卷 6, 编号 7-8 (1892)




On the management of labor in the most common forms of a narrow pelvis

Stolz V.


A more or less thorough acquaintance with the pelvis must be attributed to the 16th century, when Vesalius accurately described the normal pelvis, and his student Aurantius was flat.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):639-717
pages 639-717 views

Towards the doctrine of the normal and narrow pelvis of the Russian woman

Rymsh L.


If you follow closely the course of the birth act consistently in many women in labor and you are critical of each deviation from the normal course, you cannot fail to notice that most of these deviations are more or less closely related to the spatial discrepancy between the capacity of the pelvic canal and the head of the fetus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):718-756
pages 718-756 views

A case of TUBO-PAROVARIAL cyst

Ott D.


There are relatively few cases of communication of the tube cavity with a cystically altered ovary in the gynecological literature, and therefore the pathology and the question of the origin of the so-called tubo-ovarial cysts still present quite a few gaps. As far as I know, there is no indication of the possibility of communicating the cavity of a stretched tube with a cystic-degenerated parovari in the literature at all.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):757-762
pages 757-762 views

Pregnancy statistics with a two-legged uterus

Shtol' K.


The rarity of cases of a two-legged uterus, in general, and in particular of pregnancy of one of its horns, justifies the report of the case below, which is instructive in many respects.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):762-776
pages 762-776 views

The twelve gluttons

Tyshko I.


Akulina O., a peasant of the Smolensk province, Belsky district, 54 years old, came to me on an outpatient basis in the middle of April 1889, complaining of rapid abdominal enlargement and severe shortness of breath. After examining her and assuming an ovarian cyst, I sent her to my room in the Smolensk hospital, where I was still studying external medicine.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):776-798
pages 776-798 views

Medical report on the Havana maternity hospital since August 17, 1888 To may 1, 1892

Massen V.


During the period from August 17, 1888 to may 1, 1892, only 1957 women were admitted to the Havana Maternity Hospital. Of this number, 1921 were allowed in the Shelter and 36 were discharged before the permit. The reason for the discharge of these last — in most cases, the termination of labor pains. Of the 36 discharged, some were re-admitted to the shelter and were included in the number (1921) allowed in the Shelter

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):799-804
pages 799-804 views

On anatomical changes caused by the subsequent influence of chloroform in humans

Fraenkel ..


Cases of death from chloroform during anesthesia or immediately after are well known. But even Casper in 1850 claimed that harmful effects after prolonged chloroform anesthesia could affect later (Nachwirkungen) - "to a certain extent, chronic chloroform poisoning".

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):805-809
pages 805-809 views

Refroflexio of the pregnant uterus. - Excessively distended bladder.-Cystitis.-Vistotomy.-Recovery.

Newmarch ..


M. S. 32 years old; was admitted to the hospital on July 30, 1891. Until now, she was in good health; mother of five healthy children; now she is again pregnant at 5-6 months. Two weeks ago, the abdomen began to grow rapidly, there were more frequent urges to defecate, pain in the abdomen, urine began to give a burning sensation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):809
pages 809 views

Several controversial issues in the doctrine of ectopic pregnancy

Werder X.


Mrs. R. 38 years old, V para; last birth 4 years ago; 4 miscarriages, of which the last one was 2 years ago. I always enjoyed good health, and only the regulations were not quite correct.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):810-811
pages 810-811 views

Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy

Reed C.


Too broad a title, according to the author himself, does not correspond to the modest goal of this article, in which the author would like to resolve only some particular controversial issues.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):811-813
pages 811-813 views

Abstract of а lecture on the treatment of metrorrhagia.

Edis А.


Recalling that uterine bleeding never represents an independent disease, but always serves only as a symptom of a general or local disease, the author insists on the possibly careful diagnosis of metrorrhagia in each case, which establishes rational therapy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):813-814
pages 813-814 views

Amputation of the vaginal part of the cervix in cases of suspected cancer

Currier A.


The success of the surgical treatment of malignant diseases of the uterus very often depends on their early recognition.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):814-816
pages 814-816 views

Sixteen cases of complete and supravaginal removal of matni for cancer

Braithwaite ..


In refutation of Keith's opinion (Brit. Med. Journ. Jan. 10, 1891), that the above operation failed in England, where it is performed very rarely, the author cites between the figures of other English gynecologists and 16 of his operations performed in recent years (1885-1891) at Leeds General Jnfirmary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):816
pages 816 views

Massage for diseases of tissues around the uterus and its appendages

Norström ..


Norström has been using massage for many years for various diseases of the female genital organs and has written several works on this subject (Le massage de l'utérus, Traité théorique et pratique du massage). In his work, at present, he reports on the treatment of peri-uterine diseases with massage: parametritis and perimitritis and uterine appendages (tubes and ovaries).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):817-819
pages 817-819 views

Ovarian papilloma

Stewar .., Paton ..


By its structure, the papilloma is the borderline between malignant and benign tumors; but in clinical terms it is wrong to classify it as a type of malignant tumor.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):819-821
pages 819-821 views

Cases of purulent and lumpy peritonitis treated by abdominal dissection and drainage

Robson M.


Cases of tuberculous peritonitis, cured by a section of the abdominal cavity, are no longer particularly rare in the medical literature. But the value of the 3 cases reported by the author is increased by the fact that the condition of all three patients was traced within 2 years after the operation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):820-821
pages 820-821 views

The relation of gynecology to neurology

Dewees ..


The relationship and even the close relationship that exists between diseases of the female genital area and the suffering of the entire nervous system, the author says, has not yet attracted enough attention from gynecologists, who attached too little importance to this relationship.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(7-8):821-823
pages 821-823 views
