
Barsukov D.B., Bortulev P.I., Pozdnikin I.Y., Baskaeva T.V.
Evaluation of radiological indices of the spine and pelvis ratios in children with a severe form of slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Barsukov D., Bortulev P., Vissarionov S., Pozdnikin I., Baskaeva T.
Vissarionov S., Asadulaev M., Khardikov M., Shabunin A., Khusainov N., Kartavenko K.
Nikityuk I.E., Botsarova S.A., Semenov M.G., Murashko T.V., Vissarionov S.V.
Flexion–distraction injuries of the spine: Features of diagnostics, clinical picture, and results of surgical treatment of children
Filippova A., Kokushin D., Khusainov N.
Changes in sagittal vertebral–pelvic ratios in children with a high position of the large trochanter after surgical treatment
Pozdnikin I., Bortulev P., Vissarionov S., Barsukov D., Baskaeva T.
Study of reactions of the sensorimotor system in adolescents during and after surgical correction of spinal deformity
Shchurova E., Saifutdinov M., Akhmedova M., Savin D., Bogatyrev M.
儿童脊柱病理性骨折 (文献综述及单中心队列的临床和形态学分析)
Zorin V., Mushkin A., Novitskaya T.
Clinical and radiological aspects of the sagittal balance of the spine in children with achondroplasia
Prudnikova O., Aranovich A.
Shchurova E., Riabykh S., Filatov E., Ochirova P., Ryabykh T.
Pathological changes of the cervical spine in children with cervical pain syndrome
Bakhteeva N., Ionova T., Belonogov V., Bazhanov S., Ostrovskij V.
A clinical case study of long-term injury of the thoracic and lumbar spine
Zaretskov V., Arsenievich V., Likhachev S., Shul’ga A., Stepukhovich S., Bogomolova N.
Kozyrev A., Zaletina A., Kartavenko K., Strelnikova A., Pavlova M.
Conservative treatment of children with vertebral compression fractures of the thoracic and lumbar spine in the Russian Federation: a literature review
Baindurashvili A., Vissarionov S., Pavlov I., Kokushin D., Lein G.
Surgical treatment of aggressive hemangiomas of the transitional cervical-thoracic spine in children (сlinical observations, preliminary results)
Zaretskov V., Arsenievich V., Likhachev S., Stepukhovich S., Mizyurov S.
Malformations of the internal organs and systems in children with asymptomatic spinal dysraphism
Vissarionov S., Kokushin D., Bogatyrev T.
The use of orthotics in a patient with congenital backbone deformation after surgical treatment
Murashko V., Kokushin D., Vissarionov S., Lein G., Pavlov I., Redchenko I.
Vissarionov S., Kokushin D., Belyanchikov S., Murashko V., Kartavenko K.
Use of torso orthoses in the treatment of congenital spinal deformities: A literature review
Redchenko I., Vissarionov S., Gusev M., Lein G., Pavlov I.
Molecular genetic analysis of genes for detoxification and DNA repair in children with congenital deformities of the thoracic and lumbar spine
Sogoyan M., Khalchitsky S., Vissarionov S., Kokushin D., Filippova A.
Redchenko I., Vissarionov S., Gusev M., Lein G., Pavlov I.
Lein G., Nechaeva N., Mammadova G., Smirnov A., Statsenko M.
Rehabilitation of children at the inpatient stage after surgical treatment of unstable fractures of the thoracolumbar and lumbar spine
Ovechkina A., Baindurashvili A., Zaletina A., Kozyrev A.
1 - 23 的 23 信息


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