Reduction of the heavy metals levels in the curds produ< made with application of the paste from the Jerusalem artichoke

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In the paper the results of investigations into the possibility of making a concentrated paste of the artichoke in the cheese product. Low fat cottage cheese is not a balanced food because of the lack in its composition many vital compounds. The composition of the concentrated paste from Jerusalem artichoke contains amino acids, proteins, dietary bers (pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and especially high molecular weight inulin (320-520 daltons), fatty and organic acids. Dietary ber cleanse the body and normalize bowel function, prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in the blood. They promote the excretion of radionuclides, triglycerides that can cause atherosclerosis, gallstone disease, and also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The concentrated paste from Jerusalem artichoke cheese enriches the product, making it more balanced in composition. Suggested that inulin contained in the artichoke in large numbers, can form complexes with heavy metal ions and remove them from the human body. Fitorbit was added to an aqueous solution containing heavy metal ions. The content of cadmium and lead in aqueous solution before and after addition of concentrated pastes of Jerusalem artichoke was determined by means of atomic adsorption spectrometry on the device quantum 2-A. The sorption process is largely dependent on the duration of contact of the sorbent and sorbent material. Set the time to reach sorption equilibrium. Sorption isotherms of lead ions and cadmium indicate that the amount of sorbed heavy metals increases with increasing temperature. Also conducted research system that creates low-fat cottage cheese and a concentrated paste of the artichoke. It is proved that the functional additive binds heavy metals and helps remove them from the human body.

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