卷 3, 编号 3 (2011)



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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):74-74
pages 74-74 views

Language, Speech and Image in Analysing Artistic Forms

Mikheyeva Y.


The article deals with such phenomena as "Language", "Speech" and "Image" in the context of the hermeneutic interpretation and understanding of a literary text and a wider notion of the form this text is incorporated in. The author introduces the terms "image-opus" and "speech-opus" to describe the relationship between the image and speech on the one hand, and the perceiving mind on the other, and proves the importance of developing a theoretical model (reconstruction) of a work of art as a collaboration of the author and interpreter which is vital for the functioning of a speech-opus. In view of making a theoretical model as an adequate and vivid reconstruction of the literary text such notions as "esthetic feeling", "event" and "dialogism" are introduced.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):76-85
pages 76-85 views

Human Being in Media Arts: Character and TV Series

Kazyuchits M.


The article explores the changes in depicting human beings on television (TV series) caused by modernization in the media culture. The processes connected with the esthetics and narrative changes should be viewed in terms of the general changes affecting all communication-information technologies. The accent is laid upon two important aspects: the changes in the representation of the character's body and the transformations in the narrative of TV shows which have led to the change of the ideological component (norms and values).
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):86-98
pages 86-98 views


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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):140-141
pages 140-141 views


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Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):142-142
pages 142-142 views


Observing the Observer, or the Poetics of Deconstruction. Based on New York, I Love You by A. Zvyagintsev

Kljueva L.


The article analyses the director's strategy in A. Zvyagintsev's New-York, I Love You. This film is an observation, a cinematic deconstruction revealing the inner dramaturgy of the examined event. The film's semantic field is structured by the opposition the observer - the observed object. The scholar's task is to penetrate into the text's poetics based on double observation, i.e. the observation of the observer.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):6-22
pages 6-22 views


Cinema in the Phase of Private Interest

Zakharov D.


There is a conception in American science that the life of the American society complies with the algorithm of moods and interests. This pattern is reflected in the cinema which records the swing from "private interest" to "social unrest". The article investigates the phase of the "private interest" of 1918 - 1929, the "jazz" or "prosperity" era and is centered on analyzing the films Why Change Your Wife? (1919, Cecil Blount DeMille) and It (1927, Clarence J. Badger) with Clara Bow, the queen flapper, who has been ignored by Russian film scholars.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):24-40
pages 24-40 views

A Symbolic Visual Structures in A. Sokurov's cinema

Tikhonova M.


The article examines some instruments of A. Sokurov's visual language, i.e. the system of symbolic structures which allow the filmmaker to reveal the metaphysics of life and death, to show the dialectics of the outer and inner vision. The principles of incorporating the system in question into the film's composition are viewed as exemplified by the films The Lonely Voice of Man and Mother and Son.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):41-52
pages 41-52 views


The Line in Neo-Modernism Geometrical Abstraction

Burov A.


The article overviews the development of the line as a pictorial element in Neo-Modernism. It refers to different variants of linear strategy in geometric abstractions and the tendency of the line to become the leading element of the work of art up to pure linear constructions, such as a two-or three- dimensional grid. This grid is the key structure of the new forms of modern art built on repetition.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):54-63
pages 54-63 views

Synthesis of Cultures and Mythological Patterns in the film Holidays of the Childhood

Pishita Y.


The article is devoted to the synthesis of cultures and mythological patterns in creating an artistic image. The author analyses the unique polycultural layer of the film Holidays of the Childhood , which comprises mythology as well as everyday, Orthodox Christian and social cultures, and analyses the Grigoryevs' screen adaptations of V. Shukshin's prose.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):64-73
pages 64-73 views


Live Broadcast of Terrorist Acts as Media Mythology of Show-Civilization

Ilchenko S.


The article surveys the interpretation of September 11th, 2001 in the context of modern media culture development. The author concludes that the broadcasting of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City and the subsequent tragic events were predetermined by the modern show- civilization in which visualization of any event makes a powerful impact on mass audience.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):100-108
pages 100-108 views


The Commercial Value of an Audiovisual Product. A Film as a Commodity Item

Melesse Y.


The article considers an audiovisual product in terms of its commercial functioning within the conceptual framework of Economics and investigates its market value as an object of trade.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):110-120
pages 110-120 views


Russian Television: the Conflict of Matrices

Dzyaloshinskiy I.


The article (Continued from #8) deals with the issues connected with the impact of the interior institutional, cultural and communicative matrices on the functioning of Russian media and television in particular, as the most popular and influential resource of public communication. The author reveals the link between institutional matrices, defining the life of the society in general, communicative matrices, regulating social communication, and media matrices setting the limits of professional activity in the sphere of television.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):122-130
pages 122-130 views

Homo Informaticus as a Personality Type. The Conflict of Spectacular and Real on the Screen

Urazova S.


The evolution of informational culture which can be treated as media culture due to the development of audiovisual technologies, puts a number of questions brought about by the emergence of a new personality type, homo informaticus (informational man). The article covers the conflict between the nature of television with its tendency for spectacularity and the informational requirements of the modern society which demands an authentic presentation of the world.
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):131-139
pages 131-139 views


The Individual and Contemporary in Yuliy Raizman's Late Work

Sopin A.


The article examines the films made in the 1960s and 1970s by the filmmakers who became popular in the 1920s and 1930s. Some particular aspects of their adaptation to the new means of artistic expressiveness and adherence to certain themes are analyzed as exemplified by the work of Yuliy Raizman who collaborated with screenwriter Ye. I. Gabrilovich, namely, by their mutual films Your Contemporary (1967), A Strange Woman (1977) and Raizman's Courtesy Call (1972).
Vestnik VGIK I Journal of Film Arts and Film Studies. 2011;3(3):144-153
pages 144-153 views
