Fermented milk with whey protein hydrolyzate

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Fermented milk containing whey protein hydrolyzate (WPH) with high degree of hydrolysis (about 60 %) has been developed. The milk base is a secondary raw milk material - buttermilk and skim milk containing complex of biologically active substances at minimal energy value. Whey protein hydrolyzate in the quantity 1-3 % of the milk mass weight does not effect taste and odour of the product. For fermentation with application of the WPH it is advisable to use in the starter base streptococcus thermophilus, and to form probiotic properties with bifidobacteria and acidophilus lactobacillus. As a results total lactic acid microorganisms number in all the samples considerably exceeded requirements of the normative documentation and should be not less that 107 cfu/g. The probiotic microorganisms number meets the requirements for enriches food products - not less that 109 cfu/g at the end of storage life at the WHP rate 2 %. The WPH showed lower effects on the consistency of test coagulum as compared with milk base. Whey prpotein hydrolysate considerably increases essential amino acids level. At the ratios skim milk:butter milk 6:4 and 7:3 the product can be considered to be a fortified one with some essential amino acids as far as one portion (200 g) of the product has not less that 15 % of the proper consumption level. Technological scheme for production of the fermented milk whith WPH has been developed.

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