Vol XIV, No 3-4 (1907)

Original article

Study of taste and smell in epileptics

Glushkov N.A.


The issue of disorders of general and special sensitivity in case of epilepticus was outlined by Echeveria as early as 1870, which, noting the disorder of sensitivity in epileptics, also overshadowed disorders in the area of ​​the higher sense organs, pointed to deafness, loss of taste, and weakening of vision observed with epileptics. Thomsen and Oppenheim, studying in 94 epileptics skin sensitivity, muscle sense, visual field, hearing, taste and smell, 33 observed a disorder of sensitivity. The authors divided all disorders into short-term and persistent, and persistent disorders were observed in patients with long-standing seizures, in the weak-minded; the authors attached great importance to the change in the psyche of epileptics, but the epileptic seizure itself or its nature, in their opinion, does not have a particular significance for the appearance of these disorders. During attacks of somatic epilepsy, no sensory disturbances were observed.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):1-43
pages 1-43 views

Prevention of mental disorders due to their etiology

Osipov V.P.


Opening the psychiatry course at Kazan University, I chose the topic of my introductory lecture on the issue of the prevention of mental disorders, the issue of the prevention of mental illness; the topic is extremely extensive, it cannot be exhausted in one lecture, and we will return to it more than once in our systematic course; nevertheless, today I will try to outline at least the main stages in the prevention of mental illness, using the special composition of today's audience, since the question I have outlined is not of a narrowly specialized meaning, but of a major public interest.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):44-65
pages 44-65 views

To topography of the cerebellum

Vishnevsky A.V.


This work is in connection with the studies by Chiari and Schwalbe on the position of the lower parts of the cerebellum. Chiari considers these data to be extremely interesting because it shows how much congenital hydrocephalus can affect the cerebellum and medulla oblongata, and on the other hand, from this point of view, it can be explained in some cases of hydrocephalus, certain clinical phenomena observed here.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):66-80
pages 66-80 views

In acute paranoid syndromeѣ

Agadzhanyants K.S.


The history of the question of paranoia in general and of acute paranoid diseases in particular is given in the monograph by Werner, in the work of mine, Dr. Gannushkin, and others. It is not within the scope of this article to dwell on a detailed historical sketch; here it is only necessary to characterize in the most essential features the main stages in the evolution of the question of interest to us.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):81-103
pages 81-103 views

Supplement to the article "On the flow of thoughts"

Perevoznikov A.


After the publication of the above-mentioned article, I got some facts confirming the principle of the distribution of ideas in the course of thoughts.

I will preliminarily give a few general remarks about sensations. In the early periods of animal life, when the nervous tissue with a central organ had already been formed, the sensitivity was uniformly distributed over the surface of the body. Differentiation for sight, hearing, taste, etc., has not yet been. Then the central nervous organ, which was an accumulation of nerve cells in some place of the body, constantly received weak excitation from each part of the body surface.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):104-110
pages 104-110 views

To the question about the vasomotor nerves of the thyroid gland

Sinakevich N.A.


In 1896 Jaboulay proposed a new method of surgery for Graves' disease. Based on the position of Abadie that Basedow's disease presents many phenomena indicating irritation of the sympathetic nerve, the author proposed to cut it in the cervical part. Jonnesco went even further in this direction and recommended exfoliation of the cervical nodes and even bilateral resection of the sympathetic trunks. Since that time, surgery on the sympathetic nerve with Basedow's disease began to be used quite often.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):111-180
pages 111-180 views

A case of hysteria with prolonged spontaneous periods of catalepsy

Donskov N.A.


Among the very diverse symptoms in which hysteria is expressed, one of the largest places is occupied by dream-like states and, mainly, those that arise spontaneously, and not under the influence of hypnosis, although they are not very common. Such conditions are known to include catalepsy, lethargy, and somnabulism. One of these states I had to observe partly in the Kazan provincial zemstvo hospital, partly in the Kazan District Hospital.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):183-193
pages 183-193 views

Критика и библіографія

Objective psychology. Academician V. Bekhterev. Issue I. St. Petersburg. 1907 year

Osipova V.


The author begins his work with the words that the psychology that he will expound bears little resemblance to the psychology that has been the subject of study until now. In objective psychology, there should be no place for questions about subjective processes or processes of consciousness, therefore there should be no place for introspection. Self-observation is not enough even to study one's own mental life. Objective psychology has in mind to study and explain only the relationship of a living creature to the surrounding conditions that affect it in one way or another, without aiming to find out those internal or subjective experiences, which are known as conscious phenomena and which are accessible only to self-observation. All mental items should only be subject to objective registration and control.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):194-196
pages 194-196 views

S. Wladyczko. Troubles mentaux pendant le siege de Port-Arthur, Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpetriere. № 4. Juillet Aout. 1907


The author presents his valuable observations and considerations. able to give a clear understanding of the general conditions for the development of mental illness in the besieged fortresses. Of the 42 incidents of madness per 52,000 garrisons, the largest number of 26 occurred in the second period of the siege, while the first period was rather bearable for the garrison. But when hunger, fatigue and grief undermined the nutrition of the nervous system of the defenders, then moral shocks in the form of cut-off, great damage, retreats, etc. gave a very favorable soil for the development of psychosis. On behalf of an eyewitness, the author gives an overwhelming description of the height of 203 meters and its defenders in the midst of its bombardment by the Japanese, from which the development of psychosis in 26 cases in the course of 1 - 2 days becomes clear. Instead of lengthy case histories, the author reports several of the most characteristic episodes and conversations with his patients, which, together with concise and clearly developed statistics, makes the work very interesting and instructive.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):196-198
pages 196-198 views

