Quality of the hard rennet cheese and technological properties of milk depending on cows feeding



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The researches allowing to estimate extent of in uence of phytofeed additives from products of processing of a stevia (the stalks and leaves weight and a press) included in diets of cows, on technological parameters of milk, and also the touch analysis and the microstructural organization of the rm abomasal Kalacheevsky cheese received from it are shown in article. Results of experiments showed increase in dairy e ciency of cows of I and II skilled groups by 7,24 % and 4,63 % in comparison with control, economy of costs of production of 1 kg of cheese of 2,85 and 2,12 rubles respectively, thus quality of the cheese received by practical consideration was higher on organoleptic indicators in experience of I on 7,3 points in comparison with control that is also con rmed with microstructural researches. The author for the rst time developed new methods of lling of rm abomasal cheese in para n for the purpose of more exact assessment of microstructural changes. The size of proteinaceous micrograins in cheese from the I skilled group there were authentically more control values for 22,7 %, and in cheese from the II group - for 6,9 %, the size of proteinaceous and lipidic micrograins is 12,6 % higher and for 7,4 % respectively. Along with it decrease in quantity of colonies of microorganisms in cheese in experience of I and II for 20 % and for 13,1 % respectively is noted. Microemptiness also were authentically more in cheese from control for 21,6 %, than in the I skilled group, and for 7,6 %, than in cheese from milk II of skilled group.




I. Savina


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