
Analysis of the structure of comorbidities and pharmacotherapy in patients with a combination of atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease
Dubinina A., Kochetkov A., Vorobieva А., Eremina S., Mirzaev K., Ostroumova O.
Analysis of spontaneous reports of adverse drug reactions in children of different ages
Zhdanova O., Batishcheva G., Perova N., Mubarakshina O., Cherenkova O., Neyno E.
Drug-alcohol interactions: focus on central-acting drugs and analgesics
Pereverzev A., Ostroumova O., Sychev D.
Tobacco smoking as a risk factor for the development of drug-induced diseases
Sychev D., Ostroumova O., Pereverzev A., Kochetkov A., Ostroumova T., Klepikova M., Ebzeeva E.
Interactions between alcohol and drugs: focus on drugs used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, antimicrobial drugs
Pereverzev A., Ostroumova O., Sychev D.
Drug-induced diseases: approaches to diagnosis, correction and prevention. Pharmacovigilance
Sychev D., Ostroumova O., Pereverzev A., Kochetkov A., Ostroumova T., Klepikova M., Alyautdinova I., Goloborodova I.
Drug-induced hyperthyroidism
Ostroumova O., Kachan V., Kochetkov A.
Eliseeva T., Tush E., Balabolkin I., Bulgakova V., Novikova N., Zastelo E., Trushanina P., Khaletskaya O., Potemina T.
Drug-induced nightmares
Ostroumova T., Ostroumova O., Kochetkov A., Pereverzev A.
Potential clinically significant drug interactions of drugs with green tea
Pereverzev A., Ostroumova O., Filippova A.
Drug-induced diseases: epidemiology and urgency of the problem
Sychev D., Ostroumova O., Kochetkov A., Pereverzev A., Ostroumova T., Klepikova M., Alyautdinova I., Ebzeeva E.
Potential drug interactions of oral hypoglycemic drugs that increase the risk of hypoglycemia
Pereverzev A., Ostroumova O., Tkacheva O.
Chastota naznacheniya potentsial'no ne rekomendovannykh lekarstvennykh preparatov (po kriteriyam «STOPP START») pozhilym patsientam, nakhodyashchimsya v terapevticheskikh otdeleniyakh statsionara: rezul'taty farmakoepidemiologicheskogo issledovaniya
Danilina K., Sychev D., Golovina O., Il'ina E., Gorbotenkova S.
Drugs, the use of which is associated with the development of drug-induced kidney stone disease. Part 2
Listratov A., Ostroumova O., Lyakhova N.
Drug-induced hypothyroidism
Ostroumova O., Kachan V., Kochetkov A., Krasnov G.
Otsenka antiishemicheskoy i kardioprotektivnoy effektivnosti aktivatora kalievykh kanalov nikorandila u patsientov so stabil'noy stenokardiey
Rezvanova Y., Adamchik A.
Drugs, the use of which is associated with the development of drug-induced kidney stone disease. Part 1
Listratov A., Ostroumova O., Komarova A.
Drug-induced atrial fibrillation/flutter associated with drugs affecting the central nervous system
Ostroumova O., Cherniaeva M., Maslennikova O., Zykova O., Komarova A., Sychev D.
Dvoretskiy L.
Individual drugs associated with overweight inducing
Ostroumova O., Sapozhnikova Y., Kochetkov A., Starodubova A.
Drug-induced liver injury with cholestasis. Part 2: focus on antidiabetic drugs
Ostroumova O., Pereverzev A., Gusenbekova D., Pavleeva E.
Medicines associated with the development of drug-induced constipation
Ostroumova O., Shakhova E., Kochetkov A.
Ushkalova E., Zyryanov S.
1 - 23 的 23 信息


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