
Comparative analysis of international transport systems: infrastructure, ratings, transport corridors
Kvitko K.
Magnetic levitation as the fundamental basis for superfast vacuum levitation transport technologies
Lapidus B.
Socialization of public transport in the new technological paradigm
Zaitcev A.
Russia’s integrated transit transport system (itts) of on the basis of vacuum magnetic levitation transport (vmlt)
Terentyev Y., Filimonov V., Malinetskiy G., Smolin V., Koledov V., Suslov D., Karpukhin D., Mashirov A., Shavrov V., Fongratowski S., Kovalev K., Ilyasov R., Poltavets V., Levin B., Davydov A., Koshkidko Y., Kurenkov P., Karapetyants I., Kryukov P., Drozdov B., Kraposhin V., Semenov M., Nizhelskiy N., Solomin V., Bogachev V., Fomin V., Nalyvaichenko D., Bogachev T., Tochilo V.
Current Status and Prospects for the Development of the Integrated Transit Transport System (ITTS) of Russia on the Basis of Vacuum Magnetic Levitation Transport (VMLT)
Terentyev Y., Filimonov V., Shavrov V., Koledov V., Fongratowski S., Suslov D., Kovalev K., Ilyasov R., Poltavets V., Malinetskiy G., Kurenkov P., Nizhelskiy N., Fomin V., Nalyvaichenko D., Bogachev V., Solomin V., Kamynin A., Drozdov B., Sysoev M., Yаsev S., Samvelov А., Tochilo V., Moiseenko V., Osipov V., Alfimov A., Brazhnik P., Bogachev T.
Analysis of interrelation between level of mobility and transport expenses of population
Bondar S.
A Maglev, a tunnel, a river. On the delays in the realization of the Tokyo-Nagoya Maglev line
Kluhspies J., Hekler M.
Tariff policy offers on the line of magnetic levitation transport
Fedorova M.
Forecast demand for use magnetic levitation transport
Fedorova M.
Model for making decisions on renewal the railway rolling stock of a transport organization
Palkina E.
The formation mechanism of external effects of improving transport accessibility caused by high-speed rail devepolment
Romanov A., Lyakina M.
The transport company capital assets modernization according to market condition dynamics
Podsorin V., Ovsiannikova E.
Justification Of the need for the Construction оf the Maglev Route St. Petersburg – Sertolovo.
Fedorova M.
Magnetic Levitation Cargo Ransport Role in World Economy
Smirnov S., Smirnova O.
High-speed container transport system
Kireev A., Kozhemyaka N., Kononov G.
The concept of "coincidental cargo transportation" as a mechanism to improve the efficiency of railway transport
Yushchenko V., Khrapov V.
Modern technological and innovative solutions aimed at increasing the flow and transportation capacities of railway directions
Voronin V., Kurenkov P., Solop I., Chebotareva E.
Features of the formation of logistics centers in Germany and Italy
Todua V., Belnitsky D.
Mobile data usage in urban transport research
Tregubov V.
Conceptual basis for assessment of effects of magnetic levitation-based high-speed transport systems projects development
Zhuravleva N.
Prospects of establishment of east-west transit transport corridor deploying magnetic levitation technology
Zaitsev A., Sokolova I.
Application of thermal accumulator with solid heat accumulating material as a method of cooling of life support and freight protection systems for vacuum magnetic levitation transport
Krasnov A., Zimenkova T., Kaznacheev S., Aksenov N.
Calculation integral reliability indicator of the urban electric transport traction electrical equipment
Litvinenko R., Auhadeev A., Le K., Akhsaniev G.
New Dzungaria Gates for wmlt-corridor: historical necessity
Bogachev V., Terentyev Y., Koledov V., Bogachev T.
Evaluation of public effectiveness of the strategy for development of speed urban transport
Fedorova M.
The probability of the correct majority made decision
Voevodskii K., Strepetov V.
Foreign experience in organizing regular pig-gyback service
Skorchenko M.
Simulation of the operation of an oil loading terminal for viscous petroleum products
Karpova T., Moiseev V., Ksenofontova V.
Simulation of the circulation method for discharging viscous petroleum products
Karpova T., Moiseev V., Ksenofontova V.
Perspectives for the development of high-speed transport
Chechenova L., Egorov Y., Volykhina N.
Software protection of the maglev transport control system
Kornienko A., Glukhov A., Diasamidze S., Shatov A.
Forecast of Ugra transport development
Bolshanik P.
The algorithm of structuring a large infrastructure project in the form of public-private partnership
Sokolova Y.
Traction linear induction motor of urban MAGLEV transport
Chekhova A., Solomin A.
Modern trends of training specialists for innovative directions of transport development
Guliy I., Sivertceva E.
Factors determining the formation of innovative logistics complexes
Manova V., Lebedeva A.
The Use of the Bilateral Levitation of Transport Pods Relatively to the Arch Trestle
Sundukov E., Tarabukina N.
New technology for manufacturing inductors of linear induction motors for magnetic-levitation transport
Solomin V., Solomin A., Trubitsina N., Zamchina L., Chekhova A.
A new concept of modular magnetic levitation train for urban transport
Cavagnaro M., Delle Site V.
Linear asynchronous traction drive in urban rail and maglev transport systems
Nikitin V., Strepetov V.
Factors Determining the Success of HSR Building Projects
Volkova E.
The simulation and analysis for a new concept of the stator power supply mode of a medium speed maglev system
Lin Y., Qin F., WAng X.
Dzungaria corridor for vacuum magnetic levitation transport: lost opportunities or weighted optimism?
Bogachev V., Terentyev Y., Koledov V., Bogachev T.
Increasing the investment attractiveness of transport organizations engaged in intermodal container transport during the pandemic crisis
Chechenova L.
The application of big data for the analysis of passenger flow on the high-speed lines of the Russian Federation
Kamenkov A.
On the Creation of a High-Speed Transport Highway in St. Petersburg
Senkin N., Filimonov A., Kharitonov K., Yakovlev V., Bondareva E., Merkulova M., Medvedev N.
Linear Induction Motors without Longitudinal Edge Effect
Solomin V., Solomin A., Chekhova A., Zamchina L., Trubitsina N.
Starting forces of the traction linear induction motor with adjustable resistance of the short-circuited winding of the secondary element
Solomin V., Solomin A., Chekhova A.
Proposals for the construction of overpass structures and transport hubs for the high-speed highway in St. Petersburg
Senkin N., Filimonov A., Khalimbekov I., Kravets A., Mitrovska D., Bolshikhshapok I.
Approach of evaluation the effects from implementation the projects of construction new passenger maglev lines
Smirnov S., Smirnova O., Sokolova I.
Decreasing of Profile Air Drag to the Train Movement Inside the Tube Transport
Larin O., Bokov A.
Disruptive technologies transforming urban mobility? The role of the ecobee urban maglev system in the seoul traffic vision 2030, South Korea
Hekler M., Klühspies J.
Training of specialists and development of design regulatory framework for Russian magnetic levitation transport systems
Shmatchenko V., Plekhanov P., Roenkov D., Ivanov V.
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