Rodiet A. et F. Cans. Visual auras in epileptics (Archives de Neurologie No. 9 —1907)


Delasiauve divided auras, as a set of phenomena of the onset of a seizure, into motor, sensitive and intellectual, according to which convulsive blinking, painful sensitivity to light, etc. are observed in front of our eyes. Among other authors, Pichon adheres to the division of the aura into distant and immediate prodromal symptoms. The authors of the article call any manifestation from the side of the eyes that precedes an attack in half an hour as prodromal. During this period, various and transient paralysis of the ocular muscles, changes in accommodation, heaviness of the eyelids and increased intraocular pressure, photopsia and progressive amblyopia with blindness for several seconds were noted.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):198-200
pages 198-200 views

Weber-Fechner law for irritation of human skin by induction currents. Leontovich. Kiev University Bulletin No. 12, 1907


Weber-Fechner's law for irritation of human skin by induction currents. Leontovich. Kiev University Izvestia No. 12, 1907.

The author posed the question of whether the Weber-Fechner’s law can be applied to intermittent electrical irritation of the skin and what is the discrimination threshold for changes in the strength of this irritation. In his research, the author used alternating current from a three-phase Schukert'a machine (one phase), - the phase voltage was amplified by passing it through Oer'l'kon'a and Broupe-Boveri transformers, and a voltmeter and a rheostat were also introduced into the circuit.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):200-201
pages 200-201 views

G. Etienne arbitrary zoniform hemorrhage (Nouvelle Iconographie de la Salpätriere № 5, 1907)


The author gives a description of the case, in his opinion, the only one so far in the literature. She was 80 years old, a cheerful old woman consulted a doctor about severe pain in the right supraorbital region; 3 days after the onset, dark spots were found in the lower and upper orbital areas, as it were, of ecchymosis, and it was precisely established that there was no traumatic moment. Severe pain when touched barely allowed a finger to be touched; the subsequent course of ecchymosis was normal. The innervation of the entire area captured by ecchymotic spots, located in the correct belt around the orbit, is described very accurately, and, according to the author, the topographic relations of spots and innervation are so characteristic in their coincidence that the whole process can be attributed to changes in sensory and trophic disorders mainly in the branches frontalis and upper branch n. trigemini of this area.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):201-202
pages 201-202 views

Ligation of thyroid arteries for vascular goiter, B. Enokhina. Scientific notes of Kazan University. XI-XII. 1907 year


The author begins his work by setting out the advantages that the ligation of the thyroid arteries has in comparison with other methods of treating goiter (especially vascular): - these advantages consist in the ability to avoid bleeding, sometimes fatal, generally inevitable with other methods, then postoperative cachexia, so just as when ligating the arteries, the slowly developing atrophy never covers the organ as a whole, leaving at the same time the body the opportunity to gradually adapt to the partial atrophy of the gland; finally, when ligating the arteries, the injury to the immediate and adjacent parts is very insignificant. The effect of the operation is beneficial: the subjective symptoms of goiter (dyspnea, palpitations) quickly disappear, and the tumor regresses almost to the size of a normal gland — the general nutrition and development of the body goes forward.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):203-204
pages 203-204 views

The first steps of psychiatry during the Russian-Japanese war of 1904-1905 Dr. Shumkov. Works of the Society of Kiev Doctors for 1907


The first steps of psychiatry during the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905. Dr. Shumkov. Works of the Society of Kiev Doctors for 1907.

An interesting article by Dr. Shumkov emphasizes with one superfluous feature the conditions that were set in the medical case in the sad memory of the Russo-Japanese war.

Clerical routine, lack of creative initiative an indifferent attitude towards everything that violated the strictly limited framework of the "state-by-state" - all these features of the deathly bureaucratic worldview were reflected in the setting of psychiatry in the last war.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):204-205
pages 204-205 views

Report of the Odessa City Psychiatric Hospital for 1906, compiled by the doctors of the hospital


The report is a careful selection of digital data that illuminate in detail and visually the aspects of hospital life for the reporting year, especially since these data are organized into interesting general conclusions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):205-206
pages 205-206 views

Хроника и смѣсь

Chronicle and mix

Donskov N.A.


In the summer of this year, the editorial office of the Moscow newspaper "Stolichnoye Morning" was fined by the Governor-General of Moscow for 3000 rubles, and the Moscow City Administration decided to bring the editor of the same newspaper to justice for disseminating false information about the city's psychiatric patronage in print, since the audit carried out - and administrative, and city did not confirm the news of the newspaper "Capital Morning". Nevertheless, apparently, in connection with the same newspaper articles, the Moscow City Administration instructed the conference of doctors of the Alekseevsk psychiatric hospital to work out a project for reorganizing the city patronage. As we know, this draft has already been worked out at the present time, but has not yet been submitted for consideration by the Duma; it concerns mainly the increase in the medical staff of patronage and the rules for persons taking into their care the mentally ill city of Moscow; The very nature of psychiatric patronage in the project has not changed at all, since its main goal is only to protect the Alekseevskaya hospital from excessive overcrowding. Such a careful "reorganization" of the patronage business can hardly be welcomed, but it has many chances to meet with support from the current staff of the City Zairava.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):207-214
pages 207-214 views


Chronicle of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University 1907

Bekhterev V.M., Ostankov P.


Chronicle of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University, 1907 Minutes of meetings.

Neurology Bulletin. 1907;XIV(3-4):214-224
pages 214-224 views

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