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卷 9, 编号 1 (2016)



Meibomian gland dysfunction with involutional eyelids malposition

Potemkin V., Rakhmanov V., Ageeva E., Alchinova A., Meshveliani E.


The state of the ocular surface and visual functions depends on ocular adnexal tissues. Involutional changes of the eyelids and meibomian glands occur with age. There is a lack of information about possible relationship between involutional lower lid malposition and meibomian gland dysfunction. Purpose. To evaluate meibomian glands dysfunction in patients with lower eyelid malposition. Methods. Two groups of patients were enrolled: 26 patients (52 eyelids) with involutional lower eyelid malposition and a control group of 22 patients (44 eyelids) without eyelid malposition. Groups were comparable by age and sex. The clinical examination included general eye examination; evaluation of the degree of the eyelids laxity, signs of retractors dehiscence and clinical score of meibomian gland’s dysfunction (The International Workshop on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, 2011). Results. Atonic eyelid changes and meibomian gland dysfunction were significantly more expressed in patients with involutional eyelid malposition (р < 0,05). Conclusion. Our study showed an age-independent clinical relationship between involutional lower eyelid malposition and dysfunction of meibomian glands.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Cone-beam computerized tomography use for determination of optimal treatment tactics in patients with tear drainage system pathology conditions

Polyanovskaya A., Zubareva A., Beldovskaya N., Shavgulidze M., Azovtzeva E.


At present time, many methods to diagnose pathological conditions of the lacrimal drainage system are known. An improvement of radiological methods is necessary for the choice of optimal treatment tactics in patients of this category. Authors propose their radiological method for tear drainage impairment diagnosis - a cone-beam computerized tomography (CBCT) of paranasal sinuses with simultaneous contrast examination of lacrimal pathways. Data analysis algorithm is worked out. Results of lacrimal pathways status estimation based on CBCT with contrast test in 53 patients allowed determining the lacrimal pathways stenosis levels, structural aspects of the lacrimal sac walls, nasolacrimal channel, as well as the impact of anatomical structural features of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses on the development of the individual pathological condition of the lacrimal pathways. This determined the following optimal treatment tactics. Conclusion: this method is highly informative, cost-effective with low radiation exposure and possibility to perform serial follow-up examinations in patients with lacrimal pathways pathological conditions. Therefore, this could help a clinician in correct diagnosis and in determination of optimal treatment tactics.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):14-18
pages 14-18 views

Current estimate of functional vision in patients with bifocal pseudophakia after correction of residual defocus by different methods

Takhtaev Y., Bogachuk E.


In this article we evaluated the influence of different surgical methods for correction of residual ametropia on contrast sensitivity at different light conditions and high-order aberrations in patients with bifocal pseudophakia. The study included 45 eyes (30 people) after cataract surgery, which studied dependence between contrast sensitivity and aberrations level before and after surgical correction of residual ametropia by of three methods - LASIK, Sulcoflex IOL implantation or IOL exchange. Contrast sensitivity was measured by Optec 6500 and aberration using Pentacam «OCULUS». We processed the results using the Mann-Whitney U-test. This study shows correlation between each method and residual aberrations level and their influence on contrast sensitivity level.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):19-23
pages 19-23 views

Results of foreign bodies removal from the posterior eyeball segment by transvitreal approach

Kataeva M., Nikolaenko V.


Purpose. To investigate transvitreal intraocular foreign body (IOFB) removal results, and to determine indications for this splinter removal approach. Materials and methods. A chart analysis of 35 cases with splinter eye trauma was carried out. In all patients, a pars plana vitreoretinal surgical procedure was performed to remove the IOFB. Results. The intraocular penetration of foreign body was accompanied by injuries of different eyeball structures, which presented as intravitreal hemorrhage, hyphema, subretinal bleeding, retinal detachment, traumatic cataract, iridocyclitis. Splitter removal was complemented by endolaser coagulation; scleroplastic component and gaz-fluid exchange. In 54.29% patients with trauma, a lensectomy had to be added to the vitrectomy with IOFB removal. As a result of treatment, visual acuity increased in 51.43% injured patients. In the late post-operative period, retinal detachment developed in 14.29% of cases. Conclusions. IOFB removal by transvitreal approach is recommended in intravitreal, pre- or intraretinal splitter position; in retro-equatorial foreign body localization; when intraoperative splitter visualization is possible; in posterior vitreous detachment formation.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):24-28
pages 24-28 views

The potentialities proteomic analysis of ocular fluids and tissues in different ophthamic disordeers

Kochergin S., Alekseev I., Samokhina N.


