Curds whey hydrolyzates for curds emulsion products

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The basic aspects of purposeful selection of proteolytic enzyme preparation type and dosage capable to work in acid medium conditions and possible usage of the received protein hydrolyzates in curds emulsion product receipt have been described in the article. The obtained samples of the curds products with protein hydrolyzate of curds whey (PHCW) possessed acceptable sensory properties depended on the introduced dose of enzyme preparation. The preconditions aimed to remove bitter taste relevant to PHCW aftertaste due to the dose introduced in the curds product have been created. Application of PHCW as partial replacement in curds product composition doesn't effect stability of the obtained emulsion systems and in some samples improves the structural-mechanical characteristics. Selection of the rational amount of PHCW introduced into the emulsion system makes it possible to improve its viscosity and thixotropic properties that in turn imparts the structure resistance against damaging effects and assures attractive appearance and pleasant consistency of the obtained curds product.

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