Author Details

Симоненко, В. Б

Issue Section Title File
Vol 330, No 2 (2009) Articles Faults of medical statistics of victims of Leningrad blockade (To the 65 anniversary of liberation the city from blockade)
Vol 330, No 5 (2009) Articles Using of modern informational and communi-cational technologies for supplying and recovery of health of military service men PDF
Vol 330, No 5 (2009) Articles Correction of mitral regurgitation in conditions of surgical treatment of coronary heart disease PDF
Vol 330, No 5 (2009) Articles Surgical tactics in postinfarction aneurism of left ventricle, complicated by clot-endocarditis PDF
Vol 330, No 5 (2009) Articles The 90th anniversary of Central Military Clinical hospital by P.V.Mandryka: periods of great way PDF
Vol 330, No 7 (2009) Articles Diagnostika i lechenie asepticheskogo nekroza golovki bedrennoy kosti PDF
Vol 330, No 10 (2009) Articles Osobennosti simpatiko-adrenalovoy aktivnosti u patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa pri arterial'noy gipertonii
Vol 330, No 11 (2009) Articles Bezoperatsionnoe lechenie asepticheskogo nekroza golovki bedrennoy kosti
Vol 330, No 11 (2009) Articles Osobennosti razvitiya mikrososudistykh oslozhneniy u patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa i arterial'noy gipertoniey na razlichnoy protivodiabeticheskoy terapii
Vol 338, No 4 (2017) Articles From the history of the buildings of the Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital PDF
Vol 337, No 1 (2016) Articles Children’s department and child care institutions of the Central military hospital of People’s commissariat during the Great Patriotic War PDF
Vol 336, No 9 (2015) Articles A new light on professional fitness expertise of patients with highly curable arrhythmia after hi-tech methods of treatment.
Vol 335, No 5 (2014) Articles The Central Military Hospital of the People’s Commissariat for Defence during the Great Patriotic War
Vol 335, No 4 (2014) Articles «1st Therapeutic Red Cross Hospital» during the Civil war PDF
Vol 335, No 11 (2014) Articles Modern approaches to the formation of antidote stocks at medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries
Vol 334, No 11 (2013) Articles About military medical examination of patients with paroxysmal supraventricular reciprocating tachycardia
Vol 333, No 1 (2012) Articles Physician of «Obukhov school» (90 years of the birthday of Alexander Nikolayevich Senenko)
Vol 330, No 3 (2009) Articles O tochnosti perkutornogo izmereniya vysoty pravoy doli pecheni u lits s ozhireniem
Vol 331, No 9 (2010) Articles Pathogenetic aspects of hypertension in case of metabolic syndrome
Vol 332, No 1 (2011) Articles Correction of the influence of clinostatic hypokinesis on encephalitic circulatory dynamics during the sleep in patients with hypertensive disease
Vol 332, No 4 (2011) Articles The diagnosis of pain in the chest in medical and prophylactic facility
Vol 332, No 3 (2011) Articles Diagnostika i lechenie spondilogennykh vistseropatiy
Vol 332, No 4 (2011) Articles Lechenie bol'nykh so stabil'noy stenokardiey napryazheniya tsitoprotektorami
Vol 332, No 6 (2011) Articles Clinico-instrumental characteristics of arterial hypertension, liable to the ishemic stroke
Vol 332, No 7 (2011) Articles Alekseyu Petrovichu Golikovu - 90 let!
Vol 340, No 5 (2019) Articles The P.V.Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital: a brief history
Vol 340, No 5 (2019) Articles «Immortal regiment» - «Immortal medical battalion»: people and destinies in the history of the hospital
Vol 340, No 10 (2019) Articles Yubilei

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