The article presents a review of current researches in using the proteomic analysis for different eye diseases diagnosis. Special attention is paid to tear fluid and aqueous humor mass-spectrometry results in primary open-angle glaucoma, and to the possibility of using this method for diagnosis at disease early stages.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):29-37
pages 29-37 views

Ophthalmic markers of the diabetic polyneuropathy

Krasavina M., Astakhov S., Shadrichev F., Dal N.


In the article, a world literature analysis is presented on the relationship between structural and functional changes of the retina and of the optic nerve and the diabetic polyneuropathy severity degree. Diabetic polyneuropathy is one of the most common and severe complications of diabetes mellitus leading in many patients to ulcer formation and to foot amputation. Modern methods for neuropathy diagnosis either do not allow revealing early stage changes, or include invasive procedures. Ophthalmologists, involved in diabetic patients care, due to objective reasons focus on diabetic retinopathy. However, the evidence that the corneal nerves state is a marker of peripheral neuropathy suggests a new and very important role of the ophthalmologist in diabetic patient care. Several studies obtained promising results about structural and functional retinal changes could be found in diabetic patients before retinopathy start; this allows to suggest the neuropathy role at their origin.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):38-46
pages 38-46 views

VEGF inhibitors in glaucoma surgery

Mamikonyan V., Petrov S., Safonova D.


Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signaling protein, that controls vasculogenesis, angiogenesis, vascular support and stimulates permeability of small blood vessels. The following isoforms are presently known: VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGF-C, VEGF-В and PGF. VEGF-A, that regulates neoangiogenesis and fibroblast formation, is thought to play the most important role in human organism. Increased expression of VEGF may lead to development and aggravation of pathological conditions including oncology. The article presents a review of preclinical and clinical studies of the main VEGF-inhibitors - bevacizumab and ranibizumab, as well as a brief account on other existing medications of this group. It describes ophthalmological indications for the use of antiangiogenetic agents, as well as the ways of their possible off-label use. The review presents investigations of intravitreal and intracameral injections of VEGF-inhibitors in patients with retinal, chorioidal, iris, and anterior chamber angle neovascularization. It gives examples of successful anti-VEGF use before Ahmed glaucoma valve drainage device implantation and in cases of neovascular glaucoma, induced by radiation therapy for intraocular tumors. Tenon’s capsule’s fibroblasts take part in the process of postoperative wound healing and scarring. According to the latest research, this process could be modulated by angiogenesis inhibitors. This review also recounts the use of anti-angiogenic agents to inhibit postoperative fibroblast proliferation, when used as monotherapy, or as an adjuvant to mitomycin С or 5-fluorouracil. It reviews the research on VEGF-inibitors use in combination with postoperative needling.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):47-55
pages 47-55 views

Does the phthisioophthalmology section of our Ophthalmologic Society contribute in the promotion of quality care for patients with ocular tuberculosis?

Ustinova E., Ilkova O.


The phthisioophthalmology section work over the last 15 years is analyzed. Due to the antituberculous care system reform the number of section members decreased from 27 to 17. Scientific meetings are regular, their frequency decreased up to 5-6/year. Ever and again presentations are made at plenary sessions of the St.Petersburg Scientific Medical Society of Ophthalmology (6 presentations in 15 years) and at the congresses of associations of ophthalmologists and phthisiologists. In 15 years, session members performed and published 102 studies on ocular tuberculosis, including 38 articles in scientific magazines, 5 teaching editions for doctors, 4 monographs. Based on work reports and inspection results of several institutions, it follows that the section makes positive impact on the formation in clinicians of a scientific approach to clinical care process. Some shortcomings are revealed in the application of recommended methods. We believe that for their elimination, besides social activity of the section, it is necessary to publish teaching editions at federal level on ocular tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment, as well as enhancement of diagnosis and treatment quality control by local administration.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):56-63
pages 56-63 views

On the problem of local antibiotic therapy in children with ocular surface diseases

Fenkova O., Fursova A., Gusarevich O.


