The on-line method of preparing cream for churning


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At preparation of cream for churning using spraying in vacuum on the first stage conditions of cream cooling in principle differ from the conditions of the thermomechanical methods of physical ripening known before. As far as the product goes for spraying at the temperature that is considerably higher than the boiling temperature at given vaccum and also because of the large surface of evaporation formed at dispersing some portion of moisture is intensively evaporated and as a result the product is instantly cooled to the temperature corresponding to the given vacuum. In the seconds stage further cooling of cream continues to the low positive temperatures together with intensive mechanical agitation that intensifies phase transformations of milk fat. Results of the study show that: • cream in vacuum is cooled quickly (practically instantly) and evenly in the whole mass. Milk fat becomes hard in separate fat globes in the same way as at cream preparation by traditional method; • at two-stage preparation of cream for churning using rapid cooling by spraying in the vacuum camera deeper changes of cream properties occur as compared with cream prepared at slow cooling and long holding (control). The level of fat hardening in cream prepared by new method is 44,2 %, and in the control the level is 42,7 %; • mechanical stirring of cooled cream intensifies phase transformation of fat and promotes complition of the process of cream preparation for churning; • the proposed method of preparing cream for churning is a further development and improvement of the dairy butter production by churning cream in the continuous apparatus.

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