

栏目 标题 文件
卷 330, 编号 2 (2009) Articles Faults of medical statistics of victims of Leningrad blockade (To the 65 anniversary of liberation the city from blockade)
卷 330, 编号 5 (2009) Articles Using of modern informational and communi-cational technologies for supplying and recovery of health of military service men PDF
卷 330, 编号 5 (2009) Articles Correction of mitral regurgitation in conditions of surgical treatment of coronary heart disease PDF
卷 330, 编号 5 (2009) Articles Surgical tactics in postinfarction aneurism of left ventricle, complicated by clot-endocarditis PDF
卷 330, 编号 5 (2009) Articles The 90th anniversary of Central Military Clinical hospital by P.V.Mandryka: periods of great way PDF
卷 330, 编号 7 (2009) Articles Diagnostika i lechenie asepticheskogo nekroza golovki bedrennoy kosti PDF
卷 330, 编号 10 (2009) Articles Osobennosti simpatiko-adrenalovoy aktivnosti u patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa pri arterial'noy gipertonii
卷 330, 编号 11 (2009) Articles Bezoperatsionnoe lechenie asepticheskogo nekroza golovki bedrennoy kosti
卷 330, 编号 11 (2009) Articles Osobennosti razvitiya mikrososudistykh oslozhneniy u patsientov s sakharnym diabetom 2 tipa i arterial'noy gipertoniey na razlichnoy protivodiabeticheskoy terapii
卷 338, 编号 4 (2017) Articles From the history of the buildings of the Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital PDF
卷 337, 编号 1 (2016) Articles Children’s department and child care institutions of the Central military hospital of People’s commissariat during the Great Patriotic War PDF
卷 336, 编号 9 (2015) Articles A new light on professional fitness expertise of patients with highly curable arrhythmia after hi-tech methods of treatment.
卷 335, 编号 5 (2014) Articles The Central Military Hospital of the People’s Commissariat for Defence during the Great Patriotic War
卷 335, 编号 4 (2014) Articles «1st Therapeutic Red Cross Hospital» during the Civil war PDF
卷 335, 编号 11 (2014) Articles Modern approaches to the formation of antidote stocks at medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries
卷 334, 编号 11 (2013) Articles About military medical examination of patients with paroxysmal supraventricular reciprocating tachycardia
卷 333, 编号 1 (2012) Articles Physician of «Obukhov school» (90 years of the birthday of Alexander Nikolayevich Senenko)
卷 330, 编号 3 (2009) Articles O tochnosti perkutornogo izmereniya vysoty pravoy doli pecheni u lits s ozhireniem
卷 331, 编号 9 (2010) Articles Pathogenetic aspects of hypertension in case of metabolic syndrome
卷 332, 编号 1 (2011) Articles Correction of the influence of clinostatic hypokinesis on encephalitic circulatory dynamics during the sleep in patients with hypertensive disease
卷 332, 编号 4 (2011) Articles The diagnosis of pain in the chest in medical and prophylactic facility
卷 332, 编号 3 (2011) Articles Diagnostika i lechenie spondilogennykh vistseropatiy
卷 332, 编号 4 (2011) Articles Lechenie bol'nykh so stabil'noy stenokardiey napryazheniya tsitoprotektorami
卷 332, 编号 6 (2011) Articles Clinico-instrumental characteristics of arterial hypertension, liable to the ishemic stroke
卷 332, 编号 7 (2011) Articles Alekseyu Petrovichu Golikovu - 90 let!
卷 340, 编号 5 (2019) Articles The P.V.Mandryka Central Military Clinical Hospital: a brief history
卷 340, 编号 5 (2019) Articles «Immortal regiment» - «Immortal medical battalion»: people and destinies in the history of the hospital
卷 340, 编号 10 (2019) Articles Yubilei
