
Sociological Analysis of the Role of the Media in the Formation of Trust in Artificial Intelligence
Razov P., Garaganov A.
On the Issue of Mediatization of Education
Kerimov A., Shebzukhova F., Ebzeev A.
Social Technologies of Patriotic Education in Modern Russia
Denikin A., Denikina Z.
Communicative Competence of a Public Relations Specialist
Goryacheva O.
Features of the Influence of Social Media on the Political Identification of Youth
Sin A., Bakhlov I.
Some specific features of stereotypization of negative aspects of the authorities’ image
Voronin M., Moiseenko L., Vikulina M.
The Phenomenon of Social Framing of History: The Substance and Specificity of its Manifestation in Modern Society
Pichugin V., Kaftan V.
Forms and methods of legal regulation to ensure information and propaganda against extremist and terrorist activity: Russian and foreign experience and practice
Rumyantsev N., Tarasov M.
New media in the digital reality
Ilyicheva M.
The Phenomenon of Clip Consciousness in Modern Media Communications
Kushnir A., Khachatryan M.
The Conflict in Syria in the Context of German Digital Publications
Gurushkin P., Titovnina E.
Main Political Trends of State Abolition under Conditions of Strategic Instability
Kaftan V., Molodtsov I.
Restrictive form of constitutional and legal guarantee of mass media freedom
Tulnev M.
Public Confidence in Official Sources of Information in Crisis Situations
Tyurikov A., Kunizheva D., Markov D., Mishin K.
Image of the Republic of Mordovia in the media Volga Federal District (based on content analysis of news publications)
Zaitseva L., Kuznetsova A., Napalkova I.
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