卷 7, 编号 2 (1893)




Brief medical report on the activity of the obstetric department of the gynecological clinic prof. N. V. Yastrebova at the Imperial Warsaw University for 1888—15 March — 1890

Brzhezinsky V.


There are two periods in the life of our clinic: 1) from the beginning of its existence until 1885 and 2) from 1885 to the present.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):105-155
pages 105-155 views

A case of twisting of the leg of the broad ligament cyst with the displacement of the tumor to the opposite side of the pelvis and the growth here

Nadezhdin G.


The doctrine of the twisting of the pedicle of the tumors of the uterine appendages (ovaries, steamer, wide ligaments, tubes) seems far from complete. By the way, a very interesting question about the cause of the twisting remains open to this day [1]. This question, as is known, was solved very differently

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):158-173
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Determination of the place of attachment afterwards by palpation of the abdomen.

Kuhn F.


Ridgway Barker. Placental localization by abdominal palpation (N. Y.
Med. Journ. Iune 18, 1892).

Determination of the place of attachment afterwards by palpation of the abdomen.
The views of various authors on the possibility of determining the place of attachment of the placenta by means of palpation differ diametrically. While Spencer considers it completely possible and in 7 cases, manual intrauterine examination confirmed his diagnosis, based on palpation of the abdomen, other, not less experienced and conscientious gynecologists, cannot boast of that. So. Duncan completely denies this possibility, and on the other hand Galabin not only fully agrees with Spencer, but elevates even such a possibility to the rule. Barnes agrees with Spencer, apparently only for those cases, when it is attached to the upper girdle of the uterus and on the anterior wall ("when the placenta is located in the upper zones and in front of the uterus"), in such cases, he says , the uterine stump is thickened and protrudes above the level of its common smooth surface.


Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):174-175
pages 174-175 views

Gifford Nash. Tubal gestation; rupture in to peritoneal cavity; abdominal section; recovery. (Brit. Med. Journ. Inly 23, 1892). Tubal pregnancy; rupture in the peritoneal cavity, ventricular; recovery.



Married, 40 years old, mother of 8 children, of which the youngest is 5 years old. All labor is urgent and normal. Two years ago, she covered up a mobile tumor in the right half of the abdomen, which caused pulling pains and irregularities in the intestines. When examined on January 13, this tumor was recognized as a right mobile kidney; but on the left side of the retroverted uterus, another very sensitive tumor was palpated from a pigeon's egg, which was mistaken by the author for the left hyperemic displaced ovary.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):175-176
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A. L. Robinson. A case of twin extra-uterine pregnancy. (N. Y. Med. Journ. Iune 18, 1892). A case of extrauterine pregnancy with twins.

Kuhn F.


F. K., 27 years old, multipara; last regulations 4 nbr. 1891; She turned to the author in mid-January 1892 with the following complaints: after the flu she had just suffered, which exhausted her extremely, vomiting appeared in the morning, which was a little constant and was not inferior to any drugs. I even had to approach the food per rectum. High weakness and debilitating sleeplessness. In view of this "status praesens" and found by the author in the patient nephritis incipiens, it was necessary to produce an artificial miscarriage. After a few days, a few small blood clots came out, but there was no bleeding.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):176-177
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Fr. Neugebauer. Kilka slow about wskrzeszeniu ciecia lonowego czyli symphyseotomio przez szkole poloznicza, Neapolitanska. (Medycyna, 1892, nos. 34-37, 46-53.). A few words about the revival, thanks to the Neapolitan school of midwives, the operation of the symphysisotomy.

Kaplyanskiy V.


The author, based mainly on the report of the Paris Academy of Travel to Italy, specially for the study of the symphysisotomy of Charpentier a ["De la symphiséotomie." Extrait du Bulletin de 1 Académie de Medicine (séances du 15 et 22 Mars 1892, 36 pp.)] Gives a very detailed literary-historical overview of the methods of production, the demonstration, meaning and future of this operation, resurrected thanks to the Napolitan obstetricians, now more and more attention is paid to the medical world. Hippocrates also pointed out that “the pubic bones at the end of pregnancy diverge to the right and left sides” (Hippokrates, Denatura pueri). Riolanus (Manuel anatom., P. 626) and Ambroise Paré (Oeuvres, Livre 24, Chap. 13), as well as Galenus, even mention that in antiquity even young girls were ripped open in order to facilitate childbirth in the future ... The terrible mortality from Caesar's misconceptions from the old days led obstetricians to think about symphysisotomy. According to Krassovsky (Operative obstetrician, 3rd edition 1885, p. 624), he first performed a symphysiotomy on a corpse after the death of a woman in labor, Dr. Jean Claude de la Couvre in Warsaw in 1585. Winckel, however, points to 1654, and Charpentier to 1655.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):177-182
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Maguire. Puerperal eclampsia (Austr. Med. Gaz. 1892, Iuly). Eclampsia puerperalis.