The efficacy and safety of topical Azithromycin ophthalmic solution 1.5 % has been evaluated in treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis and post-traumatic keratitis in children, and the possibility of its use for prevention of infectious complications after ocular surface trauma. Topical Azithromycin ophthalmic solution 1.5 % was used in 32 children: with bacterial conjunctivitis (21), corneal foreign body (5), traumatic corneal erosion (3), post-traumatic keratitis (3). Topical Azithromycin ophthalmic solution 1.5% was shown to have a significant antibacterial activity and a convenient dosing schedule. No side effects, including eye irritation, have been noted. Conclusion: topical Azithromycin ophthalmic solution 1.5 % could be considered as the medication of choice in treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis and post-traumatic keratitis in children. It also could be used in the complex prevention of infections complications in eye surface traumatic lesions.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):65-68
pages 65-68 views

Use of Restasis (cyclosporine) in patients with dry eye syndrome

Butin E., Florentseva S., Veselov A., Morozov M.


Dry eye syndrome produces an inflammatory process of autoimmune origin. Thus, the use of immunosupressive medications is reasonable. Heidelberg Retina Tomography shows the positive effect of Restasis 0.05% instillations in dry eye syndrome patients with corneal de-epithelization.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):69-71
pages 69-71 views

Use of the drug in patients tealoz primary open angle glaucoma syndrome "dry eye"

Ushakova L., Balalin S.


Dry eye syndrome is frequently observed in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma with prolonged pharmacological hypotensive treatment. Purpose: To analyze the effectiveness Tealoz the drug in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma in the treatment of the syndrome of "dry eye." Materials end Methods: the effectiveness of the drug Tealoz studied in 29 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (43 eyes) in the treatment of the syndrome of "dry eye." The control group consisted of 34 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (54 eyes). Results: during treatment Tealoz noted improvement in Schirmer's test values in 23.3% of cases (10 eyes), Norn sample in 18.6% cases (8 eyes), clearance test in 25.6% of cases (11 eyes), LIPCOF test in 16.3% cases (7 eyes). No significant changes in the results of the samples were found in the control group. Conclusions: Tealoz drug effective in the treatment of dry eye syndrome in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):73-76
pages 73-76 views

Penetrating cranial injury with giant intraorbital foreign body

Kasatkina O., Nikolaenko V., Kasymov F., Panova T.


The article describes clinical and radiological picture as well as early results of surgical treatment of a rare kind of open craniocerebral trauma - cranio-orbital injury with giant intraorbital foreign body
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):77-82
pages 77-82 views

Ocular dirofilariasis: two case reports

Zumbulidze N., Yarovoy D., Gavrilova E., Kasymov F.


Since 1990s, the prevalence increase of dirofilariasis with local transmission of infection in a zone of a temperate climate is observed. Сases of Dirofilaria repens infection in humans were registered in 42 territorial entities of the Russian Federation. Two male patients: P., 66 years old, and F., 64 years old, both Leningrad region residents, requested medical assistance at the St. Petersburg Municipal Clinical Hospital No 2 for a feeling of moving foreign body under the conjunctiva of the right eye, local hyperemia and edema of inferior and superior eyelids. Through a conjunctival incision, a threadlike white object was removed in each of the two cases (11.7 cm long, and 0.6 mm thick in the first case, and 13.5 cm long, 0.6 mm thick in the second case). The parasite was identified as impuberal female Dirofilaria repens in both cases.
Ophthalmology Reports. 2016;9(1):83-89
pages 83-89 views
