
Remembering Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin: the first neurosurgeon at the Lenringad Road Hospital, successor of the neurosurgical school of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov
Vavilova A., Khilova Y.
T.Ya. Aryev. Becoming a scientist and a doctor (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V., Yakimov D., Varfolomeev I.
V.N. Sheinis. A way to science (to the 110th anniversary of the birth)
Sokolov V., Yakimov D., Gusev M.
Bogdan Nikolaevich Kotiv — 外科医生、医学教授、将军(60 周年纪念日)
Kryukov E.V., Dzidzava I.I., Barinov O.V., Kashkin D.P., Shchemelev A.A., Ivanov F.V.
The origin of the Military Medical Academy (dedicated to the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great)
Ovchinnikov D., Kryukov E., Fisun A., Samoilov V., Ivchenko E., Milasheva N.
The experience of application of additive technologies in the military medical organizations and the Military innovation technopolis «ERA»
Peleshok S., Zheleznyak I., Ovchinnikov D., Nagibovich O., Kushnarev S., Shirshin A., Bolekhan V., Adamenko V., Gaivoronsky I., Rudchenko I., Demyanenko V., Sokurenko R., Nebylitsa Y., Davidenko T.
The oldest surgical departments of the Military Medical Academy history and continuity
Ovchinnikov D.
From the experience of the organization of the 1st Ukrainian Front, medical evacuation support of tank armies in the Lvov-Sandomierz offensive
Kulnev S., Shelepov A., Tsogoev V., Latypov I., Lantsov E., Ovchinnikov D., Shatilo Y., Korolev V.
Immediate and long-term results of carotid artery stenting
Krejl’ V., Azovcev R., Vavilov V., Tokarevich K., Lapina V., Kovalev V.
Short results of work of evacuation hospitals of the rear of the country, deployed in the territory of the Saratov region during Great Patriotic War
Sokolov V., Murylev Y., Yakimov D., Murylev V.
The birth of military medical education in the Moscow state
Koshelev V., Kornushko I., Shpanka A., Vyazovichenko Y.
Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov - 220 years old
Fisun A., Kruglov V., Paliy K.
Analysis of incidence of tibia stress fractures among the militaries
Omarov G., Paltushev A., Panov S., Iontsev V., Apchel V.
Yakov Vasilyevich Willie - more than half a century in the service of military medicine The Russian Empire and the Medico-surgical Academy (to the 250th anniversary of the birth)
Fisun A., Porokhov S.
Training of the pharmaceutical personnel during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 (to the 75th anniversary of the Victory)
Miroshnichenko Y., Bunin S., Kononov V., Perfilev A., Kostenko N.
Optimization of diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using polymerase chain reaction in a large multi-specialty hospital
Zhdanov K., Kozlov K., Bulankov Y., Zakharenko S., Uliukin I., Zagorodnikov G., Grigoriev S., Orlova E., Shuklina A., Ivanov A., Maltsev O., Sukachev V., Kasyanenko K., Grinchenko N.
Scientific works of Professor T.Ya. Aryev – the first head of the department of thermal lesions of the Military Medical Academy them. CM. Kirov for the period 1932–1945
Sokolov V., Mamaeva S., Butrin Y.
Optimization of diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection using polymerase chain reaction in a large multi-specialty hospital
Zhdanov K.
1 - 18 的 18 信息


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