Kuhn F.


Mrs. E., 36 years old; 7 childbirth, which ended quickly and completely normally, came out a few minutes later after the baby. The next morning, an attack of severe convulsions, which continued for another 3 days since every day, interrupted for several hours by periods of sleep and naps. Loss of consciousness: did not recognize her husband and relatives, did not remember anything about her birth; fits of hysteria. When she got sick, enemas, chloral hydrate, bromine - the patient began to recover, and with a decrease in the number of lochie attacks of eclampsia completely disappeared. In the anamnesis, the author could not find any ethological reason for the appearance of eclampsia. The urine was not examined, because the patient was releasing urine as high as herself (all the time? Pef.) intestines ".

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):182-183
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Cremmelin. A case of complete inversion of the uterus, or invesion of the third degree. (Austr. Med. Gaz. May, 1892). A case of complete inversion of the uterus or third degree eversion.

Kuhn F.


Mrs. N., 33 years old, multipara; 13 Feb urgent labor; as the last was tightly fastened, the uneducated midwife began to pull the umbilical cord, all through which there was an inversion, which passed unnoticed at first. But. when on the next day the woman in labor, who had not urinated for a whole day, got up for this purpose from the bed, a prolapse of the uterus occurred. The author, invited Feb 15 found the uterus protruding from the genital gap by 6-8 inches, partial vaginal inversion, easy bleeding, frequent pulse, severe abdominal pain.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):183
pages 183 views

G. Boodle. Inversion of the uterus — three day's duration. (Austr. Med. Gaz. May, 1892). Turn out the matni, which lasted three days.

Kuhn F.


Turn out the matni, which lasted three days.
Feb 20 the author was invited to a remote colony ("settlement") 30 miles from his place of residence to provide help to women who suffered from "a delay in shedding in the face of some mass that had stopped in the birth canal, severe pain in the abdomen and uterine bleeding"; all this happened after the birth (completely normal in the words of the midwife), which took place 3 days ago. Patient, 23 years old, I para. Pulse 136, the skin is hot to the touch (the author forgot to take a thermometer with him).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):183-184
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E. Ehrendorfer. Ueber das gleichzeitige Vorkommen von Myofibrom und Carcinom in der Gebärmutter. (Arch. F. Gyn. Bd. XLII H. 2). The volume of simultaneous damage to the uterus by fibromyoma and cancer.

Voff I.


Looking through the literature of the last few years, we come across an increasing number of cases where, when examined remotely, by means of womb or through the vagina, the uterus found the coexistence of fibroids and cancer or sarcoma, and only one tumor was diagnosed before surgery; in general, according to the statistical data of the last years, the simultaneous defeat of the uterus with a benign and malignant tumor is relatively far from being as rare as it might seem (A. Martin, for example, on 205 extirpation of the uterus in 9 cases, found cancer at the same time). In view of the extreme importance of timely and correct diagnosis of such cases, the author describes in detail 4 of them, introduced into his practice, and on the basis of them comes to the following conclusions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):184-185
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Skene Keith. Total disappearance of a fibroid tumor after D-r Apostoli’s treatment. (Brit. Med. Journ. July 9, 1892). Complete disappearance of fibrous tumor after treatment according to the Apostoli method.

Kuhn F.


Diagnosis of uterine fibroid was made on the basis of the following data: N.N., 29 years old, since the birth of her only child, who is now 10 years old, has never felt completely well. General weakness, dysmenorrhoea; pains for the period of regulation with each time increase; Months are becoming more and more abundant, both in quantity and in duration: in every period of the menstrual period, she spends from 50-70 napkins. At the first visit of the author, in July 1889, the patient walked from weakness with difficulty, complaining of constant pain in the lower abdomen. Upon examination, it was found that the pelvis was filled with a fibrous tumor of the uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):185-186
pages 185-186 views

From laboratory and general pathology npof. V.V. Podvysots- kago in kiev. The accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tube during bandaging her. EXPERIMENTAL MICROSCOPIC RESEARCH.

Voskresensky M.


