipping settings that affect the way such pastes develop their foam-like structure and other properties. The paper evaluates possibility to produce cream-like food masses without sugar on the molasses base using highly efficient experimental semi-industrial whipping plant. For production dry whey protein, molasses with high sugar content and special fats were applied. The authors studied effects of the recipes components ratio on the quality and structural-mechanical properties of the mass. The optimal quantities of the components have been chosen and the best quality characteristics. The samples received possess improved quality, reduced sugar capacity, caloricity, improved food and biological values. Introduction of the presented development will allow increase application of secondary milk raw materials, intensify production process, reduce power and labor input, 1,5 times prime cost of products, content of digestible carbohydrates by 50 %, the caloric content of products by 126 kcal, to reduce floor spaces.

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