
Бунин, С. А

栏目 标题 文件
卷 330, 编号 2 (2009) Articles Injections and modern technological solution of problem of the injection production in pharmacy
卷 330, 编号 9 (2009) Articles Conceptual approach to integration of a modern system of medical provision PDF
卷 330, 编号 12 (2009) Articles Medical-economical reasoning of volumes of financing of medicamental aid in the Armed Forces
卷 339, 编号 2 (2018) Articles Standardization of maintenance by infusion solutions of a large multidisciplinary military medical organization PDF
卷 338, 编号 3 (2017) Articles Modern approaches to medical equipment for supplies teams of specialized medical care PDF
卷 337, 编号 3 (2016) Articles Justification of modern approaches to classification of medical equipment sets
卷 337, 编号 6 (2016) Articles Pharmacy in the national health care
卷 336, 编号 1 (2015) Articles Aktual'nye problemy obespecheniya meditsinskim imushchestvom voysk (sil) PDF
卷 336, 编号 5 (2015) Articles The contribution of medical supply experts into military health care during the Great Patriotic War
卷 336, 编号 7 (2015) Articles Medical devices and its in-field use
卷 336, 编号 10 (2015) Articles Development of different approaches to classification of medical equipment sets
卷 335, 编号 3 (2014) Articles Perspektivy razvitiya farmatsevticheskoy nauki i praktiki v voennom zdravookhranenii PDF
卷 335, 编号 9 (2014) Articles The use of the new loads of expendable medical supplies by the medical service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation PDF
卷 335, 编号 11 (2014) Articles The use of new sets and medical kits by the medical service of the Armed Forces
卷 334, 编号 8 (2013) Articles At the cutting edge of russian pharmacy: from the department material medica to the department of military-medical supply and pharmacy
卷 331, 编号 2 (2010) Articles Modernization of organization base of technical service and repair of medical technique
卷 331, 编号 8 (2010) Articles Theoretic and applicative aspects of applying of formulary system in military medicine
卷 331, 编号 6 (2010) Articles Experience of organization of supply of troops of the Red Army by medical property during the Great Patriotic war
卷 332, 编号 4 (2011) Articles Yubilei
卷 332, 编号 6 (2011) Articles Appliancation of logistics in resources management of medical asset
卷 341, 编号 5 (2020) Articles The role of pharmaceutical workers in the medical support of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War
卷 342, 编号 2 (2021) Articles Modern aspects of medicine assistance in military healthcare
卷 342, 编号 8 (2021) Articles Pharmaceutical training for the Russian army and navy: history and current state