The research I started under the guidance of Professor K. F. Slavyansky was published in 1891 under the title: “Concerning the accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tube”) and “Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Pio und Hydrosalpinxbildung bei den Thieren”). In these works it is indicated that, contrary to the opinion of prof. Kehrer'a and then Landau, there is a cystic accumulation of fluid in the fallopian tube of a rabbit with a simple ligation of it with a silk thread.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):155-157
pages 155-157 views

Quenu. Hystérectomie vaginale dans les lésions des annexes. (Société de Chirurgie Séance 27 Avril. Semaine Medicale № 23, 1892). Vaginal uterine dissection with lesions of the appendages.

Sadovsky P.


The author demonstrated the uterus removed from a very weak woman, 29 years old, due to pisalpingitis. Removal was performed through the vagina according to Pean's method, according to the method described by Muller for extirpation of the uterus in cancer. Müller is known to make a midline incision of the uterus to facilitate ligation of the wide ligaments. The author acted in the following way: having opened the posterior fornix, he pulls the uterus down and along the way of her lowering, he cuts it open and thus reaches the bottom of the uterus, after which he opens the lateral accumulations of pus; In his case, there was up to one and a half liters of pus. The patient did not lose a drop of blood and recovered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):186-187
pages 186-187 views

Е. Maylard. Strangulated hernia of the left ovary in the femoral region. (Brit. Med. Journ. 1892, Apr. 9). Restrained femoral hernia of the left ovary.

Kuhn F.


Patient girl, 25 years old. For the first time, she covered up a small tumor in her left groin in the summer of 1888. The appearance of this tumor was accompanied by frequent urge to urinate and the inability to empty the bladder. The horizontal position and pressure on the tumor made not only the tumor disappear, but also the concomitant phenomena from the bladder. The size of the tumor was equal to the bean.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):187-188
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Monod. Difficulté du diagnostic différentiel de l’ascite et de certains kystes de l’ovaire. (Société de Chirurgie Séance 25 mai. Semaine Medicale № 28, 1892). Difficulty of differential diagnosis between ascites and some ovarian cysts.

Sadovsky P.


The patient, who had a vaginal extirpation of the uterus for cancer, turned to the author with complaints of an enlarged abdomen. Assuming a relapse on the peritoneum with ascites, the author performed a puncture, and from 11 to 15 liters of a rather thick liquid were released.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):188-189
pages 188-189 views

Alban Doran. Two cases of small ovarian tumours simulating uterine fibroid; removal; recovery (Brit. Med. Journ. lune 4, 1892). Two cases of small ovarian tumors mimicking uterine fibroids.

Kuhn F.


Both cases reported by the author have the following clinical and surgical interest: in both - the tumor was not large and so tightly connected to the uterus that the uterus and tumor moved together; this made one suspect the existence of a uterine fibroid. On the other hand, the age (30 and 24 years) of the patients and the relatively rapid growth of the tumor spoke in favor of ovarian disease, although, again, fibroids can appear in young women and grow quickly, moreover, the indication of the patients themselves regarding tumor growth is usually very erroneous and they deserve full confidence. Under such conditions, exploratory charevoschene was not only justified, but also directly demonstrated. The result of the operation really showed that the further waiting would only increase the danger of the later operation. An ovarian tumor cannot be removed early enough, and this rule is made even more mandatory for the surgeon when the bimanual examination and probe indicate a tight connection of the tumor with the uterus. Removal of a large ovarian tumor with a very short stem or without a stem is an extremely serious operation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):189-190
pages 189-190 views

32. Teichelmann. Notes of case of gonorrhoeal salpingitis. (Austr. Med. Gaz. lune 15, 1892). A case of gonnoranago salpingitis.

Kuhn F.


I. D., 19 years old, a prostitute. Menstruating incorrectly and with moderate pain at the beginning of 13 years. At the age of 14 she suffered severe diphtheria. A year ago she had a miscarriage, after which the molimina intensified. Two months ago, the genitals swelled up, became very sensitive, urination became painful and profuse purulent discharge appeared. Under the influence of treatment directed against gonorrhea, all these phenomena have partly improved, partly and have completely disappeared; but new symptoms appeared: severe pain in the lower abdomen, swelling, vomiting, temperature 100 °, lack of appetite and weakness.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):190-191
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Jacobs. Pyosalpinx et papillome des ovaires. (Bulletin de la société Belge de gynecol. et d’obstetrique. 1892. N-os 1 et 2). Pyosalpinx and ovarian papilloma.

