
Rational pathogenetic therapy of patients with urethral syndrome
Rossikhin V., Pereverzev A.
Possibilities of modern hormone replacement therapy for the correction of urogenital estrogen deficiency syndrome in women with the pathological course of menopause
Zvychayny M., Konovalov V., Vorontsova A., Gorlenko A., Pristolenko S., Pristolenko L.
Pitocin receptorsand efficiency of labor activity
Abramchenko V., Savitsky A., Kaplenko O.
Histological study after administration of estrogens and acetylsalicylic acid on breast tissue
Madej B., Radzikowska E., Maciejewski R.
Comparative estimation of phytoestrogens and natural estrogens efficiency while using as substitute therapy in patients with climacteric syndrome
Vishnevsky A., Safronnikova N., Nurmukhamedov A., Yusupova I., Igamberdieva N., Kandiletu A.
A comparative estimation of the results of 'natural’ and 'synthetic' estrogens application in gonadal disgenesis
Uvarova E., Bogdanova E., Martysh N., Shavaeva V., Rudneva T.
Hormonal replacement therapy for postovarioectomic syndrome
Kira E., Tsvelev Y., Beskrovniy S.
Morphogenesis of decidual transformation of the endometrium. A literature review
Tral T., Kruglova D., Tolibova G.
Estrogen replacement treatment with transdermal patches
Repina M., Zinina T.
Morphological evaluation of the hypoplastic endometrium in women with ineffective art protocols
Tolibova G., Tral T., Kogan I.
Uterine fibroids: the role of signaling pathways in the pathogenesis. A literature review
Yarmolinskaya M., Polenov N., Kunitsa V.
The Influence of hormonal therapy on bone tissue: myths and reality
Shalina M., Yarmolinskaya M., Abashova E.
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