Lapina A.


Ms X., 43 y., Multipara, always in good health, told Dr Jacobs: six months ago she felt pains in the ovarian region, which intensified with the passage of time; the stomach gradually increased in volume. Other painful symptoms appeared: sleeplessness, lack of appetite, obstructed defecation, and urination. External examination: the abdomen is significantly increased in volume and a tumor is felt in the lower part; accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):191
pages 191 views

34. Gross. Contribution à l’étude des fibromyomes du ligament large (Sixième Congrès de Français de Chirurgie. Semaine Medicale № 19). To scholarship on fibromyomas of the broad ligament

Sadovsky P.


Dense tumors of the broad ligament are extremely rare and poorly understood. Virchow was the first to point out the possibility of direct development of fibroids from the tissues of the broad ligament. Schetelig, Langenbeck, Gayet, Billroth, Schroeder, Tedenert, et al. Observed intraligamentary fibroids without a connection to the uterus. Fibromyomas on the stem are much more demonstrative, but they come across even more often; so far only 5 cases have been published: Mikulicz, Sänger, Borker, Biflinger and Doran. The author removed the pedicle fibromyoma with a total of 2500 grams from the right wide uterine ligament. In terms of origin, the author agrees with Sänger, considering the broad ligament muscle fibers to be such. Diagnostics is very difficult to put and only in Breisky's case it was put correctly, while other authors confused with ovarian tumor. These tumors are removed if they are equipped with a leg - like ovarian, if there is one, then it should be seen as subperitoneal tumors of the uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):192
pages 192 views

35. Т. Cramer: Parametritis abscedens bei einem 12 jährigem Mädchen (Deutsche med. Wochenschr., 1892, № 33). Parametritis abscedens y 12 year old girl.

Feinberg B.


The disease begins with headaches lasting 2 days, then colicky pains in the abdomen come to the fore, with painful sensations on palpation in the Colon descendens area. Opіy only slightly and for a short time reduces pain and as a result of this rinsing of the intestines is impossible. Acceptance 01. Ricini induces vomiting. Warm poultices relieve colicky pain only when they are applied. As soon as it cools, the pain intensifies. This Status continues from September 7 to September 15, when a clearly flattened defecation appeared. Intestinal stenosis is diagnosed. Despite the use of narcotic drugs, colicky pains are so excruciating that the child rushes about in bed and screams good obscenities. The new study shows increased sensitivity in the left groin area, in the right groin area the pain is much less. Due to this edge of intestinal stenosis, an inflammatory process of the peritoneum of this space is assumed. Examination under anesthesia showed: an abscess in the left posterior fornix, which protrudes more posteriorly and presses the anterior wall of the recti into the intestinal lumen. Trial puncture into the posterior fornix. A large amount of green pus is erupting. The trocar tube is left in the abscess opening. Warm baths and warm flaxseed poultices are prescribed. Colicky pain after puncture is significantly reduced; appetite appeared. On September 20, pains again come as a result of stagnation of expiration. September 23 secondary punctuation. Significant relief of all symptoms. In the next days, the puncture site again overgrown and the pains resumed, but on September 27. during defecation, a mass of pus came out. Since then, the patient began to slowly recover. On October 15, pus came out of the last cut. The next day the temperature dropped to 36.5 °. In 3 months after the onset of the disease, the patient began to attend school.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):192-193
pages 192-193 views

PROF. N.N. FENOMENOV Operational obstetrics. Lectures read to students of the Imperial Kazan University with 10 tables of lithographed drawings. Kazan 1892 Dr. I.O.Danilovich

Krassovsky A.


Until now, in Russian literature, there was only one original guide to operational obstetrics, on which a whole generation of Russian doctors and obstetricians were brought up. This is a major work of Academician A. Ya. Krassovsky ("Operational obstetrics with the inclusion of a study on the irregularities of the female pelvis"), which has already been published in 4 editions. The undoubted and generally recognized qualities of this manual: completeness, detailed and clear presentation of each operational application, as well as indications and contraindications, detailed historical and literary references, etc., make it a classic study and such a book of each specialty obstetric. But for students and practical doctors it is rather difficult to use the manual of Academician Krassovsky, since its study requires a lot of time, which students and practical doctors usually do not have.This, in my opinion, explains a fairly significant number of translated short textbooks of operational obstetrics (Stahl) on lectures 'a, (Schaut'а, Fritsch'а, etc.), appearing in print.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(2):194-207
pages 194-207 views
